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[Nettime-ro] Fw: blue stage at haus der kulturen der welt berlin

-----Original Message-----
From: adolphe binder <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: blue stage at haus der kulturen der welt berlin

>Dear friends,
>for the following projects I am looking for interesting and exciting
>artists, developments, initiatives, institutions and festivals in the
>Mediterranean Area.
>I悲 really appreciate youre hints and ideas.
>Thanks in advance
>Warm regards from Berlin
>Adolphe B.
>adolphe binder ~ artattack ~ hobrechtstrasse 18 ~ d 12047 berlin ~ fon+fax
>++49.(0)30.6246100 ~ ~
>The House of World Cultures was founded in 1989 in Berlin as a forum for a
>continuous dialogue between western and non-western cultures. Concentrated
>on contemporary cultures the House of World Cultures is a podium of all art
>genres: music, dance, theatre, art, film and literature. By
>interdisciplinary combination of these different forms of presentation the
>House of World Cultures enables a multi-faceted view on other cultures and
>people. The Mediterranean has always been in the focus of the work of the
>House of World Cultures (nine conferences concentrating on the cultural
>exchange with the Mediterranean since 1990, combined programme of
>Mediterranean cultures October 1995 - March 1996).
>Blue Stage is a multi-media space of knowledge and experiences. It will be
>installed in the House of World Cultures in an area encompassing 60 square
>metres in August 2001. The focus of Blue Stage lies on the up-to-date
>conveying of knowledge about other cultures using newest technology
>application. Pictures and film, text and sound information as well as
>lighting effects are united in one room and conveyed in real time via all
>senses. Blue Stage is open for everybody. Special knowledge is not
>required. Instead of offering a mere flood of data the information of Blue
>Stage is structured and individually retrievable. Blue Stage is realized in
>cooperation with two European institutions, the Festival International
>Montpellier Danse and the Danish Center for Culture and Development in
>Copenhagen, and supported by the European Union.
>Blue Stage wants to value the contemporary arts scene of the Mediterranean
>region. The aim is to give new perspectives of the South of Europe and its
>neighbours. Blue Stage will replace any tourist approaches with a panoramic
>view on the richness of contemporary art production in the Mediterranean.
>The installation will represent the 50 most interesting and exciting
>artists, developments, initiatives, institutions and festivals in the
>Mediterranean by images, photographs, music examples and texts. Each
>project will be featured by a descriptive text and an example of work.
>Out from the Mediterranean information centre emerges the second thematic
>axe of Blue Stage: urbanism. Blue Stage will show how the concept of the
>city, originating from the Mediterranean, has changed. The shape of cities
>nowadays is more influenced by migration processes and art and culture than
>by architectural concepts.
>Blue Stage retrieves its fascination by the wealth of the integrated
>material (texts, images, photos, films, music, sounds). To realize the
>project the House of World Cultures invites all interested individuals and
>institutions to cooperate. Blue Stage offers the partners a platform in
>Berlin. Information on their art, their work, and their institution will be
>integrated in the installation, providing high quality representations to a
>wide local and international public. The partners will be mentioned in the
>installation as well as on all printed material and the Internet site of
>the project.
>Haus der Kulturen der Welt GmbH, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, D-10557
>Info Blue Stage:
>BLUE STAGE - European exchanges
>An interactive multimedia installation
>Initiator House of World Cultures GmbH, Berlin
>Partners ArchiMeDes GbR, Berlin (Concept/Design)
>Omnimedia GmbH, Berlin (Concept/Software)
>EU-Partners Danish Center for Culture and Development,
>International Festival Montpellier Danse,
>Support European Union, Culture 2000 programme
>Venue House of World Cultures
>John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
>Duration 18.08.01 until 30.09.01
>Opening hours: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
>Entrance free
>adolphe binder ~ artattack ~ hobrechtstrasse 18 ~ d 12047 berlin ~ fon+fax
>++49.(0)30.6246100 ~ ~

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