integer on Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:35:59 +0200 (CEST)

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Syndicate: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0

>I agree, it's time to boot NN.  I've had enough.

dear plz blok d!sz okz!dent fasc!zt -
[dze uzual mezaj = juzt luvl!]
merc! beaucoup.

1001 zp!rale. nn

>-----Original Message-----
>From : =?iso-8859-1?B?S+Fyb2x5IFTzdGg=?= <>
>To : ?Andreas Broeckmann (E-mail)? <>; ?Integer (E-mail)? <>;
>Date : 12 June 2001 18:07:24
>Subject : Syndicate: spams by integer
>hoi andreas,>
>>i have at least 284 messages (monologs) (cca 4 MB) in my mailbox written by
>>the misterious ?integer?.
>>DISCIPLINE YUCKY BOO-BOO) Netochka Nezvanova from this list.
>>please: be the tide to go against.
>>it would be: a small step for a man (male, corporate) and a big leap for
>>mankind (social, org).
>>yours: karoly (corporate, male)
>>K?roly T?th
>>+31 (0)10 24 00 390
>>sent by  Netochka Nezvanova to the syndicate list
>>[01 fragment ov dze nn prezentation at sonar.01]
>>>From: Andreas Broeckmann
>>To: Netochka Nezvanova
>>>your compulsion to comment on everything, respond to everything, forward
>>>everything, say everything, is boring, not only for me. i get things like:
>>>>Subject: Syndicte_spam
>>>>Dear Andreas
>>>>Who is this ? that is spamming syndicate-it
>>>>really makes the list bad.
>>>strange to think that a single multiple like you can force a whole group to
>>>migrate just because they are bullied out of the open hose that they have
>>>created for themselves and others.
>>>i don't understand you. you have a clear sense of what you are doing to the
>>>lists on a social level and yet you insist on artistic autism for your own
>>>maybe you can explain to me, again?
>>>you know that i am genuinely concerned, like i was a few years ago when we
>>>decided to unsubscribe you in order not to drown in messages and
>>there is no god walking in this garden
>>a boundary is defined by exclusion
>>fourteen month old human babies aren't bothered by breaches of propriety.
>>nineteen month old human babies point an accusing finger at the tiniest
>>flaw: a hole in clothes,
>>a chip in the paint, a spot of dirt on the wall, or most important, the
>>`bad` behaviour of others.
>>they are incensed when things are `yucky`, `broken`, `boo-boo`, and `dirty`.
>>in short, at less than 2 years old toddlers already show not just the
>>instincts that patrol conformity within
>>themselves, but the weapons which will help them impose it on others.
>>older children become far more aggressive enforcers of conformity.
>>as long ago as 1992, 21 percent of british schoolchildren had been teased,
>>bullied, hit or kicked by fellow students.
>>it japan, it is often the teacher who leads the pack.
>>things are not that different in the modern artistic community.
>>when artists present works that contradict the tenets of established
>>organizations' creed,
>>they are not praised for the objektivity of their work, but punished for
>>their heresy.
>>they are derided, their works and papers rejected by galleries and journals;
>>they are excluded from key symposia - all an indirect way of forcing them to
>>a similar mechanism of repression is at work in every discipline i know.
>>the lesson taught: to go against the tide is suicide.
>>colour is a construction of the brain. there arent any colours in the
>>`outside` world.
>>newton knew this - ?rays, to speak properly, have no colour. in them there
>>is nothing else
>>than a certain power and disposition to stir up a sensation of this colour
>>or that?
>>one of the most engaging puzzlez of a very puzzling art.
>>this is sharply emphasized by the delight of every spektator
>>who is succesful in solving the puzzle by finding in these enigmatic
>>stories some sort of tangible, pictorial justification of the title appended
>>thereto - nn ...
>>1001 venztuze. nn - simply.SUPERIOR
>>                                            pre.konssept!*n
>>                                                  meeTz ver!f1kat!*n.
>>  -
>>  Netochka Nezvanova    -  your body may be monitored 4|4|4 quality control
>>  17.hzV.tRL.478
>>                                                      e
>>                                                      |
>>                                                       |  +----------
>>                                                      |  |     <
>>                                     \\----------------+  |  n2t^P
>>                                                         |
>>                                                         e

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