integer on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 22:25:21 +0200 (CEST)

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[Syndicate] [ot] !nt] \n2+0\ zu!!!!!!!!!m

Chris Byrne <>

>Flight maneuvre or holding pattern?

to boldly go +?

>neu Syndicate - like neu Labour perhaps? Or neu ordn?ng?

like 01 desired other. 

>Is Syndicate '2x'? Who is the 'moderator'? 

the ocean.


takk - mais i = 01 explorer

>Fred Madre? 

Frederic Madre. ne - he isnt

>d u? 

moi +?

moi +?

quelle blague.

>Fred is 'xy' is he not?

Frederic Madre is a formidable xy. 
He isnt afraid of tall 2x rising out of the sea.
And you +?

>Best wishes for your neo-futurist dreams. 

quelle blague. i am a classical life form. 

>I wonder what kind of regime you
>will construct for this listserv? 

moi +?

moi +?

quelle blague.

>Perhaps it will be as tiresome as the one
>you have attempted to impose so far. We'll see.

Anna Balint + Claudia Westermann are rising out of the sea.
are you stretching forth or running away +?

>Another name suggestion to transform the dried out husk of what was
>Syndicate: 'autonomist'


>Or perhaps this does not reflect truly the 'interesting' tactics employed
>by the self-styled e-mail avant-gardists. 

Why don't you read the etiketa on my simply.EXPENSIVE clothing.

>nn/antiorp/m3ndf@k/integer can generate a name for this listserv via the
>algorithm which creates identity for it/he/she/they.

Anna Balint + Claudia Westermann are rising out of the sea.
Are you stretching forth or running away +?

[note marc garrett diving in the waves. it's good 2 su!!!!!!!!!!m]


Stretch forth. There are riches yet to be discovered.


NN - perplexed by the flight of kr!!!!!!ketz when 2x rises from the ocean ...
     dangerous mais ..... all embracing.

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
   n  r  .   5        !!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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