announcer on Fri, 27 Nov 1998 21:18:56 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> announcer 062b

   . The Weekender ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send your announcements and notes to .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .
   . for subscription info & help .

01 . Reception                 . cached 7: THE DOCUMENT talk at ICA
                                 on 27 November 1998
02 . Thundergulch              . Thundergulch remaining fall schedule
03 . dBONANZAh!                . MP&G_11h.dbh! _ 50%
04 . John Hopkins              . neoscenes occupation project 1
05 . mishmash                  . MISHMASH TOUR - NASHUNAL GALLERY, LONDON
06 . netart                    . Connectivity and Beyond - a panel discussion
07 . Paul DeRienzo             . Stand and Squillacote sentencing
                                 January 8, 1999
08 . FACT                      . FACTS /UK
09 .                           . open source conference

   ................................................................... 01

Date:  Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:37:33 +0100
From: Reception <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  cached 7: THE DOCUMENT talk at ICA on 27 November 1998 e f

cached 7: THE DOCUMENT

Friday 27 November 1998 at 19.30 in the Brandon Room at the INSTITUTE OF

"Bodies of Evidence..."

As the last in the current series at the ICA, Cached 7: THE DOCUMENT will
explore the exponential growth of electronic data storage capacity and the
implications for artists of the ease with which traditional archive media
can be transferred, altered and packaged.  Cached 7 will ask:  To what
extent does the archive source imbue the digital space with the tangible
lustre of 'reality'?  What are the sensitivities and issues involved when
artists manipulate or appropriate factual data?  How much does the
mutability of the digital medium affect the way artists create new
realities or new fictions?

Cached 7: THE DOCUMENT will include:

* Roshini Kempadoo revealing her contribution to a collaborative project
with artist Alicia Felberbaum, entitled The Future Looms and launched on 30
September.  This web site uses documentary and archive video, still, sound
and text material gathered from a old cotton mill town in Yorkshire to
explore weaving as wider metaphor for our relationship with technology

* Nick Crowe presenting the research and work which forms the Citizens - an
artist's book due to be published by Bookworks in Spring 1999 and launched
at the ICA, in which personal home pages on the web are redrawn as sketches
and created into limited edition downloadable movie files - and recently
completed THE 10 POINT PLAN FOR A BETTER HELSINKI, a project in Finland
inviting ten residents to redesign their city

The presentations will be followed by an open discussion and questions from
the floor.

CACHED is a series of artists' presentations and talks looking at current
work for the Internet. It asks how artists are dealing with conceptual and
practical issues of Internet work as they meet them.

CACHED is organised by CHANNEL/Artec, DA2 and the Slade Centre For
Electronic Media, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, in
collaboration with the ICA's Education Department.

CACHED is supported by the Arts Council of England.

Entry: GBP2 (members); GBP3 (non-members)
Bookings essential from ICA box office on 0171 930 3647

channel . commissions . residencies . network projects . information .
debate . webcasts . channel

David Sinden . Arts Programme Coordinator . Artec / Channel
Tel: +44 (0)171 477 2775 . Fax: +44 (0)171 477 2813 . Email:
Channel Web:

For up to date digital media sector news, opportunities, deadlines and
events info visit Channel Bulletin at
Submit your information to

Audio Channel 1 is a new sound space and resource for the web including:
experimental audio interfaces; unconventional musical histories; new sound
works; archives of innovative
audio work from diverse areas of musical production.
Audio Channel 1 requires Quicktime 3 plugin.

channel . commissions . residencies . network projects . information .
debate . webcasts . channel

   ................................................................... 02

Date:  Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:32:52 -0500
From: Thundergulch <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Thundergulch remaining fall schedule

THUNDERGULCH, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's initiative devoted to arts
and technology, concludes its fall BI-WEEKLY LUNCHTIME series


Tuesdays @ 12:30
November 3 - December 15, 1998
The New York Information Technology Center
55 Broad Street, NYC


1) Dec  1:	a. Parsons/Pratt -- The Internet as Art Medium
	   	b. Day Without Art/ Visual AIDS and Creative Time
2) Dec 15:	Independent Curator Timothy Druckrey presents . . .


The New York Exposition of Short Film and Video and New Media
THUNDERGULCH  presents an Interactive New Media Exhibition and Panel
Thursday, December 3, 6 - 7:30pm: Panel - Directions in New Media
The Tishman Auditorium, The New School for Social Research, 66 West 12th St
December 3 -  5: New Media exhibition on view during festival screening hours


Parsons/Pratt  The Internet as Art Medium
MFA students from the Digital Design department of Parsons join force with
their counterparts from the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media
department of Pratt to challenge the notion of art-making on the Internet.
A presentation and discussion of the students' work from the experimental
new course: The Internet  as Art Medium, co-hosted by Parsons and Pratt,
initiated and instructed by Zhang Ga.

