fokky on Sat, 7 Aug 1999 21:55:41 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> The Weekender 099

   . The Weekender ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . post announcements & notes -> .
   . please don't be late ! delivered each weekend . into your inbox .
   . for subscription info & help .
   . archive (separate msgs) .

01 . Villa Arson                . :::lascaux2:::
02 . Adele Eisenstein           . Perspectival days in Budapest
03 . Drazen Pantic              . location1: digital arts gallery in ny
04 . Christiane Heibach         . Eclipse
05 . Tina LaPorta               . new work on Turbulence
06 . Claudio Zini               . comunication
07 . Ivo Skoric                 . Auction Benefit for Kosovar Refugees
08 . Marco Farinelli            . IV Pirelli INTERNETional Award 
                                  opens to USA
09 . Marco Farinelli            . Report on the Pirelli INTERNETional 

   ................................................................... 01

Date:  Mon, 02 Aug 1999 14:57:50 +0200
From: Villa Arson <>
Subject:  ann! ...  :::lascaux2:::

    Imaginez un peu : l'exposition est ferme. Les artistes sont
    chez vous ! Comment cela est-il possible ? Le monde de l'art
    va bientt utiliser Internet dans des domaines que l'on
    a du mal  imaginer aujourd'hui. Non pas comme une vitrine
    lectronique. Ni comme une collection de sites Web. Mais en
    tant qu'acclrateur d'une pratique artistique de plus en
    plus tourne vers le collecticiel. En quelques annes la
    pratique de lexposition a t radicalement subvertie. Un
    nouveau chapitre de l'histoire de l'art est sur le point
    d'tre crit. Et il ne s'agira plus de ce que vous pouvez
    faire sur Internet, mais de ce qu'Internet a fait pour vous.

    La prochaine E. E-xposition

    Now imagine: the exhibition is closed. Art is coming home to
    you! How is that possible? The world of art will soon use
    Internet in fields hardly imaginable today. Not like an
    electronic window. Nor like a collection of Web sites. But
    as a catalyst of an artistic practice increasingly turned
    towards the collective. The exhibition practice, no longer
    the exclusive media for art, has been radically transformed
    during recent years. A new chapter of art history is about
    to be written. And it will have nothing to do with you
    working the Web. The Internet will work for you.

    The next E. E-xhibition


    ::: lascaux2__________25juin-25septembre 99

    ::: villa arson nice
    ::: 20 av.stephen liegeard
    ::: F-06105 nice cedex 2

    ::: fax: ++33 4 93844155
    ::: tel: ++33 4 92077383
    ::: e-mail:

   ................................................................... 02

Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 18:27:42 +0200 (METDST)
From: Adele Eisenstein <>
Subject: Perspectival days in Budapest - this week...

The Mcsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest) and the Soros Foundation C3 Center for
Culture & Communication have the pleasure to invite you to the lecture and
screening presentation of

John Wyver
Illuminations Television (London)

a special presentation of the Projected Perspective screening series
and the Perspective on Perspective scientific symposium
Thursday, 5 August 1999, 6 pm
in the lecture hall of the Mcsarnok

Illuminations Television is celebrated for an extensive range of
entertaining and analytical programmes about film, television, computers
and digital culture. Moreover, the company is helping to invent a new
media form inhabited television. 

Looking to the media past, Illuminations work in the libraries of the
broadcasters in the early 1990s demonstrated the extent of hidden riches
and established new standards for the use of archive material. Looking to
the media future, Illuminations Television has made numerous programmes
about the digital world, many of which have also made imaginative use of
the Internet to extend the possibilities of broadcasting. 

John Wyver, writer and producer with the independent production company
Illuminations, is Chairman of the company, which he co-founded in 1983. He
has a strong interest in the creative possibilities of new technologies,
and in addition to his television work, he has initiated development
projects with interactive multimedia applications.  He has written and
lectured extensively about television and new media technologies, and is
the author of The Moving Image: An International History of Film,
Television and Video (Blackwell/BFI Publishing, 1990).  His writings have
been published in the Guardian and the Independent, Sight and Sound, The
Listener, Art Monthly and Screen. 

Mcsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest), Budapest XIV., Hsk tere


The Mcsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest) and the Soros Foundation C3 Center for
Culture & Communication, in collaboration with the Orokmozgo Filmmuseum of
the Hungarian Film Institute, have the pleasure to invite you to the
screening of

 Der Tag des Malers (The Day of the Painter)
A film by Werner Nekes (1997)

within the framework of the Projected Perspective screening series
followed by a discussion with the filmmaker.
Friday, 6 August 1999, 8.30 pm
(preceded by a screening of Peter Greenaways The Draughtsmans Contract at
6.30 pm)
at the rkmozg Cinema of the Hungarian Film Institute

Budapest VII., Erzsebet krt. 39, tel.: 36.1/ 342.2167

Der Tag des Malers (The Day of the Painter)
A film by Werner Nekes (1997)

The painter gazes at his female model, or how voyeurism is transformed
into culture. An erotic adventure film where the theme is the viewer

The Day of the Painter shows what "La Belle Noiseuse" does not want to
show: the enclosed "Unknown Masterpiece". It is a walk through the picture
world of the painter that directs the gaze to the unveiled female model. 
Associations with the picture world of Drer, Marey, Matisse, Seurat, to
the "Origin of the World" by Courbet, to "Ltant donns" by Duchamp and to
many other works of art are evoked. 

The Day of the Painter amalgamates the artistic expressive possibilities
of painting, video and computer images as film. Unusual ways of showing
make the film an adventure film for the viewers gaze. The art of painting
melts into the film. 

The authors five-part media history film series, MEDIA MAGICA (1986-97),
enjoys a repeat screening at the Mcsarnok on 22 August 1999, the
concluding day of the Perspective exhibition.


Adele Eisenstein
Symposium/Screening Series/International project coordination
C3: Center for Culture & Communication
Pf. 419, H-1537 Budapest, Hungary
(Budapest 1014, Orszaghaz u. 9)
Phone: +361 214 6856  Fax: +361 214 6872

   ................................................................... 03

Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 15:54:59 -0400
From: Drazen Pantic <>
Subject: location1: digital arts gallery in ny

Location One: Catalyst for Content and Convergence

This is our credo:

First, the Internet will be about content, not just conduit.

The nature of the technology changes content  not just access and
distribution  with implications across the full range of artistic
expression and subject matter. 

Second, Location One is about convergence.

We are bringing together creativity along the two standards that have
governed the history of human expression  the axis of expressive
discipline and the axis of available technology. 

Third, Location One is a catalyst.

We select talent, stimulate interaction, supply resources, and provide
real and virtual forums. We enable things both cool and consequential to

New media transform artistic expression.  Conventional barriers of time
and distance are erased. With them depart a myriad of social, political
and cultural distinctions.  Access, distribution, participation become
universal (and affordable). Creative alternatives proliferate. 

These things are known. Less widely understood is the degree to which
technology transforms content.  (Or, more accurately, continues a
transformation that began midway through the 20th century).  A work of art
begins with its creators. But, more than ever before, it also encompasses
its audience, interactivity and the potential for ongoing evolution. 

Location One is creating a new environment for contemporary art, one that
is rich in interdisciplinary context.  The new media are interactive  but
so have always been live events.  Our unique opportunity lies in the
linkage between live performance, exhibition and dialogue and electronic
broadcast, feedback and interaction.  Each of our activities will comprise
some combination of live and electronic elements, according to the vision
of their creators. 

We assign a central place to new media and the Internet in our
presentation of contemporary art. Our focus, however, differs from others
encouraging cultural application of new media.  We believe  and this is
our central belief  that there is extraordinary value to be gained from
the collaboration of new media artists with artists from every other
artistic and expressive discipline. We applaud the countless efforts
underway elsewhere to explore purely digital work, to enhance technical
expertise and extend access and delivery; our contribution will lie in the
implications of media convergence for artistic content. 

The work we commission asks contemporary artists  painters, sculptors,
dancers, musicians, poets, storytellers  to collaborate with computer,
video and new media artists.  We have seen their minds stretch, their work
grow, and their audiences come alive.  What emerges from these
collaborations is unique, unexpected, provocativeand sometimes brilliant. 
The media re-invent the content. 

We will continue to put together imaginative combinations of proven and
promising talents from both the physical and virtual sides of the house of
creativity. We will encourage them to explore, to learn, to discuss, to
argue, and ultimately to create, present and perform.  We will support
their activity both with fellowships and with commissions for specific
bodies of work.  We place neither demand nor restriction on subject, style
or medium. We are catalysts. 

We will provide access to the tools and resources of the new media; they
are beyond the limited means of most artists.  We will support visiting
artists and artists in residence.  We will encourage them to develop their
work to the needs and opportunities of the
live-performance-and-exhibition/Internet-streaming synthesis.  This is
not, we have found, a simple process; friction and dislocation are part of
the price of new creative experience. 

We will open early this fall our new physical space (and headquarters
office) in New Yorks Soho/Silicon Alley district.  It will enable regular
exhibitions of physical, digital and video art; live performances;
workshops and discussions; and a broad range of collaborative and
experimental effort.  Our new space will be linked electronically as well
to our affiliated locations in the US, Japan, and Europe. 

We will be broadcasting daily, through our Internet site and related
electronic technology.  We will present not only the events taking place
at our home and affiliated spaces, but also a wide range of other programs
and electronic projects.  We intend to be quite selective.  We will
function less as an aggregator site than as a relatively narrow portal
opening onto convergent artistic content of a very high quality. 

We have found that our approach appeals to a wide spectrum of non-trivial
users of technology  some are artists, many are relatively young, most
are interested in artistic, technological or cultural innovation.  We view
the discussion and debate that the Web makes possible as central to the
development of an artistic vocabulary of convergence.  Perhaps more
important, we view the transmission of our artists works and the
consequent perceptual, conceptual or interactive response of the audience
as integral elements of the works themselves. 

Location One is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation incorporated in
the State of New York, with funding from corporations, foundations and
private individuals.
tel: 212.334.3347 fax: 212.334.3289
19 Hudson Street, NYC 10013

   .................................................................... 04

Date:  Tue, 3 Aug 1999 17:06:32 +0200
From: "Christiane Heibach" <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Eclipse

* [deutsch] Einladung
* [english] Invitation
* [esperanto] Invito

E - M a i l - C o l l a g e   ' E c l i p s e '

* * * * * * *
* [deutsch]

Anlaesslich der Sonnenfinsternis am 11. August 1999 laedt die Mailingliste
Netzliteratur _bereits_jetzt_ zur Mailcollage 'Eclipse' ein.

Das alltaegliche Leben in den vom Mondschatten bestrichenen Regionen
innerhalb und ausserhalb des deutschen Sprachgebiets kann ebenso
der Elektrobriefe sein wie das Naturereignis selbst. Die Beschreibung von
Beobachtungen und Erlebnissen (nicht nur an an diesem Tag) ist genauso
erwuenscht wie persoenliche Erinnerungen, Dokumente oder
individuell-kuenstlerisch gestaltete Texte. Ebenso koennen natuerlich
fruehere Mails
anderer Listenmitglieder als sprachliches Material verwendet werden.

Ziel soll allerdings nicht so sehr die Sammlung umfangreicher Monologe
sein, sondern vielmehr der moeglichst rege Austausch sich wechselseitig
kommentierender Notizen, Assoziationen und Reflexionen.

Weitere Informationen und Moeglichkeit zur Subskription auf

Die Mailingliste ist bereits eroeffnet!

* * * * * * *
* [english]

On occasion of the total solar eclipse on August 11th 1999 the German
mailing list 'Netzliteratur' invites everyone interested to participate at
the e-mail-collage 'Eclipse'.

Subject of the messages can be every-day life in the regions that are
by the moon-shadow as well as the natural phenomenon itself. The
description of observations and experiences is just as welcome as
mementoes, memories, documents or any individually artistically formed
texts. Of course, also former messages of other participants can be used
'material'. You don't necessarily have to live in the eclipse area.

So, form and content of the e-mail-collage will be defined by your and the
other partcipants' postings alone. However, the purpose is not so much
collecting extensive monologues but the exchange of notes, associations,
plots and reflections that comment and continue each other mutually.

The lingua franca will be defined by the co-authors. German will very
probably be accompanied by English, but speakers of any other language are
also particularly invited to join the e-mail-collage: It takes only two
speakers to form a speech community. The eclipse, for example, also
parts of France and the Turkish- and Persian-speaking area.

You will get further information at

The mailing list is already set up!

* * * * * * *
* [esperanto]

Okaze de la suneklipso je la 11a augusto 1999 la mesaghlisto
"Netzliteratur" (retliteraturo) jam nun invitas al la mesagh-kolegio
"Eclipse" (eklipso).

Ne nur la chiutaga vivo en la regionoj malheligota de la lunombro povas
esti la enhavo de la elektronikaj leteroj, sed ankau la natura okazajho
mem. La priskribo de obzervoj kaj travivajhoj (ne nur je tio tago) same
estas dezirata kiel personaj memoroj, dokumentoj a individua-artefaritaj
tekstoj. Same bone anka malnovaj mesaghoj de aliaj listo-membroj povas
uzataj kiel lingva fonto.

