darko fritz on Mon, 8 Oct 2001 17:21:03 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] blast from the past: The Future State of Balkania

The Future State of Balkania presentation @ go_HOME project

Sunday October 14th 2001 . New York + webcast

Alongside other gusets + particiapations of go_HOME project The Future State
of Balkania will be presented by Darko Fritz at webstreamed dinner

The dinner discussion will be webcast live through the new media center
Location One in New York and will be point-to-point web-streamed with the
Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Arts media lab. Dinner and webcast starting
Sunday October 14th 2001 at 2:00 pm US Eastern Time and 8:00 pm Central
European Time.

Webcast http://rage.location1.org/

The Future State of Balkania [since 1999]

go_HOME http://www.project-go-home.com

>>>> Balkania New York presentation is dedicated to Nikola Tesla >>>>
>>>> one of the honorary citizens of The Future State of Balkania >>>>
> The first Indian spiritual leader who came to Europe and the USA,
> the famous Vivekananda, frequently visited Tesla, whom he called
> the "biggest Yogi of the west".
>>>> ich bin ein balkanier

____ >>>>>>>>>>____
darko fritz propaganda . http://members.ams.chello.nl/fritzd

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