Day Without Art/ Visual AIDS and Creative Time
Barbara Hunt, Director of Visual AIDS and Carol Stakenas, Assistant
Director of Creative Time, give a brief web tour in honor of the 10th
anniversary of Day Without Art and its more recent on-line presence.



Independent Curator Timothy Druckrey presents . . .
Timothy Druckrey -- an independent curator, critic and writer who is
concerned with issues of cultural history, representation, and technology
-- presents a range of work from his travels to recent European electronic
art festivals such as Ars Electronica (Austria), DEAF98 (Netherlands),
World Wide Video Festival (Amsterdam), Steirischer Herbst (Graz), SEAFair
(Skopje) and others.  Druckrey edited the recently published Electronic
Culture: Technology and Visual Representation and is editor of a new series
of books to be published by MIT Press -- Electronic Culture: History,
Theory and Practice.


The 32nd New York Exposition of Short Film and Video and New Media
Thundergulch was invited to coordinate DIRECTIONS IN NEW MEDIA Panel and
exhibition: CD-ROMs, web sites, Interactive movies.

WHEN:	Thursday, December 3,  6 - 7:30pm
WHERE: The Tishman Auditorium
 	The New School, 66 West 12th Street
WHO:   Panelists: Diane Bertolo, Tennessee Rice Dixon, Kristin Lucas, Seth
Thompson and from Picture Projects, Inc. - Sue Johnson and Alison Cornyn.
Moderated by Kathy Brew.

WHAT:	NEW MEDIA EXHIBITION - Among the works included are three CD-ROM
submissions from the call for entries: Chameleons 2: Theatre in a Movie
Screen by Steve Dixon; Residue by Elizabeth Sisco and Mundernity by Seth
Thompson. Websites from FT2K (Frontier Town 2000) by Diane Bertolo; Between
a Rock and a Hard Drive by Kristin Lucas; akaKURDISTAN directed by Susan
Meiselas and produced by Picture Projects, Inc. And an interactive movie in
ten sections called Count by Tennessee Rice Dixon.

WHEN:	Dec 3 - 5 Exhibition on view during festival screening hours
WHERE: Room location TBA
	The New School, 66 West 12th Street

[THE FESTIVAL: The 32nd New York Exposition of Short Film and Video and New
Media will take place December 2 - 5, 1998 at The Tishman Auditorium, The
New School, 66 West 12th Street. For further info: (212)505 -7742.]


THUNDERGULCH announces......

October 30 - December 6, 1998:
Artslink Resident Krassimir Terziev
Visiting from Sofia, Bulgaria


Thundergulch is a program of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Funding
is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State
Council on the Arts, The Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan Charitable
Trust, The Cowles Charitable Trust, The Alliance for Downtown New York, and
AT&T. Lunchtime@the Wall is made possible through the generous support of
the NYITC. Special thanks to Jason Largever, Owen Mitchell, and Bashkim
Qosja.  Thundergulch is grateful for support from Materials for the Arts
(New York City Department of Cultural Affairs/New York City Department of
Sanitation), Rachel Melman, John Long and Zhang Ga.


c/o Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
5 World Trade Center, Suite 9235
New York, NY 10048
tel (212) 432-0900
fax (212) 432-3646

   ................................................................... 03

Date:  Tue, 24 Nov 1998 18:37:62 +0800
From: dBONANZAh! <>
Subject: MP&G_11h.dbh! _ 50%


MP&G_11h.dbh! _ an update.



Almost three months ago dBONANZAh! <> started
collecting a wide variety of mp3 audio files by experimental sound artists
who volunteer to upload their music to our server and make it publicly
Our aim: 650 megabytes = one cdrom = 11 hours of high quality mp3 audio!
When accomplished, the files will remain available for download online, an
11h net radio broadcast marathon (celebration!) will be held, and a
low-budget CD will be released by (K-RAA-K)3 <>.

At this moment we have (beyond all expectations) collected 50% of this cd -
high time to do an extra call for participation, and also to release an
invitation for anyone who's interested to come, download and listen to the
files that are available - cause also the high quality of submitted audio
is more than surprising: it's worth the while!

Anyone who's interested in keeping in touch with the evolution of the
project and related discussions are invited to subscribe to the (low
traffic) [mp3_11h_650mb] mailing list at .

