vladimir bulat on Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:10:04 +0100 (CET)

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Dear colleagues,

You can find attached a Call for Proposals for the Documentary workshop
that will take place in the frame of the new documentary festival -

More about the workshop below.

More about the festival at:


Hope to see you in Zagreb.

Nenad Puhovski, festival program director
Dana Budisavljevic, festival executive director
Una Bauer, workshop coordinator


Call for proposals

Workshop for documentary film projects

In the framework of the documentary film festival ZagrebDox that will take
place in Zagreb, from 22 till 26th of February 2005, a documentary film
workshop will be organized. This workshop will enable participants to
formulate project proposals in according to the criteria of European grant
giving institutions and foundations. Film directors /students or producers/
students of production are eligible to apply.

Tutors of theworkshop will be: 

Mr. Tue Steen Müller, European Documentary Network, director, Denmark

Prof. Nenad Puhovski, FACTUM, director, Croatia

Ms. Sabine Bubeck, ZDF/ARTE, documentary program editor, Germany

Ms. Rada Sesic, Jan Vrijman Fund, Holland

Mr. Heino Deckert, Deckert Distribution, Germany

Apart from the lectures by invited experts on the situation in Europe
regarding documentary film production, a substantial part of the workshop
will be dedicated to the analysis of the work of the selected applicants
and their project proposals.

Applicants from following countries are eligible to apply: Albania, Bosnia
& Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia &
Montenegro and Slovenia.

Considering the intensive and individual work that the workshop is based
on, only 12 active participants (participants with the project proposal)
will be selected to take part.

The workshop will engage a certain number of observers (participants
without the project proposal or applicants that did not qualify as active

Working language is English. 

The organizers will cover food, accomodation and travel costs for the
selected active participants, as well as the entrance to all film
projections during the festival.

Applicants should send a 2 page summary of their project + a short CV, in
English, by email or post so that it arrives by 5.1.2005.

Selected participants will be notified by 20.1.2005.

Applicants that were not selected can qualify to participate in the
workshop as observers.

Applications should be sent to:

Una Bauer


Centre for drama art

Prilaz Gjure Dezelica 26

10 000 Zagreb

phone: +385 1 48 46 176

fax: +385 1 48 46 180



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