Ruxandra Balaci on Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:31:03 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] invitatie MNAC/ Kalinderu Medialab |
Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana inaugureaza la Kalinderu Medialab (Str. Dr Sion 2-4) expozitia PREVIEW - o selectie din lucrarile new media achizitionate în ultimii ani, însotite de cîteva interventii ale unor artisti foarte tineri. Expunem o stare de fapt, un punct de pornire în evolutia Muzeului, el însusi a work in progress. Va invitam la PREVIEW vineri, 14 februarie 2003, la ora 18.00. At Kalinderu Medialab (2-4 Dr. Sion St.), The National Museum of Contemporary Art inaugurates the exhibition PREVIEW - a selection of new media works purchased in the last few years, accompanied by interventions by very young artists. We are also presenting a state of fact, a starting point in the evolution of the Museum, in itself a "work in progress". Please join us for the opening of PREVIEW Friday, February 14, at 18.00 hrs. Artisti/ artists: ALEXA, ANTIK, J. BARTHA, S. BARTHA, BEJENARU, BENERA, BORCESCU, BUCAN-BOTEA, BRATESCU, BUGA, COMANESCU, COSMA, CROITORU, DAN, DEDIU, GONTZ, GRAUR, GRIGORESCU, IACOB, IORDANOVA, KAVDANSKA, KINEMA IKON, KIRALY, KISSPAL, MAN, MIHALTIANU, NANCA, NEMES, NEGULESCU, ONUCSAN, OROVEANU, PATATICS, PENTAC, PREDA-SÂNC, RASOVSZKY, ROSTOPASCA, STAN, SUBREAL, TUDOR, VANGA, VATAMANU La MNAC/ Galeria ž - open storage area - sint expuse lucrari achizitionate in ultimii ani de MCC: Other works purchased by the Ministry of Culture are exhibited at MNAC/ Gallery ž (2 Balcescu Blvd.), in an open storage area: ANGHEL, BARA, BATRANU, BERNEA, BUNEA, BITZAN, CALTIA, CIUBOTARU, DRAGOMIRESCU, DUMITRESCU, DUP, ELIAN, ENE, EUROARTIST, FLONDOR, GHEORGHIU, GHERASIM, GORDUZ, GORZO, HOREA, ILEA, ILFOVEANU, LUCACI, MAITEC, MARGINEAN, 2 META, MITROI, MOGOSANU, MORAR, NEAGU, NICODIM, PACEA, PARVU, PADURARU, PERJOVSCHI, PREVENDA, RADU, ROMAN, SALISTEANU, SARBULESCU, SETRAN, SIMIONESCU, SPATARU, STANESCU, TIRON, TOHATAN, TOLAN, TRESTIOREANU, VASILESCU, VLAD, VRANA, ZAMFIRESCU, ZIDARU _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: