integer on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 08:20:20 +0100 (CET)

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Syndicate: \/\ molekulr tueezerz 4 01 global membrane

"What's in a name?" asks Juliet.
"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

Cratylus disagrees [He is a creationist and believes that 
"a power greater than `man` assigned the first names to things"]:

     "There is a correctness of name  existing by nature for everything: 
      a name is not simply that which a number of people jointly agree to 
      call a thing"

Plato states via Hermogenes: "Nothing has its name by nature, but only 
                              by usage and custom"

An American woman in the throes of labor overheard what seemed to her
as the most beautiful word in the English language and thus entitled
her newborn daughter - Meconium.

>I read you listen. 
>komfortable +?
>Russian dolls       - you are acquainted with yes +?
>Russian nesting dolls have always fascinated.
>As I take apart each outer doll, I await expectantly to see
>if there is yet a smaller doll within.


nn typed 

                we are water - du bist terra. we inundate.

altzo ____...

Water is a common but most unusual liquid.

Water molecules typically form hydrogen bonds with four neighbors
and the liquid exhibits an open, loosely packed structure. This
contrasts the approx 12 neighbors and denser structures in an 
atomic liquid.

Errington and Debenedetti discuss a possible link between structural order 
and anomalous behaviour in liquid water.  They show that the regions of peculiar
diffusivity and density are nested like Russian dolls within the region of structural 
anomaly. i.e. water, unlike normal liquids has structural anomalies that occur over 
the broadest range of temperatures and densities, within which are found the 
diffusivity and density anomalies.

and ____...

Carl Gustav Jung has said; "Sometimes it seems as if self-knowledge brought about the
union, sometimes as if the chemical process were the efficient cause"

        surely this is a great part of our dignity __... that we can
        understand. and through us matter can understand itself; that
        beginning with protons and electrons. out of the womb of time +
        the vastness of space [that space which lies between us] we can begin
        to know what to observe and where to act - to understand; that organized
        as in us - the hydrogen. the carbon. the nitrogen. the oxygen. those
        16 to 21 elements. the water. the sunlight - all having become us
        can understand what they are and how they came to be.

Our bodies are communities of individual molecules each scurrying about 
performing a designated task [syntactic] thus ensuring the well being of
the society as a whole. Individual molecules aren't driven by an autonomous 
consciousness but by the principles of chemistry.

        nn wrote : is it pleasure which mobilizez us +?
        01 wrote : i certainly wouldn't do that if i wasn't experiencing pleasure!

Protein-based enzymes are the highly selective catalysts of our biologies.
That is, it is imperative that a body's molecular laborers are very choosy.
They must entangle with specific others + only = molecular recognition.

It is the DNA molecule which supplies the preprogramming 
informing a protein how to exhibit molecular recognition.

Lets continue - quantum mechanics ____...

According to the classical viewpoint, an electron
orbiting a nucleus should radiate energie constantly until the orbit can
no longer be sustained and the electron spirals in the nucleus. 

In 1902 Max Planck set the stage for the neu+improved Weltanschuung of 
quantum teorie by hypothesizing that a hot body radiates energy only in 
discrete packets - quanta. 

In 1913 Niles Bohr adopted Max Planck's idea of energie quantization
and suggested that electrons were restricted to specific orbits, each at
a well defined distance from the nucleus. i.e. while it was in orbit an 
electron's energie remained at a fixed value. 

In Bohr's atom model the electron trajectories were still pictured as 
circular orbits. It was Werner Heisenberg who in 1920 demonstrated that 
quantum teorie would prevent particles at this scale to follow line-like
trajektories. Rather they resemble clouds of smeared-out charge surrounding 
the nucleus so that one is prevented from knowing both their exact 
position _and momentum = Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. We can
measure one property or the other as accurately as we like; but as this 
accuracy increases, the uncertainty with which we can know the value of 
the other property increases as well.


In the Odyssey, Odysseus had to sail between Scylla and Charybdis 
- a monster and a whirlpool.  Successful avoidance of one meant a 
fateful encounter with the other.

Pirouette into NN Principle.

To avoid misleading classical connotations these clouds were entitled orbitals.  

The shape of the orbitals are dependent on the energy levels of an atom.
The 1st two, the s orbitals are spherical. The 3rd, p orbitals, are shaped
like a dumbbell. Most orbitals with higher energies have shapes that are larger
versions of the 1st 3 while others have more complicated shapes.

The electron orbitals come in families or shells resembling Russian dolls.
The 1st shell contains 1 s orbital - 1s. the 2nd shell has one spherical orbital
[2s] and 3 p orbitals [2p's] arranged at right angles to each other. The 3rd shell 
has 1 s orbital [3s], 3 p orbitals [3p] and 5 d orbitals [3d] an so on.
Each successive shell comprises all the orbital types of the previous shell + 
a new group of orbitals that the prev shell does not posses. The energy of 
the electron depends both on the shell in which its orbital lies and on 
the nature of the orbital - whether it is an s orbital, a p orbital, d orbital etc.

romanticism = 01 kolonial disease

venl!g h!lsen.

        order hier. experiment elsewhere.
        automation + purifikation - just.1.!blink


        Irena Sabine Czubera
                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t      
                                                       |       >

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