Station Rose on 29 Mar 2001 16:31:34 -0000

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[rohrpost] Webcast 136 with topic "Leitmotif" + Spring-Tour

STATION ROSE STReaming-Fahrplan:

  dear Gunafa Netizen,

here is the new Fahrplan plus the Spring-Tour Schedule:

1.0 -  NetSTReam - Webcast 136 with topic "Leitmotif"
2.0 - Station Rose Live audio-visual performances/live STReams
3.0 - announcing: Station Rose WEBCAST LOUNGE
4.0 - Webcast135 - LIPS on demand

1.0  NetSTReam - Webcast 136 with topic "Leitmotif"
tonight WED/29.3.01, 9pm CET

topic:  "Leitmotiv"   incl. live rehearsal for coming  performances

content: developing the artwork, the whole installation, as well as the
curating for the forthcoming  project: "Station Rose Webcast-Lounge"
at Art Frankfurt.
Step by step the "Leitmotif" appears. Because our Spring-Tour is
happening before, the leitmotiv can be found in a new
audio-visual composition with the title "Smoother than Strange".
extra: this track can be found on Mille Plateauxīs new compilation
"Clicks & Cuts2" as an audio-track as well.
Coming back to the Webcast-Lounge:
Station Rose will create & present a unique art-production,
with prints on cloth and more. The stills used for that are frozen
moments from the MIDI-Leitmotif. The limited art-edition
can be bought at the art fair.
extra 1:  Station Rose will act as artists & curators: besides the artwork
for the installation there will be a list of interesting net art/webcast
projects presented there. Some artists will  be invited into the
installation, others will participate online. More soon.

2.0 - Station Rose Live audio-visual performances/live STReams at:

(2.1) v-stream21, Linz Austria
Festival on Visionary Broadcast
Fri., 30.03.01, 6:30 p.m. CET: lecture on STReaming
Sat., 31.3.01, around midnight: LIVE-performance
Kunstuniversitaet Linz, Peter-Behrens-Haus, Tabakwerke
Untere Donaulaende 74, A-4020  Linz
details and live STReam:

(2.2) t-u-b-e, Munich, Germany
Thu., 05.04.01
Get details at
t-u-b-e, EINSTEIN Kulturzentrum
Einsteinstrasse 42, Munich
live STReam:

(2.3) Bayerischer Rundfunk, "Taktlos"
Fri., 06.04.01, 8 p.m. CET
Get details at

(2.4) Mousonturm Frankfurt
Sat., 07.04.01
Hans Romanov presents:
audio-visual performance by Station Rose
plus presentation of the book "private://public"
dj: move d
Waldschmidtstrasse 4
live STReam: 11p.m. CET at
and at Radio X: 101,4 MHz, Kabel 99.85 (Frankfurt)

3.0 - announcer: Station Rose WEBCAST LOUNGE
at Art Frankfurt 27.04.-01.05.01
Get details at
more as it happens.

4.0 - Webcast135 - LIPS on demand:

stay with us & donīt go away!

      "Cyberspace is Our Land!"


             station rose   03-2001

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