Por partopreni la mesagh-kolegion ne nepras, ke vi loghas en la regiono de
la suneklipso.

Formo kaj enhavo de la kolegio nur estas dependa de la kontribuajhoj de la
partoprenantoj. Celo ne estu kolektado da monologoj, sed pli bone la
intensa intershangho pere de alterne komentataj kaj sekvataj notoj,
asicioj, rakontajhoj kaj reflekcioj/kontempladoj.

La komunika lingvo dependas de la atoroj. Al la germana lingvo vershajne
la angla lingvo aldonighas. (Esperable anka Esperanto; rimarko de
tradukisto.) Sed anka parolantoj de aliaj lingvoj kore estas invitataj por
kontribui: jam du parolantoj formas lingvokomunumon.

Sur la vojo de la suneklipso trovighas anka partoj de francio, kaj la
turka kaj persa lingvo-regiono.

Pliajn informojn vi trovos che:

La mesagho-listo jam malfermighis!

   ................................................................... 05

Date:  Tue, 3 Aug 1999 19:37:58 -0400
From: (Tina LaPorta)
Subject:  ann! ...  new work on Turbulence


Tina LaPorta

For immediate Release
August 3, 1999

Turbulence is pleased to announce the launch of DISTANCE, a new work by
media artist  Tina LaPorta.

DISTANCE focuses on connection and disconnection, fluctuations in
transmission and reception between geographically separated participants
mediated by the surface of the computer screen. It investigates the
disembodied and dislocated nature of online communication through a
recombination of images and text as part of a continued exploration
of presence, absence and the desire for connectivity within a global
networked environment.

Tina LaPorta is a media artist who lives and works in New York City. Her
most recent work has been created specifically for the internet as an
on-going look into the possibility for a female subjectivity within an
electronically linked social network.

Her Future_body Version 1.0 (1999) premiered at the Alterities
conference at the cole Nationale Suprieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
Other by LaPorta have been included in the ALT-X exhibition,
"Being in Cyberspace",  the "Maid in Cyberspace" exhibition at Studio XX
(Montral), the "Sex and Consciousness" exhibition on the FranceArtist
website (Paris), and the Leonardo Electronic Gallery (MIT press.) Her
work has been included in the Web Site for the United Nations' Fourth
World Conference on Women (Beijing, China) and the Women and Performance
Online Journal "Sexuality in Cyberspace."

LaPorta created her first net work, TRACES, as an Artist-in-Residence
at the Ars Electronica Future Lab (Linz, Austria) in 1997.

DISTANCE is a commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for its
Turbulence site. It was made possible in part with funds from the
National Endowment for the Arts.

For further information
Contact: Helen Thorington

   ................................................................... 06

Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 12:18:25 +0200
From: Claudio Zini <>
Subject: comunication


Cultural and Artiistic Association

We are a contemporary artists: paintings, sculptures, designers,

We have a private Gallery for exhibitions.

We are doing swaps both with groups and single artists.

We have the possibility to organize and promote expositions and meetings,
with the support of the Pubblic Administration and the private citizen. 

The Association ASSIOMA has been founded in the May 26th 1999. 

ASSIOMA has just given hospitality and has promoted the exposition of the
Gallery 10 Ltd in Washington D.C.

For information:


Via dellAccademia n 33 - 59100 PRATO

Tel: +39 057435182 - Fax +39 057435182



   ................................................................... 07

From: "Ivo Skoric" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 23:30:54 -0400
Subject: Auction Benefit for Kosovar Refugees


On behalf of the Women in Black, RACCOON, Inc. and the 
NameSpace, we would like to thank you very much for coming to 
opening of the auction site  

The first Artists for Kosovar Refugees: A Benefit Auction was held 
on July 31st at the NameSpace and viewed in Duisburg's museum 
in Germany. All proceeds of this fundraising effort will go to the 
Women in Black of Belgrade and Motrat Qiriazi of Prishtin 
( RACCOON, Inc. is a 
501  (3) tax-exempt organization. All donations made in the U.S. 
are tax deductible.  

The aim of the event has been to raise support for the Kosovar 
refugees in both Serbia and Kosovo through an auction of works by 
established and emerging artists and photojournalists.  

The art pieces are also accessible through the WWW page until August 25th. Bidding will be 
handled from the auctioneer's block in New York. We are planing a 
closing on site auction to be held at the Name.Space, 11 East 4th 
Street, 2nd floor, New York, on August 25th, from 7.00 p.m.  

