Geneva J. Anderson on Wed, 28 Jun 2000 14:57:10 -0700

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Syndicate: Media Law Passed in Kosovo / Dita..

This article recently appeared in Central Europe Review 
( ).  I 
also attach a subsequent link
to OSCE Kosovo mission news (28 June, 2000) on the
law's subsequent implementation as regards Dita. 
Geneva Anderson

Media Law Passed by Kosovo Administration (Lazar 
On 16 June, the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo 
signed into law an act that will regulate the province's media.
The OSCE prepared the law following the murder of Petar Topoljski, 
a UN worker of Serb ethnicity. Two weeks prior to his murder, the Albanian 

daily Dita published an article alleging Topoljski was a member of a 
paramilitary unit.
Two regulations which fundamentally affect Kosovo's media have been 
signed by the Special Representative of the Secretary General, 
Dr Bernard Kouchner. One provision deals with licensing the broadcast 
media, while the second regulates the conduct of the print media.
"This, and the temporary code of conduct developed for print media, 
will do much to shape the development of Kosovo's media,"said Douglas 

Davidson, Director of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo's media affairs 
Under the provisions, a Temporary Media Commissioner (TMC) will 
establish the criteria and the procedures for issuing broadcast licenses. 

The TM will be in the post until an Interim Media Commission, consisting 
of a majority of Kosovar members, is established.
In applying for and receiving a license, broadcasters agree to abide by a 

Broadcast Code of Conduct which will set standards for Kosovo's television 
and radio.
Provisions for the conduct of the print media are specific measures aimed to 
with the unique situation in Kosovo, and will serve as temporary measures 
effective self-regulation takes root in the print sector.
The TMC will issue a temporary code of conduct demanding that Kosovo's 
journalists behave responsibly and act in a way consistent with the Universal 

Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.
In both sets of regulations, media are barred from publishing identifying 
that would pose a threat to a person's life.
Violators who breach the terms and conditions of the codes of conduct could 

face sanctions which range in severity from the forced retraction of the 
offending material, to fines of up to DEM 100,000 [USD 48,000] and, 
to the closing down of the violator's operation. (This article originally 
in Central Europe Review ( )
*re Implementation....see 28 June article on Dita 
in --- ;