. on Mon, 7 Apr 2003 22:19:13 +0200 (CEST) |
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[nettime-lat] Ul |
Sometimes, diverse cities are born successively over the same soil and under the same name. They are born and die without knowing each other, incommunicable among themselves. On occasion, even the names of their inhabitants remain the same, the accent of their voices and even their features. But the gods that live under the names and the places have gone without a word and in their place have nested foreign gods.² Italo Calvino Petition We need a little of your memory. We want to gather fragments of cities. Represent a city disseminated over the world. We want to know your city through you and at the same time to know you in your city. We ask you to send us a sound by which you identify your city , a narrative by which you read your city, an image of your family album with you in it where you can see yourself in the city. If you don¹t have it, make it and send it to us. You could also send us a memory-object of your city. We ask you all of these urban fragments or just one. Whatever you can. !Collaborate with us! If you use internet, the text you send must be in RTF format., the images in JPG a 200 ppp and the sounds in MP3. Send them to: ultramarinos@telefonica.net If you use the postal office, the address is: ANDREA FISHER V. CASILLA 88 TALAGANTE REGION METROPOLITANA CHILE We will write you to let you know what is happening. Please copy this e-mail to a new message, sign it below at the end of the name list and send it to all persons you know. If you receive this list with more than 50 names in it, please send us a copy of the message to : ultramarinos@telefonica.net Even if you decide not to participate, please be considerate and do not eliminate the petition. JUST RE-SEND SO WE CAN DO SOMETHING TOGETHER! >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------ý 1) ANDREA FISCHER V. 2) JULIAN RUESGA B. 3) ARANCHA IRASTROZA 4) RAMON CASTILLO 5) LEONORA VICUÑA 6) _______________________________________________ Nettime-lat mailing list Nettime-lat@nettime.org http://amsterdam.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-lat