For further information call Indira at (212) 560-0905 or check the 
web site  

Thank you so much for your support.

Love, as always

Ivo and Indira

   ................................................................... 08

Date:  Sat, 07 Aug 1999 13:54:25 +0200
From: Marco Farinelli <>
Subject:  ann! ...  IV Pirelli INTERNETional Award opens to USA

The Pirelli Internetional Award (, the first
international multimedia competition ever launched on the Net comes to its
fourth edition. Dedicated to the spread of scientific culture, the
competition is for its first time open to any Internet user in the world
who can come up with some original piece of creative genius which can be
electronically transmitted and concerns science and/or technology. 
Therefore, in addition to Europe and South America, the Award will also be
open to North America, with the foreseeable increase in participation that
the United States will bring, being itself the "cradle" of the Internet
and of computer technology, but also the seat of some of the most
prestigious technical and scientific institutions in the world. 
The regulations of the competition are published at the Website and the deadline for entries is fixed on
December 31, 1999. Entries will be judged by an international jury
coordinated by Umberto Colombo, former Italian Minister of University and
Scientific Research, including the Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry Ilya
Prigogine, the Esprit Program Director, Mr. George Metakides and the IBM
top manager, Lucio Stanca. The Pirelli INTERNETional Award provides an
original way to link the world of the scientific research, the world of
University and the world of industry. This is achieved by means of the
Internet, which is more and more spread especially among young people. 

This fourth edition of the Pirelli INTERNETional Award springs from the
success achieved in the previous editions. In the latest edition works
evaluated by the jury were more than four hundred and accounted for more
than 18 billion bytes transferred to Pirelli's server. The first prize was
awarded to the famous German research institute "Max Planck", which
presented a multimedia transposition of Galilei's notes on motion,
currently kept at Florence's National Central Library. The entries ranged
from literary works to geometric drawings, software, web sites, scientific
essays, audio and movie files. 

Starting from January 2000, winning entries will be judged on originality,
relevance to the theme, social and economic impact, scientific rigor,
artistic level and international scope. The best entry will be awarded
15,000 Euros (about 17,000 US$); the second 7,500 Euros (8,000 US$) and
the third 3,000 Euros (3,300 US$). Three special sections have been
dedicated to the School, the Environment and to the best "extract" from a
CD-ROM published starting from January 1st 1998. The awarding ceremony
will be held in Rome during the spring of the next year. 

Milan, August 1999

Marco Farinelli
Public Relations
Pirelli INTERNETional Award

c/o Pirelli, Rome Office
3 Foro Romano 
00186 Rome

phone ++39 06 69517210
fax   ++39 06 69517208

   ................................................................... 09

Date:  Sat, 07 Aug 1999 13:59:33 +0200
From: Marco Farinelli <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Report on the Pirelli INTERNETional Award

1. The Pirelli INTERNETional Award is the first initiative in the world
that aims at spreading the scientific culture by means of a multimedia
international award. Although there are thousand awards in the world, the
Pirelli INTERNETional Award is the only one that accepts applications sent
in whatsoever form of electronic communication. Just as examples, the
Oscar awards films only, while the Pulitzer awards articles and
photographic reportage only; the Nobel awards discoveries and inventions
only while the Grammy awards the best music only. Moreover there is a
great deal of awards for Web sites. 

2. In the course of three first editions of the Pirelli INTERNETional
Award we received literary works and artistic drawings and designs;
computer programs; scientific essays; music; movies; projects; technical
manuals;  new means of communication; works concerning with scientific
diffusion; works concerning with scientific and artistic interest. 

3. In the second edition we had the special participation of Tim
Berners-Lee, inventor of the HTML language which caused the outburst of
the Internet all over the world. Tim Berners-Lee is also the president of
W3C, the world consortium who syndicates the standardisation and set of
rules of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee was awarded a special prize
from the Jury for the great social importance of his work. 

4. As it often happens in these cases, the level of participants can be
more or less serious; in our case, the contribution to scientific culture
can range from scarce to mediocre, discreet, good, excellent,
extraordinary up to unique... One of the Pirelli INTERNETional Award
purposes was precisely to test the man-of-the-street's perception of
"Scientific Culture" and, to make an average, you need both the higher and
the lower elements. So, we accepted also works considered technically,
scientifically and artistically mediocre because they help to clarify the
average level of perception of scientific culture (although the whole
study cannot be considered yet statistically significant). 

