Mieke Gerritzen on Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:54:59 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] I Don't Know Where I Am Going But I Want To Be There

zaterdag 17 december Paradiso
10.30 uur
entree 25 euro / studenten 15 euro

The image in the age of visual obesity

10:30 Doors open, Registration, Coffee & Tea
11:00 Film Interlude Film + Design
11:05 MOTI, Museum of the Image Mieke Gerritzen (NL)
11:10 Introduction Tracy Metz (NL/US)
11:15 Talk to Me Paola Antonelli (I/US)
12:00 Vision rEvolution Mark Changizi (US)
12:20 Anthropomorphobic tales Koert van Mensvoort (NL)

12:45 Lunch Break

13.45 Film Interlude Film + Design
13.50 Visual Resistance Peter Kennard (UK)
14.10 Revolution in the Media Lex Runderkamp (NL)
14.30 An image is an image is an image Florian Göttke (NL)
14:50 Tactical Media take the square Eric Kluitenberg* (NL)
14:55 Money and Speed Marije Meerman & Catalogtree* (NL)

15:15 Coffee Break

15:30 Film Interlude Film + Design
15:35 Bas Kosters Icons Bas Kosters (NL)
16:55 Visual Commentary Dan Perjovschi (RO)
16:15 Closing words Tracy Metz, Sophie Krier and speakers
16:30 Drink (free)

