integer on Tue, 19 Jun 2001 05:47:49 +0200 (CEST)

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Syndicate: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

>Alexei Shulgin (notice the resemblance with Richard D. James aka Aphex
>                                             Twin :) gave a quite peculiar presentation: his presentation was mostly
>                                             concentrating on Netoschka Nezvanova, who was going to be the next
>                                             presenter. His point was to prove that there was nothing new or
>                                             interesting in what NN is doing, he showed a lot of examples to
>                                             demonstrate this (hmmm... if he thinks there's nothing new or
>                                             interesting about NN then why did he spend his whole presentation
>                                             talking about her? :).

due 2 Alexei Shulgin = 01 unatrakt!v [read: ultra.pop.tart.xy.1.d!menz!onl] .ru zna!l

>NN had brought a few dozen of snails with her - she sat down and placed
>them on top of her lap. Her presentation consisted of a text that she
>read while the snails were 'painting' trails on her dress.... 

non.non.non. dze zna!lz uear read!ng m! [z. look -
! uaz kr!ng

1001 ventuze

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
I am not Greta Garbo!!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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