5. Here are the winners of the first three editions:  1996, first prize to
"Galileo" the first Italian scientific on-line magazine; second prize to
an Italian school from Trieste, for a multimedia work on environmental
subject; third prize to a multimedia encyclopedia of arts and trades. 
1997: the first prize was awarded to a web site "Visualisation of
molecules and chemical reactions", regarding the scientific diffusion in
the field of molecular biology. The second prize was awarded to the
multimedia product "Toys and Science", a valid educational way to spread
the fundamental principles of physics. The third prize went to "The matter
and the form", a multimedia illustration about the technological
development of creation and use of new materials, from prehistory to
nowadays. A special prize from the Jury was awarded to the international
project named "Virtual Library", concerning with the systematisation and
organisation of the scientific documentation available on the internet. 
The special prize for scientific information went to "Space oddity" and
"Percorsi calcolati". The special prize for the School went to "Drugs and
their effects", a multimedia work made by Liceo Scientifico Galilei in
Trieste. In addition, some special recognitions were given to "Carta dei
servizi sanitari" a project created by Don Gnocchi Institute in Rome, to
"Nature Zone" a telematic magazine and to "Verso il ritorno del
dirigibile" a scientific document.  1998, first prize to "Galileo
Galilei's Notes on Motion", by the Max Planck Institute of Berlin, a
multimedia transposition of Galilei's Notes of motion; second Prize to
"The Challenge of Materials" a multimedia exhibition be the National
Museum of Science and Industry of London; third prize "robot simulation
system" a virtual reality simulation of a robot for industry.  An Italian
school won the prize for the best multimedia word coming from a school,
and a British teacher from Germany won the prize for the best multimedia
work destined to schools; an Italian professor from Pisa won the prize for
the best article on scientific subject: In addition to the above
"traditional prizes" two special awards were given: one to the best
multimedia work about environmental subjects (won by the Brazilian Amazon
Research Centre) and the other to ENEA (an Italian Research Agancy) for a
project called "Walk Assistant" for helping blind people to move within
complex buildings.

6. Some interesting statistical data are the following: the age of
participants ranges from thirteen year (Gianluca Di Corato) to ninety-five
(Tullio Filtri), both awarded in 1997 edition; the total bytes transferred
to our server increased from 200 million in 1996 to 4 billion in 1997, and
18 billion in 1998. The multimedia works raised from 102 to 326 and 435. 
In the third edition about 80 universities, research centres and other
Institutions participated from about 30 different countries. 

7. The Jury is made up of top level scientists, academics and managers: 
Umberto Colombo, former Minister for Italian Research is the co-ordinator. 
The members are: Ilya Prigogine - Nobel Prize; Antonio Ruberti - former
Minister and former EU Commissioner, Member of the Italian Parliament and
President of the Commission for EU Politics at the lower Chamber; George
Metakides - General Director of the EU Esprit Programme; Roberto Vacca -
mass media expert; Lucio Stanca - IBM top manager; Luciano Criscuoli -
General Manager of the Ministry of Research; Paolo Galluzzi - a famous
Italian academician; Lucio Pinto - Pirelli top manager. 

8. Since the Pirelli INTERNETional Award is still one of the few
initiatives showing that Internet can also be a cultural instrument, one
of its purposes is just to make mass media aware of it as much as
possible, because they are too often concentrated on the Internet
phenomenon only commercially or criminally exploited. Following its
multinational vocation, Pirelli wants to help Italy reduce its wide gap
between humanistic and scientific culture (which in industrial countries
is more balanced) and therefore nearer to form a unique culture, which we
can call as "Culture of 2000" or Culture "tout court". 

9. Pirelli is therefore on the front-line in promoting the scientific
culture in Italy, contrary to Italian traditional trend to increase only
the human science. 

10. The purpose to demolish the anti-scientific and anti-technological
attitude of the Italian man of the street, is strictly connected to what
mentioned above: the same attitude that leads the individual to delegate
to others the treatment and the decision on scientific-technological
matters, refusing to exercise by himself his democratic rights on the

11. The fourth edition of the Pirelli INTERNETional Award
presents some innovations. This year the participation is open to the
whole world.  Participation procedures have been further on simplified:
anyone will be allowed to register freely, provided he/she has a
connection to the Internet. 

Marco Farinelli
Public Relations
Pirelli INTERNETional Award

c/o Pirelli, Rome Office
3 Foro Romano 
00186 Rome, Italy

phone ++39 06 69517210
fax ++39 06 69517208

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