Geert Lovink on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:56:39 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] For Your Eyes Only: Internationale Conferentie over Privacy & Social Media in Brussel (29-20.11)

For Your Eyes Only

International Conference on Privacy, Empowerment and Technology in the context of Online Social Networks
29. - 30. of November, 2012

The Egg
Barastraat 175
Brussels, Belgium

We warmly welcome you at the ?For Your Eyes Only? International Conference on Privacy, Empowerment and Technology in the context of Online Social Networks in Brussels on 29. and 30. November 2012.
In the last decade, Online Social Networks started to play an  
increasingly important role in our communications. User privacy and  
security are two of the friction points that emerge when  
communications get mediated in Online Social Networks (OSNs). At the  
For Your Eyes Only Conference, young and senior academics will convene  
to discuss privacy and security in Online Social Networks. This will  
be a discussion that crosses disciplinary boundaries as well as those  
of communities of practice. We will approach the issues raised from  
legal, technical, social, and economic perspectives, and, will discuss  
consequences of our findings for regulation, education and systems  
design in six panels.
Specifically, on the first conference day participants will focus on  
the privacy pitfalls for social media users. These include the  
commodification of their personal data, uninformed consent strategies,  
the right to privacy, the protection of personal data and the (absence  
of a) right to be forgotten. Opportunities and risks related to minors  
on OSNs will also be discussed from various perspectives. For each  
topic, regulatory challenges will be identified.
On the second day of the conference socio-technical solutions as well  
as the responsibilization of users with respect to privacy are central  
to the debate. Participants will discuss how privacy and security can  
be integrated into design from the early conception of systems, look  
at nudging as a design strategy, and present concrete proposals for  
improving the privacy and security infrastructures of online social  
We expect an audience of academics, public organizations, companies,  
members of NGO?s as well as governments, artists, activists, designers  
and developers. Together we aspire to generate visions for Online  
Social Networks in which privacy, security, and other user rights,  
needs and practices are accommodated.
Our lists of panelists are:

Alice E. Marwick (Fordham University, New York ), Airi lampinen (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT), Deirdre Mulligan (University of California, Berkeley), Ellen Wauters (K.U. Leuven), Sandra Petronio (Indiana University), ?Simone van der Hof (Leiden University) James B. Rule (UC Berkeley School of Law) ?Nadezhda Purtova (University of Groningen), Eva Lievens (K. U. Leuven), Tammy Schellens (UGhent), Mathias Vermeulen (VUB), Serge Gutwirth (VUB), Soren Preibusch (University of Cambridge), Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University), Orla Lynskey (London School of Economics), Claudia Diaz (K.U. Leuven), Jo Pierson (VUB), Rob Heyman (VUB), Frank Piessens (KU Leuven), Ashkan Soltani (Independent Researcher), Bettina Berendt (K.U. Leuven), ?Trebor Scholz (Eugene Lang College, New York) Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon University), Ralf de Wolf (VUB), Ike Picone (VUB), Rula Sayaf (K.U. Leuven), Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University), Seda Gurses (KU Leuven) Adam Joinson (Centre for Information Management, University of Bath, UK), Dave Clarke (KU Leuven), Bart Preneel (KU Leuven), Laurence Claeys (VUB)
Please use the conference website: for  
registration. The entrance fee is ?89 for both days, or ?49 for a  
single day.
We are offering a limited number of scholarships to cover conference  
registration for those prospective participants (especially  
developers, activists and artists) without sufficient institutional or  
financial support. If you wish to apply for one of these, please  
describe your project and affiliations (500-700 words). Allocation to  
these strictly limited places will be based on the quality of the  
project description and the scholarships will be distributed on a  
first-come-first-serve basis. Please contact Seda G?rses at 
 for further details.
The conference is organized by the interdisciplinary research  
consortia EMSOC [] and SPION [].  
They are both IWT Strategic Basic Research projects and are involved  
in IBBT research groups. This conference is an event also associated  
with the Unlike Us network [].
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