misko on Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:47:25 +0100

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An open platform for transformation 
of society
The Meta Balkan Assembly is a 
Network of citizens, of various national and political backgrounds, that intends 
to achieve a Meta-Balkan platform, through concrete actions and effective bodies 
of co-operation. 
It is both a political movement and 
a political forum.
The Meta Balkan Assembly does not 
envision international, regional, and domestic politics, as a power game in 
which particular interests should be egotistically fought for, but rather as a 
relationship that overpasses the shortcomings of both national and international 
MBA is a meta-political body 
unburdened by traditional limitations. It recognizes that the problems in the 
region of the Balkans have deep and mutual dimensions and cannot be challenged 
successfully by a single country, institution, or individual. Therefore the 
Assembly will serve as a generating factor of the will for togetherness in the 
region and will engage in organizing initiatives, which overcome the confines of 
national and international, governmental and non-governmental, public or private 
MBA aims at creating a joint Balkan 
policy by means of reaching original solutions, for the diverse problems in 
politics, economics and finance, development, social policies, law, population 
and demographics, urban problems, industry and pollution, environmental policy 
and eco-systems, science, education, culture, health, food security, 
The Meta Balkan Assembly will in 
order to reach this goal urge synergic initiatives implementing the 
cross-platform of networking, full use and development of the human inner 
resources, and transformation powers.
MBA believes that experiences 
achieved by the interaction through this complex pattern of relationships will 
trigger a significant alteration of our cultures and societies leading to 
increased mental, emotional, and adaptation powers, necessary for the 
surmounting of the present state of affairs in the region. 

The Meta Balkan Assembly aims to 
serve in the transition period as a catalyst of ideas and projects. In practice 
the Meta Balkan Assembly is an organized power, operating on the Balkan and 
International scene, promoting series of campaigns, aimed at the changing of the 
political reality in the region. 
The Meta Balkan Assembly stresses 
campaigns on the following issues:
- Campaign of 
- Campaign of alertness 

- Campaign of uniqueness  
- Campaign of 
- Anti-prejudice 
- Anti-dictate 
- Campaign for society based on a 
completely free individual 
- Campaign of consciousness and 
personal growth
Membership of the Meta Balkan 
Assembly is open to everyone who is interested in contributing to it. Being a 
Network the movement has no central headquarters. Membership in the Meta Balkan 
Assembly is free. Members are not bound to discipline and are urged to express 
different views on any of the discussed matters. Members of the Assembly may as 
well join together to form different Meta Balkan Associations in order to 
achieve specific political or cultural aims. 
temporary URL: http://zayac.scca.org.mk/metaba/