______________________________________________________________________ :

Date ______________ # Mb collected _________ % of 650Mb

98/08/25 __________ 72.0Mb _________________ 11.07%
98/08/26 (11am) ___ 76.4Mb _________________ 11.75%
98/08/27 (2pm) ____ 90Mb ___________________ 13.57%
98/08/28 (11am) ___ 97.3Mb _________________ 14.69%
98/08/30 (3pm) ____ 104.8Mb ________________ 15.85%
98/08/31 (11am) ___ 110.2Mb ________________ 16.68%
98/09/03 (1pm) ____ 115.5Mb ________________ 17.49%
98/09/24 (2pm) ____ 128.2Mb ________________ 19.45%
98/10/07 (8pm) ____ 193.6Mb ________________ 29.51%
98/10/27 (4pm) ____ 263.9Mb ________________ 40.32%
98/11/12 (11am) ___ 330.6Mb ________________ 50.58%


INTERFACE DESIGN (call for participation to net artists/designers)

Most of the audio participants have made a html index page for their own
submissions (see below); we're still looking for an inventive, lowtech web
interface for the whole project though - at this moment visitors have to
navigate through ftp file structures. So here's a call for ideas and
proposals targeted to artists and designers; send your suggestions (as a
url, or html pages) to
The best interface will be elected by the audio participants; the winning
artist or designer will be fully credited within this project and the
promotion surrounding it, and will receive 10 copies of the released CD.
(Unfortunately we cannot provide a money prize since this is a no-budget
undertaking, but do it cause it's challenging and fun; so do we!)

___ deadline: 31 december 1998 ___


UPLOAD (call for participation to audio practitioners)

An invitation to anyone who would like to participate in this project by
uploading audio: get in touch with - an ftp
folder and a password will be provided.


is the place where you can find the audio! Mpeg3 players for your own
platform can be found through


	A Glass Case
1960's Experimental Recordings From 1998

	Akihiro Kubota

	anatemno ( aka ; or .. )
mare tranquillitatis.mp3: slowly piece based on the 3 sounds;
water, cymbal, and two flute tones, or maybe


	Matrix Assimilation
Electronic Acid Vaudeville and Error Orgy

	guy and maurice say:
"less is more"


	Jokoo Funfrock aka Thomas J Wolfe
Re-arranged sounds, distortion, and a sample of a can of soda being opened.

the chemical composition of defecation formatted to sound

	maria blondeel

	Meiko and Ryu
Japanese Trance, House and Jungle

	My Amazing Robot
"Ska-Dada", horns, a stand up bass, a keyboard, drum machine and amplified
ironing board.


	Sola Produxies

Noise-to-Signal Ratios

	Super Mario Christ
digital blasphemy against analogue idols

Acid Noise

   ................................................................... 04

Date:  Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:31:50 +0200
From: John Hopkins <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  neoscenes occupation project 1

neoscenes occupation: Project 1

Call for Participation/Contributions

neoscene will officially begin with an online occupation during the
following times:

0800 (GMT+2) November 27  -- 0800 (GMT+2) November 28

from a network node in Tornio, Finnish Lapland, we will be *broadcasting*
an eclectic variety of content on RealAudio and Real Video.  We will also
be online via email, IRC, and iVisit for dialogue and feedback.  Channel
and other details will be announced shortly before the event. Please
consult the web site.

content in the form of URL's, audio/video files (Quicktime, mpeg, real
audio/video, aiff, etc...) are welcome for a links page.

Please send appropriate URLs or ftp addresses to:

John Hopkins <>

be there or be invisible!

   ................................................................... 05

Date:  Thu, 26 Nov 1998 23:55:34 +0100
From: "mishmash" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>

 __  __ _     _     __  __           _
|     \/  (_) ___|  |__ |  \/  | __ _ ___| |__
|   |\/|   |    / __ |  '_ \| |\/| |/ _` / __| '_ \
|   |  |      | \__  \    | | |  | | (_| \__ \ | | |
|_|  | _|_ |___/ _  | |_|_|  |_|\__,_|___/_| |_|


MishMash announces the launch of
it's "interactive" tour of the National Gallery London.

Every Sunday until Christmas

from 2pm to 6pm outside the National Gallery.

Very Private View-(shh!) - Sunday 6th December
---WINE on the steps of the gallery---

(Don't let on to the gallery, they're
not known for their sense of humour.)

If you live in Occidental, and want to know
what's going on:

   ................................................................... 06

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 16:04:28 -0500
From: netart <>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.07 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "" <>
Subject: Connectivity and Beyond - a panel discussion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854";
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Connectivity and Beyond

A Panel Discussion

So you've heard all the hype about on-line art these days.
But what really is art on-line? What constitutes a work of art  in the
age of information saturation and a global village? And what is the
aesthetic sensibility on
the monitor?

