Calin Dan on Tue, 1 Mar 2005 13:11:31 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Jan van Eyck Academie: Call for applications

Jan van Eyck Academie
Post-academic Institute for Research and Production
Fine Art, Design, Theory

Call for applications
Deadline: 15 April 2005

Our apologies for cross-listing.

The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production
in the fields of Fine Art, Design and Theory, based in Maastricht, in
the south of the Netherlands. The academy invites artists, designers
and theoreticians to submit research or production proposals. In
order to realise these projects, the academy offers the necessary
made-to-measure artistic, technical and auxiliary preconditions and
develops contacts with external partners.

Research, production, presentation, discussion
The Jan van Eyck Academie offers space and time to let go of
predetermined processes and to explore new inroads which may lead to
unexpected results: unconventional productions, such as temporary
projects in the public arena, fictional designs or speculative
thought experiments. This experimental attitude towards research and
production implies that the academy is not led by predetermined
leitmotivs. The subject matters of the various research projects of
its international artists, designers and theoreticians are
heterogeneous (see examples below).
These miscellaneous projects form the basis for several events which
are organized each week: presentations, discussions, lectures,
seminars, screenings, exhibitions,S External interested parties are
welcome to attend these activities. The result is a dynamic and
critical exchange between the different agents from within and
outside of the Jan van Eyck.

Artists, designers and theoreticians who submitted a project proposal
and were subsequently selected become researchers at the Jan van
Eyck. In order to realise their projects researchers have their own
studios, receive a grant and can make use of the facilities: the
library, the documentation centre, various workshops (wood and other
materials; graphic techniques; photography; digital text and image
processing and editing; time-based media) and the production bureau
(assistance with print work, editing and all other productions). They
can also appeal to the institute for pr assistance relating to their
projects or for the distribution of their productions.
The researchers can furthermore call upon the support of artistic
advisors: the advising researchers. The following advising
researchers are active in the Jan van Eyck Academie: Orla Barry,
Norman Bryson, Sabeth Buchmann, Wim Cuyvers, Helmut Draxler, Stephan
Geene, Marc De Kesel, Jouke Kleerebezem, Aglaia Konrad, Eva Meyer,
John Murphy, Hinrich Sachs, Filiep Tacq, Daniël van der Velden and
Annelys de Vet.

Artists, designers and theoreticians who wish to apply for a one or
two year research period, starting in January 2006, can send in their
research proposal before 15 April 2005. See for application details

More information
More information on the Jan van Eyck Academie in general or about
research projects and productions is available at
For practical questions concerning the application procedure, please
contact: Leon Westenberg (
For content-related questions please contact: Kim Thehu

Current research projects and productions (selection)

Collective projects
Research proposals can also be submitted within the framework of the
following projects.
- 'Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique' - Research platform
that does not consider Lacanian theory as a dogmatic closed system,
but as an open set of tools helping to form a critical look on
current (post-)modern culture. More info:
- 'Film and bio-politic' - The impact of the avant-garde notion
of life on 20th century art and film is being researched along the
lines of bio-political categories. Does film participate in the
'paradigm of production of life'? And is film, then, reproductive,
even simulative, or rather productive? More info:
- 'On the television work of Jef Cornelis' - Research on the
television films on fine art, architecture and literature of Flemish
film maker Jef Cornelis. Attention will be paid to the special
stylistic properties of his works, the unique documentary value of
his films, the exceptional production conditions and the problems of
representation of art on television in general. More info:
- 'The tomorrow book. Navigating to, within and beyond the
book' - The future of the book will be researched from a
multi-disciplinary standpoint: editing, typography, book design,
publishing and distribution. More info:
- 'UbiScribe' - The research project and on-line publication
platform investigates authoring and publishing in the age of
personalization. Its aim is to build a research catalogue and body of
publications. More info:

Fine art
- Nikolaus Gansterer (AT) - Research and reconstruction of
processes within cultural communication and social networks. Or how
is the diagrammatic view developed and used in contemporary science
and theory?
- Will Kwan (CA) - Research on the matrix of social assistance
agencies, community associations and public institutions that
structure the lives of individuals living in Maastricht and tracking
its connections to the global infrastructure of contemporary
- Stefanie Seibold (DE) - By exploring the means and
possibilities of performance, alternative spaces are created which
allow for a narration of different (sexual and gender) identities.
- Inga Zimprich (DK) - Think tank. Research into the parallels
between open-source programming and social and artistic collaborative

- Min Choi & Sulki Choi (KR) - Compiling an anthology of
writings, which investigates the complex aspects of 'information
design' - the design of charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps.
- Tina Clausmeyer (DE) - Mapping conspiratorial spaces. A
network analysis of surveillance patterns and visualization of
Stasi's secret meeting places from 1980-89 in the former GDR.
- Vinca Kruk (NL) - Developing a historical approach to
identity design by, among other things, designing a visual identity
for companies or organizations which no longer exist.
- Ingrid Stojnic (HR) - Development of a web dictionary for
Chinese language. Research deals with organizing and classifying
data, visualizing words in their context and developing an adequate,
intuitive and user-friendly interface.

- Stéphanie Benzaquen (FR): Documenting, visualizing and
contextualizing mass murders by investigating its representations in
culture, realms of memory, news media, academic essays and official
- Gideon Boie & Matthias Pauwels (BE) - The open city, or the
urban logic of post-capitalism. The contradictions of the ideological
construct of the 'open city' are revealed by analysing several
concrete 'third-way' solutions for the outcasts of the European
- Jonathan Dronsfield (GB) - How, if at all, has contemporary
art taken an 'ethical turn'? What is at stake when contemporary
artists, theoreticians and curators appeal to the ethical as a
justification or rationale or premise or aim of their work?
- Ils Huygens (BE) - By critically analyzing contemporary
theories on haptic vision, tactility and Deleuzian sensation, a
creative film-philosophical model will be established for analyzing
emotional and sensational aspects of cinematic experience.

Please send this message to whoever you think will be interested.

Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM  Maastricht
The Netherlands
t  +31 (0)43 350 37 37
f  +31 (0)43 350 37 99

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