razvan_ion on Tue, 24 Aug 2004 16:45:26 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] eugen radescu_exhibition |
Eugen Radescu me_series | digital works 10 - 25 September 2004 curators: Dana Altman (New York) & Vladimir Bulat (Bucharest) opening 10 September 2004 : 19.00 MLR Galleries [Muzeul Literaturii Romane] Bd. Dacia nr. 12, Bucharest open tue-sun 10.00-17.00 ________________________________________ www.eradescu.com www.artphoto.ro This project is part of artphoto curatorial projects. _______________ "Eugen Radescu on his quest for personal identity disguises himself in a multitude of hypostases, which hide or reveal various facets of his real and fictitious existence. Chameleonic by definition, because he can assume a diversity of parts to express different attitudes, he directs us toward a different universe than the objective one. His new series, openly entitled Me_Series, explores the obsessive world of his intimate phantasms." Dana Altman, in artphoto magazine "Eugen Radescu în cautarea propriei identitati se travesteste într-o multitudine de ipostaze, care ascund sau revela o varietate de fatete ale existentei sale reale si fictive. Prin definitie o natura cameleonica, tocmai pentru ca îsi asuma diverse roluri pentru a exprima atitudini variate, el ne directioneaza spre un alt univers decît cel obiectiv. Noua sa serie, intitulata deschis Me_Series, exploreaza lumea obsesiva a fantasmelor sale intime." Dana Altman, in artphoto magazine _____________________ Born in Romania, in 1978. Artist, curator and publisher. He exhibited in Australia, Slovenia, Thailand and Romania. He curated in Slovenia. Co-Editor of artphoto magazine, since 2001. He was writing texts for magazines like artphoto, Live, Asymetria, ART-hoc, Map. Lives in Bucharest. Member of nix group with Razvan Ion. ______________________ CATALOGUE AVAILABLE 8 pages, full colour, including essay by Dana Altman and Vladimir Bulat. Includes images of Eugen Radescu's work. Published by artphoto in an limited edition of 300. 11.5 cm. x 18.5 cm. The catalogue include a post card signed and numbered by the artist. The catalogue will be available at the opening and by order at artphoto@pcnet.ro ____________________________ ORGANIZED BY: artphoto & gav|balkanski.proiect contemporary art magazine ____________________________ MEDIA PARTNERS: ART-hoc art magazine B24 FUN __________________________________ Special thanks to: Razvan Ion, Dana Altman, Vladimir Bulat, Lucian Georgescu, Andrei Iancu, Alexandru Condeescu, Gabriela Riegler. _________________________________________ CONTACT FOR INFORMATIONS, PRESS RELEASE, IMAGES & ACQUISITIONS: +4 0723033330 email: artphoto@pcnet.ro _________________________________________ our special consideration for the personal donation made for this exhibition to: Cristian Stan. _________________________________________ special thanks to: Dana Altman, Vladimir Bulat, Cristian Stan, Lucian Georgescu, Andrei Iancu, Alexandru Condeescu, Gabriela Riegler, . _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list Nettime-ro@nettime.org http://amsterdam.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/