Join us for an exciting debate about all these perplexing questions.


Tamas Banovich (Curator of multimedia and digital art, Postmasters),
Mattew Drutt (Media arts
Curator, Guggenheim Museum), Till Krueger (Faculty, Digital Design
Parsons), Leslie Sharpe (Faculty, Computer Graphics and Interactive
Media, Pratt), Sara Tucker (Director of Digital Media, Dia Center For
the Arts), Marc Weiss (Executive Producer, Web Lab).
Moderated By Zhang Ga (Artist, Faculty, Digital Design Parsons, CGIM

Where: Swayduck Auditorium 65 5th Ave. between 13th and 14th street, New
York City

When:   December 7, 1998, at 3 p.m.

Admission: Free

This discussion, in conjunction with a new course, "The Internet as Art
which is jointly taught, in both MFA Dsign and Technology @Parsons and
Computer Graphics and Interactive Media of Pratt, aims at stimulating a
dynamic dialogue between the academic and artistic talents to explore
this emerging new medium in art making today, offering the students as
well as the interested public an opportunity for open debate about the
nature and implications of this medium.

This Panel Discussion is made possible with the generous support from
the Department of Digital Design, Parsons, and Sven Travis, the Chair of
the Dept.,
through close collaboration with the Department of Computer Graphics
and Interactive Media of Pratt, and Rick Barry, the Chair of the Dept.

   ................................................................... 07

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 14:39:13 -0500
From: Paul DeRienzo <> (by way of
Subject: Stand and Squillacote sentencing January 8, 1999

For more information on this case check out


 Kurt Stand and Terry Squillacote were convicted of all the espionage
charges against them and will be sentenced on Friday, January 8, 1999.
Under federal guidelines they face 15 years to life in federal prison,
in the absence of mitigating circumstances. It would be helpful for
people who are concerned about this case to write letters to the judge
prior to the sentencing. To be sure your letter is reviewed by the
judge, send it by December 15.

The point of the letter is to convince the judge to grant a more lenient
sentence than federalguidelines suggest. Write a letter whose focus is
that federal sentencing guidelines are extremely harsh given the facts
of this case.

This is not an appropriate forum to discuss problems with the FISA, the
government's actions in this case, or the conduct of the trial itself.
These issues will be addressed in the appeals.

It's important to attend the sentencing both to show your support for
Stand and Squillacote and to demonstrate to the judge that there are
many people in the community who care about them and do not want them t
be incarcerated. Call 202-892-6167 to find out if there are any changes
in the date of the sentencing. The courthouse is located at 401
Courthouse Square in Alexandria, Virginia. Directions are available in a
recorded message from the courthouse at 703-299-2100. The sentencing
will be in the courtroom of Judge Claude Hilton, Room 800. The defense
will be seated on the left.

Address your letter to: The Honorable Claude Hilton; US District Court;
Alexandria, VA
22314. Send your letter to the Fund for the Fourth Amendment; P.O. Box
5685; Washington
DC 20016. The letters will be delivered to the judge in a packet.


Dear Judge Hilton:

I am writing about the upcoming sentencing of Kurt Stand and Terry
Squillacote. I have been following the case and am familiar with it. I
understand that under federal sentencing guidelines, the recommended
range for the sentence for each of them is from 15 years to life. I
think that it would be wrong for such a long sentence to be imposed
given the facts of this case. I refer particularly to the fact that the
evidence did not demonstrate that any classified material was ever given
to a foreign government through the efforts of Mr. Stand or Ms.
Squillacote. In addition, I understand that Ms. Squillacote suffers from
a psychiatric condition that affects her judgment
and actions. Given these factors, I feel that justice would be served by
imposing a substantially shorter sentence in this case.



Dear Judge Hilton:

I am a friend of Kurt Stand and Terry Squillacote. I am writing to
express my hope that you will grant them lenient sentences. I have been
personal friends with both of them for fourteen years. Yhroughout the
time I have known them, I have always been impressed by their
willingness to help out friends and in their efforts to improve the
world around them, such as their work to bring a co-op to our Brookland

I have been particularly struck by their devotion to thier children. I
watched them struggle for years with the handicap of their son. They
worked extensively with the Districtt of Columbia to obtain an
appropriate education for him. Their absence from the community this
past year has been felt keenly by all their friends and neighbors, but
most deeply by their children. We hope to have them back with us soon.


Thanks for your consideration of this appeal.

