unsounds on Sun, 18 Nov 2001 22:09:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] UNSOUNDS u01

Title: UNSOUNDS u01
Announcing the birth of a new label for the production and promotion of new music by artists working primarily in an electronic medium.


u01: a conSPIracy cantata . Yannis Kyriakides
u02: Locks . Andy Moor & Kaffe Mattews
u03: Perfect Fit . Grand Mal
u04. Orkest De Shabab . Daniel Landau
u05. John Butcher / Thomas Lehn / Andy Moor
u06. Tullius Rooms . Marko Ciciliani  
u07/u08 . Document . Kraakgeluiden in de Binnenstad

OUT NOW 1.11.01

u01: a conSPIracy cantata
       .Yannis Kyriakides

A CD of three works by Yannis Kyriakides including the 45' minute prize winning work  from the Gaudeamus International Composition Competition 2000. These three works which have been performed and broadcast widely make up the  first CD of Greek-Cypriot/British Amsterdam based composer and electronic improviser. Performing on the CD are Ayelet Harpaz and Stephie Buttrich (voices), Marion von Tilzer (piano) and Yannis Kyriakides (electronics).

a conSPIracy cantata
SPI is an electronic cantata which juxtaposes two forms of cryptic message communication: the clandestine world of spy number transmissions on the shortwave radio, and the enigmatic uttering of the ancient oracle of Delphi.  SPI is scored for two alto voices, piano and electronics. The electronic sounds are made up of layers of radio transmissions, noise textures, pre-recorded voices and sampled piano sounds.The piece weaves together an archaic modal sound world with a chilling cold war atmosphere.
Four loudspeakers transmitting a constant signal of sliding sine-tones are installed inside a piano where they create sympathetic vibrations with the strings. The piano picks out single notes from this slow flowing harmonic stream.
For voice, insect sounds and drum-machine is an electronic garden of eden - a drum machine calls out to its fellow rhythm machines in nature .

UPCOMING DEC 2001 and JAN 2002

u02: Locks
       .Andy Moor & Kaffe Mattews

Live convertor Kaffe Matthews and sonic guitarist Andy Moor first performed
together as an improvised duo in London in 1998. The combination of Andyšs
energetic guitar work and Kaffešs serene, highly focused live sampling
technique worked well... they produce a dark, textural sound with extremes
in dynamics from barely audible blips and squeaks to massive walls of joyful
noise often backed by bizarre rhythmic patterns and melancholic drones.
Their live performance is totally improvised, Kaffe sampling and processing
Andyšs guitar sounds in real time and together building tension, with a
restless energy that never allows the form to collapse.

u03: Perfect Fit
       .Grand Mal

With a background of electronic music, performance, and music theatre, Grand
Mal (Justin Bennett, Stephie Büttrich,  Anne Wellmer) fuses
improvisation with minimal electronika and bedtime stories where
voices, drums, wood and metals are electronically warped, looped fragmented
and recycled into rhythm melody bleep drone pure noise masking all

The CD's can be ordered through us by email mail@unsounds.com
- through our website http://www.unsounds.com
through our benelux distributor  http://www.lowlands.be
or through the internet CD shop http://www.cdbaby.com
All our releases will come in a DIGIPAK format and we will be selling them for:
EUR 15 . USD 15 . NLG 33 . GBP 10 .
or the equivelant in other currencies (p/p included)

Greetings from
Andy & Isabelle & Yannis

Please excuse the promotional nature of the message and our blatant cheekiness for taking your  email address off one of the unmasked list of names that  has come our way in the last few years - we will take your request to be unlisted from this news-mail with ungrudging understanding and with immediate effect - send us an UNSUBSCRIBE message.
We will not be bombarding you constantly with announcements - the frequency of these messages will be limited to only a few per year.