| f | | | 3 on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 23:12:45 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] Ce vreti de la ministrul prostitutiei?

"PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine]"  
incep sa ma satur de toti frustratii inutili de pe lista. ia matale si
cauta legea si vezi cum se pedepseste ce faci.
si cauta asociatiile tale prietene si daca nu cumva le finanteaza
erste bank. si daca da, atunci esti in lipsa de argumente.
nu te stradui sa ne jignesti in continuare, nu mai raspundem.
doar atit: stiu numele, adresa ta etc.
fiecare trebuie sa raspunda in
fata legii pentru calomnie.

Dear Corporate Prostituati,

If what we consider a self evident truth 'va jigneste' you may want to adjust your life style accordingly.
So long as the corrupt politicians you pretend to criticize, Pilsner  
Urquell and Banks are your pimps
you are open to the designation of korporat prostitutes.

You should be proud of what you do, rather than obfuscate it with neo- legitimate-communist veils.
Simple as that.

Unfortunately your entire thought pattern is emblematic of the misery and corruption of contemporary Romania. In other words - complete and utter unconsciousness, absolute denial of any personal responsibility, complete and utter credulity in the perpetual progress promulgated by the west and absolute denial of the sea of complete FILTH and PROSTITUTION which is contemporary Romania - AT ALL LEVELS.

We told you before . and we repeat ... tekkno muzik -

We suggest you change the manner in which you conduct your 'art'.
Absent that, we will continue to criticize your corporate prostitution, much as you criticize your corporate pimps.

\\  ZukcIT+c - pro:GRESS is in:EVITABLE

ps:   re:   "doar atit: stiu numele, adresa ta etc."

You may wish to consult the law before you issue idle threats,
because you can be sued for such threats.

Trying to help you overcome the contemporary Romanian predilection for utter rubbish.

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