Paul DeRienzo

   ................................................................... 08

Date:  Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:43:35 +0000
From: FACT <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  FACTS /UK

two new members of staff please circulate the information below:

(=A322k - =A325k)

(=A318.5k - =A321k)

As a leading agency for the commissioning, presentation, servicing and
support of artworks using existing and emerging technology, FACT has a
successful and impressive track record of initiating and producing major
international projects including VIDEO POSITIVE and ISEA98, as well as
operating MITES (the Moving Image Touring & Exhibition Service).

These two new posts are key to FACT's next exciting stage of development
including  the staging of VIDEO POSITIVE 2000 and the development and
completion of the FACT CENTRE - a centre for moving image media in

GENERAL MANAGER will be responsible for financial control and planning,
human resource management plus business development and planning issues.

PROGRAMME CURATOR will have principal responsibility for curating, project
managing and organising an international programme of exhibitions and
events throughout the UK including the VIDEO POSITIVE biennial in
Liverpool, scheduled for 2000.

We are looking for dynamic and ambitious individuals who can work
energetically and enthusiastically on multiple projects.

=46or further details, please send an A4 SAE (49p) stating the reference
number for the post to:
Laurie Hunte, FACT, Bluecoat Chambers, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BX
Deadline for receipt of applications: THURSDAY 17th DECEMBER 1998
Interviews scheduled for: week beginning MONDAY 11th JANUARY 1999

The Foundation for Art & Creative Technology [FACT]
[The UK's leading development agency for video and electronic media art]
[For general mail -] [For MITES -]
[For ISEA98 -] [For Press & Media -]
[For Virtual Revolutions -] [For the Collaboration programme
-] [For Imaginaria -] [For Eddie Berg -]

   ................................................................... 09

Date:  Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:43:37 +0000
From: Pit Schultz <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  open  source conference

O'Reilly Announces Open Source Conference
Co-Located Conferences Cover Linux, Perl, FreeBSD, and More
SEBASTOPOL, CA--O'Reilly & Associates announced
today that it is expanding its support of Open Source™
software by presenting the O'Reilly Open Source
Conferences--Perl Conference 3.0 plus several new
technical Conferences on mission-critical Open Source
software--on August 21-24, 1999 at the Monterey
Convention Center in Monterey, CA.

For the first time, programmers, webmasters, and system
administrators can find--under one roof--a spectrum of
high-end technical sessions, presented by the key
developers in each technology. In real-world
applications, users draw on several Open Source
technologies to get the job done. At the O'Reilly
Conferences on Perl, Linux, FreeBSD, Apache, Sendmail
and other Open Source technologies, attendees can
move freely between Conferences, choosing from a rich
panoply of sessions on these interrelated technologies.
In addition, each Conference is preceded by in-depth

Open Source software has achieved dramatic gains in
credibility and market share in the seven months since
Tim O'Reilly, President and CEO of O'Reilly &
Associates, hosted the historic Open Source Summit that
first brought together the creators of Linux, Perl, Apache,
Sendmail, Tcl, Python, and Netscape's mozilla. It was at
that meeting that these leaders agreed to adopt Eric
Raymond's term "Open Source" for the powerful
development methodology their products share, and to
work together to promote the value and importance of the
software developed by the Open Source community. In
August 1998, O'Reilly's Perl Conference 2.0 and Open
Source Developer Day drew enthusiastic crowds of Open
Source supporters.

"Conferences are a natural extension of our efforts to
alleviate 'information pain' with our books and software,
and they create a magic that happens only when people
gather face-to-face," noted O'Reilly. "There's been a
heady air of discovery and sharing at our Perl
Conferences. They've been true community events.
We're excited about bringing that spirit to the wider Open
Source community."

Bob Young, CEO of Red Hat Software, said, "O'Reilly's
Linux Conference is a welcome addition to the resources
available to the growing Linux technical community.
We're glad to see them bring their independent,
authoritative approach to the conference arena."

Linux Journal is a major sponsor of O'Reilly's Linux
Conference. Publisher Phil Hughes said, "Since the early
days, O'Reilly has been documenting Linux and the open
source utilities that Linux users depend on. They're very
close to the technical community, and they'll bring that
inside perspective to their Linux Conference. We're
looking forward to working with them."

"We at Sendmail are happy to support this new O'Reilly
project," said Greg Olson, CEO of Sendmail, Inc.
"O'Reilly is the natural group to pull the Open Source
community together around a conference."

Jordan Hubbard of the FreeBSD project stated,
"FreeBSD is happy to support this new O'Reilly venture.
O'Reilly already has wide appeal within the Open Source
community and we look forward to working with them in
promoting all aspects of the Open Source movement."

For more information on the O'Reilly Open Source
Conferences, go to

 # # #

Open Source is a trademark of Software in the Public

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