Marieke Istha on Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:40:02 +0200 (CEST)
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[Nettime-nl] Say Hello to hARTware
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Say Hello to hARTware
Tuesday April, 9
Doors open 20.00 h.
In 1996 curators Hans D. Christ and
Iris Dressler founded Hartware
Medien Kunstverein in Dortmund.
Hartware is an open platform occupying itself with the production,
presentation and the discourses of contemporary art especially of
media art.
Hartware is interested in strategies of contemporary art, which reflect
the contradictions of social, political and/or cultural discourses. The
intersections between media art and "other" forms of
contemporary art production are playing an essential role in this
Their productions and presentations are characterised by a thorough
exploration of time and space. They will go to the utmost to create the
ideal situation for a specific work.
On Tuesday April 9, 20.30 Iris Dressler, Hans Christ and Jan Schuijren
will explain their aims, motives and their specific way of showing media
art. Questions that will be answered are f.e.: What is the role of
curators while presenting media art? How far can a curator go; is there a
danger of leading the viewer too much?
Tuesday April, 9
Door open 20.00 h.
Start 20.30 h.
Entrance E 3 ,50
Students E 2,50
Reservations 020 6237101
The NIM presents from March 23 April 27 the exhibition Say Hello to
Peace and Tranquility curated by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler and
Jan Schuijren.
Participating artists: Andreas Gedin (S), Gary Hill (USA), Teresa Hubbard
/ Alexander Birchler (USA), Dagmar Keller / Martin Wittwer (D), Franciska
Lambrechts (B), Mike Marshall (GB).
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Montevideo/Time Based Arts
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam
T 020 6237101
F 020 6244423