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[Nettime-ro] Violations of the right to access to information and attacks on journalists

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, US Vladimir <us_v@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: US Vladimir <us_v@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Oberlist] MD* media: violations of the right to access to information and attacks on journalists
To: oberlist@idash.org
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 3:08 PM

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09.04.09/ Declaration of media NGOs from Moldova on the
situation of the press, violations of the right to access to information and
attacks on journalists. 


Media NGOs are expressing serious concern about the recent
deterioration of the media situation in Moldova, violations against the public
right to access information and recent incidences of journalists' harassment by
law enforcement officials. 


Several reporters from the investigative newspaper
"Ziarul de Garda," were harassed by police officers on the evening of
April 8, 2009. The journalists' arms were physically assaulted and were told
that their cameras would be destroyed. On the same day, while doing his job,
Oleg Brega, a cameraman for the Internet news channel Jurnal TV, was beaten by
several individuals wearing plain clothes who then seized two of his video
cameras. Ziarul de Garda and Jurnal TV have gathered evidence from both
incidents which could identify the perpetrators, and are willing to provide
this evidence to law enforcement officials.  


On Thursday, April 9, the social networking websites,
Facebook.com and Odnoklassniki.ru were blocked for users in Moldova. The day
before, administrators discovered that the server of the information portal
Unimedia.md had been attacked several times. A number of online resources have
been blocked for Moldovan users over the past 3 days. TV stations Realitatea TV
and TVR 1 have been taken off the list of cable operators in Moldova. These
stations disappeared on Tuesday night, at around 21.00. Cable operators have
cited technical difficulties as the cause, but the rebroadcasting have yet to
be restored. Consequently, Moldovans are being denied access to vital
international sources of information.  


The signatory organizations contributing to this statement
vehemently protest the attacks made on working journalists by Moldovan law
enforcement officials and demand an immediate end to these abusive and illegal
practices. The victims' cases should be thoroughly investigated and those
responsible for the attacks must be brought to justice. 


In support of the constitutional right to access to information
for all citizens through media, the signatory organizations call upon Moldovan
authorities to ensure media freedom under the obligations incumbent to a member
of the Council of Europe and to facilitate the public's access to information. 


Independent Journalism Center 

Association of Independent Press 

Investigative Journalism Center 

Young Journalist Center of Moldova 

Union of Journalists of Moldova 

Broadcast Media Association 

"Acees-info" Center 


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 




Declaration of media organizations on the restriction of
free movement of journalists 


08.04.09/ Media organizations are protesting against the
interdiction to entry Moldova for journalists coming to cover the events in ChiÅinÄu. 


On 7 April, at least 18 journalists who were traveling from
Romania to ChiÅinÄu were stopped and returned from their way at the customs
points GalaÅi-GiurgiuleÅti and Oancea-Cahul, according to the Romanian Media
Monitoring Agency - ActiveWatch and Romanian Center for Investigative
Journalism. Moldovan customs officers claimed a breakdown in their computer
system and requested a number of documents from journalists, such as written invitations,
special healthcare insurances, media accreditations from the Moldovan Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. According to current regulations
EU citizens need only their passport to cross the border from Romania to


The journalists represented the agencies Associated Press,
EPA, France Press, Intact Images, NewsIn, Mediafax, Reuters, the newspapers
Evenimentul Zilei, Jurnalul NaÅional, Ziua and the TV station Realitatea TV. 


Media organizations are concerned about the Moldovan
authorities' actions aimed at restricting the free movement of journalists and
call on them to observe the obligations undertaken by Moldova upon signing
European treaties and conventions. 


We call on the Moldovan authorities to stop restricting human
rights, and namely, the right to free expression and access to information as
well as the right to the free movement of individuals.  


According to the national legislation, foreign journalists
need accreditation only to have access to official information and only if they
wish to be accredited as permanent correspondents in Moldova.  


The authorities must facilitate the journalists' access to
the important events happening in Moldova in order to inform objectively the
international public opinion.  


Independent Journalism Center 

Association of Independent Press 

Investigative Journalism Center 

"Acces-info" Center 

Young Journalist Center of Moldova 

Union of Journalists of Moldova 

Broadcast Media Association 



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Vladimir Us
artist & curator

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