carmen iovitu on Thu, 3 Jul 2014 20:31:10 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fw: international call for artistic residence in Italy - Museum Pino Pascali


Dear friends and collegue,

TheÂPino Pascali Foundation, in collaboration with the municipalities of Polignano, Conversano (leader), Mola di Bari, Rutigliano, promouted the first edition of the international competition Movingart&Openspace for artistic residencies with offices in Puglia. The competition is inserted in the actionÂ"Simultaneously"Âin the context of multi-year projectÂSAC "Mari tra le Mura: Nel Blu dipinto di Puglia", funded by Puglia Region in the PO FESR PUGLIA 2007-13 Asse IV âPromotion of natural resources and cultural attractiveness and development".ÂThe competition is realized with the title and the technical assistance of the Pino Pascali Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art
The residences will be held in the prestigious location set within the historical centers of the municipalities of Polignano, Conversano, Mola di Bari and Rutigliano in the period from theÂ21th ÂOctober to 21th November 2014.
The announcement is open to Italian and foreign artists (also resident in Italy) aged betweenÂ23 and 35Âwho know at least one of the two official languages ââof residence:ÂItalian and English.
Participation is open to those working in the field of visual arts without any distinction of languages ââor techniques.
We would be very pleased and grateful if you could tell to the artists that you trust about this opportunity and spread the word.
Thank you so much in advance,
Kindest Regards,
Santa Nastro
Fondazione Pino Pascali Museo d'Arte Contemporanea

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