The image in the age of visual obesity

The symposium signals emergent forms of the visual culture that surrounds us and inhabits us. How do we deal with the ubiquitous presence of images and image versions? It questions the nature of the so-called culture of attention, and looks at the way it influences and shapes the way we work, live and think today. How does our visual culture work, and what are its hidden dynamics? Which new tools and territories are emerging out it? How do images mediate between us and the world? How disruptive is the imagery that is evolving from actual geopolitical shifts? Which possibilities does the age of configurability have to offer to the image? And how can visual literacy contribute to our understanding of today’s culture? To address these questions, the symposium brings together an expert crowd from the fields of design, art, journalism, neurobiology, fashion, literature and film. The symposium will address different functions of the image today: the image as a social agent, as a biological process, as the playground of our imagination, as a cultural criticism and as a revolutionary power.
Paola Antonelli
Paola Antonelli is senior curator of architecture and design at MOMA New York. Acclaimed exhibitions include Workspheres (2001), Design Safe (2005), and Design and the Elastic Mind (2008). Originally a recipient of a master’s degree in architecture from the polytechnic of Milan in 1990, Antonelli lectures internationally on design history and theory, publishes extensively and was a distinguished member of international architecture and design juries. www.moma.org
Matthieu Laurette
Paola Antonelli is senior curator of architecture and design at MOMA New York. Acclaimed exhibitions include Workspheres (2001), Design Safe (2005), and Design and the Elastic Mind
Peter Kennard
Peter Kennard is an artist and activist, whose confronting body of work is rooted in painting, etching and photomontage. This technique is at the heart of the recent publication @earth, a visual essay that compiles 40 years of work by Peter Kennard. A photojournalist goes out and takes the pictures – Peter Kennard sits in his studio with the tools of his trade and pummels these pictures into revealing invisible connections, disconnecting them from direct representation into statement and argument. www.peterkennard.com, www.kennardphillipps.com
Tracy Metz
Tracy Metz is a journalist and author on urban and spatial issues. She is a staff reporter for the quality Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad and is an international correspondent for Architectural Record. Tracy is the author of a number of books, often in collaboration with photographers, including FUN! Leisure and landscape (2002) and Nature as Artifice (2008). In February 2012 her new book will appear, Sweet&Salt: Water and the Dutch, about the ‘extreme makeover’ of the Dutch landscape in order to accommodate a new relationship to water. www.tracymetz.nl
Lex Runderkamp
Lex Runderkamp is travelling reporter for the Arab world for the NOS, and he recently reported on the uprising in Libya. In the past, Runderkamp worked for the VPRO and Vrij Nederland. Runderkamp was also editor-in-chief of the TV series ‘The Beagle’, about the ship in which Darwin sailed the world. He is interested in following and reporting on court cases, and on reflecting on the transformation of the media landscape brought about by technology and globalisation and with creating an image in general. www.nos.nl
Marc Changizi
Mark Changizi is an evolutionary neurobiologist aiming to grasp the ultimate foundations underlying why we think, feel and see as we do. In 2002 he won the prestigious Sloan-Swartz Fellowship in Theoretical Neurobiology at Caltech. Since 2010 Changizi is Director of Human Cognition at 2ai Labs, a new research institute. Changizi has written more than thirty scientific journal articles, some of which have been covered by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and WIRED. Mark Changizi is the author of The Brain From 25,000 Feet (Kluwer 2003), The Vision Revolution (Benbella 2009) and Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Ape to Man (Benbella 2011). www.markchangizi.com
Koert van Mensvoort
Dr Koert van Mensvoort MFA MSc works on the cross-section of art, design, engineering and philosophy. Investigating the strange and the beautiful is his main interest. The discovery of Next Nature, which revolves around the idea that our technological world is so complex that is has become a nature of its own, has been the most profound experience in his life so far. www.nextnature.net
Bas Kosters
Bas Kosters enjoyed a variety of fashion educations including the acclaimed Fashion Institute Arnhem from which he graduated in 2003 with the collection ‘Two Teacups and a Frying Pan’, with which he won the professional jury prize of the Robijn Fashion Award. Inspired by image building in the music industry Bas Kosters developed his collection as a fictional image for a band, which led to a show behaving like an over-the-top pop concert. In 2005 Bas Kosters started the ‘Bas Kosters Studio’ to house all the fashion-related activities he undertakes as an artist under one company name. www.baskosters.com
Dan Perjovschi	
Dan Perjovschi is a visual artist mixing drawing, cartoon and graffiti on walls, in newspapers and books. His drawings comment on current political, social or cultural issues. He has exhibited at many venues internationally including the Tate Modern, London, the Venice Biennale, and at MoMA, New York. Compilations of his work include I Draw I Happy, Naked Drawings, and Mad Cow Bird Flu Global Village. He has played an active role in the development of civil society in Romania through his editorial activity with Revista 22 cultural magazine in Bucharest, where he lives and works. www.perjovschi.ro
Bregtje van der Haak
Bregtje van der Haak is a documentary filmmaker and journalist based in Amsterdam. Since 1997, she has been directing international documentaries on social change, with a focus on urban life and globalization. Her documentaries have been shown on television, in film festivals and in exhibitions around the world and include Satellite Queens (2007), Saudi Solutions (2006) and California Dreaming (2010). As a project director and editor-in-chief for VPRO Television, she initiated Creative Commons distribution of public television programming and developed new trans media formats and collaborative media projects, she focuses on the use of new technologies for a more immersive practice of networked journalism. www.vpro.nl/tegenlicht en www.hollanddoc.nl/kijk-luister/documentairemakers/bregtje-van-der-haak.html
Film + Design
CICADA Studio is a Dutch-based studio for film and art, formed in 2009 by Marijke de Bie, based on the belief that combining creator and curator is beneficial for both disciplines. Marijke de Bie studied fashion, graphic design, cinematographic design and art management in Antwerp, Breda and Tilburg. A decade of various projects spanning the broad cultural field followed. Film + Design’s mission is to produce original film and art work and stimulate challenging, innovative use of film in current visual art, design and fashion culture. www.filmplusdesign.com
Mieke Gerritzen
Mieke Gerritzen is director of MOTI. She also makes films, books and designs public events. Gerritzen creates networks with many different designers, writers and artists. In 2001 she started the All Media foundation for the organisation and production of movies, publications, and events such as The International Browsers Day in New York, Berlin, and Amsterdam and The Biggest Visual Power Shows. www.motimuseum.com
Sophie Krier
Atelier Sophie Krier (Rotterdam) explores the peripheries of the design field, and develops tools for reflection and narration. Between 2004 and 2009 Krier was head of department of designLAB (Rietveld Academie). Currently, Atelier Sophie Krier is curating symposia on education, craft and industry, and visual culture. With the ongoing research project Field Essays, Krier explores the motives and the strategies of ground-breaking design practices, and publishes about their qualities. Together, these activities act as records of and comments on an emergent design landscape. www.sophiekrier.com
Eric Kluitenberg
Eric Kluitenberg is an independent writer, theorist and curator on culture, media, and technology. He is editor in chief of the Tactical Media Files - an online documentation resource for tactical media practices world-wide, and the author of the new Network Notebook on The Legacies of Tactical Media. www.tacticalmediafiles.net
Marije Meerman
Marije Meerman is a documentary filmmaker, working for Backlight/ Tegenlicht at the Dutch public broadcasting company VPRO. Backlight is is a group of journalists, filmmakers and researchers that tracks current thought on the effects of globalization, technology and international politics over people’s daily lives. In collaboration with design studio Catalogtree Marije Meerman developed the worlds’ first Touchdoc: “Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box”. An app for iPad that showcases new possibilities opened up by the merger of television with the computer screen. The app reconstructs the “flash crash”, taking you to the heart of our automated financial world and giving you the opportunity to interact with the financial data itself. www.vpro.nl/touchdocipad
Catalogtree is a multidisciplinary design studio, founded in 2001 by Daniel Gross and Joris Maltha. The studio works on commissioned and self-initiated design projects. The studios’ guiding design tactic is FORM = BEHAVIOUR. Typography, generative graphic design and the visualisation of quantitative data are daily routines. http://catalogtree.net
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