Yuri Engelhardt on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:38:47 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] 29 March: Show me the Data 2012 with Alberto Cairo and others

Alberto Cairo, Bas Broekhuizen and Jan Willem Tulp are joining us for this year's public presentations of our MA data visualization projects:
29 March 15:00-19:00 - Show me the Data 2012

Presentations of six multidisciplinary data visualization projects developed by Master students of the University of Amsterdam and the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design. This year with three special guest speakers:
Alberto Cairo (streaming from Miami)
Information Graphics Educator (University of Miami): http://thefunctionalart.com

Jan Willem Tulp
Freelance Information Visualizer: http://tulpinteractive.com

Bas Broekhuizen
Researcher in Interactive Infographics (UvA): http://interactive-infographics.com

When: Thursday 29 March 2012, 15:00-19:00 hours
Where: room F2.01C, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam
Organized by: Almila Akdag, Marcel Worring, Yuri Engelhardt
Entrance: free

Website: http://ShowMeTheData.nl
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ShowMeTheData
Twitter: http://twitter.com/showme_thedata

Please help us spread the word. The flyer is attached. See you there!

Yuri Engelhardt

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