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[nettime-lat] reuni ón secreta de billonarioslatinoamericanos.

------ Forwarded Message
From: "geert lovink" <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 13:40:18 +1000
To: "fran ilich" <>
Subject: for nettime-lat?


Secret Meeting Of Latin American Billionaires
Kerry A. Dolan, 05.23.03, 11:20 AM ET

SAN FRANCISCO - Maybe a cabal of billionaires really does secretly
run the world after all. Beginning last night, some 30 of Latin
America's biggest businessmen--many with their sons or nephews in
tow--convened in Mexico City for a three-day gabfest hosted by Carlos
Slim Helú, Latin America's richest man. Among the guest list are
eight members of Forbes' billionaires list and nine former members of
the list, according to a preliminary program scheduled obtained by

Carlos Slim, worth $7.4 billion, built his fortune through the
ownership of Teléfonos de Mexico (nyse: TMX - news - people ), known
as Telmex, the country's largest phone company, and a handful of
industrial, financial and retail companies. According to one
participant, Slim is footing the bill for the whole event, which
includes a trip in private planes to the Mexican coastal resort town
of Ixtapa on Saturday afternoon. The purpose of the gathering,
officially dubbed "Latin American Businessmen: An Encounter Between
Fathers And Sons," is for these business leaders to get to know each
other, said one participant, who requested anonymity.

So what do rich businessmen talk about? Their own businesses, mostly.
Panels topics are fairly predictable, ranging from Latin
America-supported development proposals, business stories and
experiences, and challenges for Latin America. But the talk isn't all
business. According to the preliminary program, there's a lecture on
Mexican pre-Hispanic civilizations and a talk by Slim himself on the
restoration of Mexico City's historical center--for which Slim has
been reportedly footing the bill. Slim's office did not return
requests for comment.

In Ixtapa, activities start with a boat trip along the coast and a
morning of golf, tennis and beach time followed by lunch at Slim's
home. The program notes that a mobile phone will be assigned to each
participant, courtesy of America Movil (nyse: AMX - news - people ),
a wireless-phone company controlled by Slim.

On a serious note, the event underlines the fact that big business in
Latin America is still largely dominated by family groups. The
Institute for International Finance said in a report released last
week on corporate governance in Mexico that "after Greece and
Colombia, Mexico by some estimates has the third-highest ownership
concentration level in the world." This ownership structure, the
report contends, has slowed the implementation of reforms that would
benefit minority shareholders.

Billionaire attendees: Joseph Safra of Brazil, Gustavo Cisneros of
Venezuela, Lorenzo Zambrano of Mexico, Alberto Bailleres of Mexico.

Billionaires invited whose attendance was not confirmed: Luis Carlos
Sarmiento of Colombia and Andrónico Luksic of Chile.

Former-billionaire attendees: Carlos Miguens Bemberg of Argentina,
João Roberto Marinho of Brazil, Marcelo Odebrecht of Brazil, Julio
Mario Santo Domingo of Colombia, Carlos Ardila Gaviria of Colombia,
Alvaro Noboa of Ecuador, Antonio Cossio of Mexico, Lorenzo Servitje
of Mexico, and Emilio Azcárraga of Mexico.

The table below lists attendees, according to a preliminary program.

Carlos Slim's Secret Society
Country       Name                              Company
Argentina     Carlos Miguens Bemberg            Grupo Bemberg
Argentina     Alberto Roemmers                  Roemmers
Argentina     Federico Braun                    Grupo Import Y Export
De la Patagonia
Argentina     Eduardo Constantini               Consultatio
Argentina     Ricardo Esteves                   Pampas Huetal
Brazil        João Roberto Marinho              Globo
Brazil        Marcelo Odebrecht                 Grupo Odebrecht
Brazil        Joseph Safra                      Grupo Safra
Brazil        Luiz Frías                        Grupo Folha
Brazil        Eugenio Staub                     Gradiente
Brazil        Pedro Moreira Salles*             Unibanco
Chile         José Said                         Grupo Said-Embotelladora
Chile         Álvaro Saieh                      Corbanca
Chile         Andrónico Luksic*                 Grupo Luksic
Colombia      Julio Mario Santo Domingo         Grupo Santo Domingo-Bavaria
Colombia      Carlos Ardila Gaviria             Grupo Ardila
Colombia      Luis Carlos Sarmiento*            Org. Sarmiento-Banco de
Colombia      Jimmy Mayer*                      Grupo Mayer
Ecuador       Alvaro Noboa                      Grupo Noboa
Mexico        Carlos Slim Helú                  Grupo Carso-Telmex
Mexico        Lorenzo Servitje                  Grupo Bimbo
Mexico        Lorenzo Zambrano                  Cemex
Mexico        Fernando Senderos                 Grupo Desc
Mexico        Antonio Fernández                 Grupo Cervecerías Modelo
Mexico        Emilio Azcárraga                  Grupo Televisa
Mexico        Bernardo Quintana                 Empresas ICA
Mexico        José Antonio Fernández            Femsa
Mexico        Alberto Bailleres                 Grupo Peñoles
Mexico        Antonio Cossio                    Grupo Industrial Tepeji Del
Mexico        Maria Aramburuzabala              Grupo Modelo
Venezuela     Gustavo Cisneros                  Grupo Cisneros
Venezuela     Gustavo Julio Vollmer             Grupo Palmar-Banco Mercantil
Venezuela     Juan Luis Bosch                   Grupo Multinversiones
Venezuela     Ricardo Poma                      Grupo Poma
* Pending confirmation. NA = not available

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