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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: [oberlist] MD* SPACES: AUTOPCITY â un/a film de/by Ètefan RUSU, 14.05.2015, 18:30

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Subject: [oberlist] MD* SPACES: AUTOPCITY â un/a film de/by Ètefan RUSU, 14.05.2015, 18:30
Date: 2015-05-11 22:32
From: Vladimir US <vladimir@oberliht.org.md>
To: oberlist@lists.idash.org
Reply-To: "cultura tinerilor, arta, politici culturale / youth culture, art & cultural policies" <oberlist@lists.idash.org>

https://chisineu.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/autopcity/ [2]

â â â scroll down for English â â â

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un film de ÈTEFAN RUSU
editare imagine Èi sunet: DENISÂBARTENEV
HD, 73â, 2015

14 MAI 2015, ORA 18:30
Tipografia 5 (str. Vlaicu PÃrcÄlab 45)

Filmul este un documentar investigativ ce explorÄ un oraÈ Ãn derivÄ.
ÃmpreunÄ cu un grup de cercetÄtori, teoreticieni, arhitecÈi,
sociologi, activiÈti urbani Èi artiÈti vizuali am investigat
procesele de transformare Èi planificare urbanÄ, care au avut loc Ãn
oraÈ Ãnainte Èi dupÄ proclamarea IndependenÈei Ãn 1991. De-a
lungul acestui parcurs ne-au preocupat efectele negative pe care le-ar
avea de suferit partea de jos a oraÈului vechi Ãn urma construcÈiei
bulevardului Cantemir, conceput Ãn perioada socialistÄ de echipa
arhitectului A. Èciusev Èi reactualizat Ãn planul urbanistic general
(PUG) din 2007.

AstÄzi se simte tot mai acut nevoia de revendicare a spaÈiilor
publice, care sunt lÄsate sÄ degradeze pentru a fi scoase din domeniul
public Èi ulterior privatizate. Societatea civilÄ, activiÈtii urbani
Èi comunitatea artisticÄ s-au implicat Ãn apÄrarea spaÈiilor aflate
Ãn paraginÄ, revendicÃnd unele din aceste spaÈii cum este scuarului
Kentford Èi scuarul Europei din GrÄdina PublicÄ Ètefan cel Mare, Ãn
timp ce altele se aflÄ Ãn litigiu (ruina primei PoÈte a oraÈului).

Nucleul vechi al oraÈului, ce include clÄdiri de patrimoniu,
strÄduÈe, intersecÈii cu mici pieÈe Èi scuaruri, riscÄ sÄ fie
afectat de noul plan de dezvoltare urbanÄ. IntervenÈiile creative
realizate in extremis de comunitatea artisticÄ Ãn aceste spaÈii Èi
acÈiunile de revitalizare a parcului Zaikin Ãntreprinse de societatea
civilÄ cu ajutorul locuitorilor, pot trece drept solutii tactice de
apÄrare a aceastei zone, a texturii sociale Èi identitÄÈii urbane.

Filmul a fost produs de AsociaÈia Oberliht Ãn cadrul proiectului
SPACES al UE Èi a beneficiat de susÈinerea financiarÄ a FundaÈiei
Culturale Europene. Acest eveniment este organizat Ãn cadrul
Festivalului InternaÈional de Film Documentar CRONOGRAF (ediÈia a


â â â â â


a film by STEFAN RUSU
image & sound editor: DENISÂBARTENEV
HD, 73â, 2015

MAY 14, 2015, 6:30 PM
Tipografia 5 (45 Vlaicu Parcalab str.)

The film is an investigative documentary that explores a city in
decline. Along with a number of researchers: architects, sociologists,
urban activists and visual artists we have investigated the processes of
transformation and urban planning which took place in Chisinau in the
socialist period and during the independence adopted in 1991. Throughout
this journey we have been concerned about the negative effects that the
Old Town would suffer from the construction of Cantemir Blvd., which was
planned right after World War II by the collective of architects headed
by Alexey Shchusev and never realizedâbut suddenly reappeared in the
new master plan (PUG) approved by municipality in 2007.

Today it seems more urgent then ever to reclaim the public spaces that
have been intentionally neglected, so that they can be eventually
removed from public domain and privatized. Some of these spaces have
been regained by urban activists, such as Kentford Square and Europe
Square from Stefan cel Mare Park, whereas some are still disputed
(including the ruins of Old Post Office).

The old city core, including heritage buildings, streets, intersections
and squares with small markets, are in danger of being affected by the
new development plan. Urban interventions realised by the art community
in these areas and the revitalization of Zaikin Park undertaken by civic
initiatives with the help of local inhabitants have offered viable
solutions for protecting the area, the local social fabric and identity
of the city.

The film was produced by Oberliht Association within the EU project
SPACES and was financially supported by the European Cultural
Foundation. This event is organized in the frame of International
Documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF (12th edition).

Vladimir US

CHIOSC | curator

http://chiosc.oberliht.com [4]
http://plic.oberliht.com [5]
http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/ [6]
http://chisineu.wordpress.com [7]
http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com [8]
https://chisinaulcivic.crowdmap.com/ [9]
http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht [10]

Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org [11]

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
http://oberliht.com [12]

tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317
email: vladimir@oberliht.org.md
. . . . . . . . . . .
https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist [13]
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

[1] https://chisineu.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/web_autopcity_still.jpg
[2] https://chisineu.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/autopcity/
[3] https://chisineu.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/web_autopcity_still1.jpg
[4] http://chiosc.oberliht.com
[5] http://plic.oberliht.com
[6] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/
[7] http://chisineu.wordpress.com
[8] http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com
[9] https://chisinaulcivic.crowdmap.com/
[10] http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht
[11] http://www.eurocult.org
[12] http://oberliht.com
[13] https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist

oberlist mailing list

Oberliht, Young Artists Association
. . . . . . . . . . .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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