announcer on Sat, 21 Nov 1998 16:38:21 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> announcer 061b

   . The Announcer ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send your announcements and notes to .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .

01 . Jeremy Welsh          . Art and Architecture seminar
02 .     . Swallow #11 Hits The Earth Early
03 . CyberSalon Announce   . CYBER.SALON 9 <25/11/98>
04 . Cultural Terrorist
     Agency                . Call for funding for Natural Reality Project.
05 . xleton                . Mazecorp 5/6

   ................................................................... 01

Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:25:31 +0100
From: Jeremy Welsh <>
Subject: Art and Architecture seminar

Art and Architecture in the Expanded Field is a two day seminar at NTNU
(The Norwegian University of Science and Technology) on 19 - 20 November

Art and Architecture in the  < e x p a n d e d  > Field
(referring to Rosalind Krauss' text Sculpture in The Expanded Field) is a
seminar series jointly promoted by Trondheim Academy of Fine Art and The
Institute for Form and Colour, (Faculty of Architecture, Planning  and
Fine Art), together with the History of Art Section (Department of Art and
Media Studies). As a part of the interdisciplinary programme of NTNU (The
Norwegian University of Science and Technology) this series aims to open up
areas of common ground and mutual interest between the different
disciplines that are represented. Artists, art historians, architects and
cultural theorists, as well as students,  are invited to attend and
participate. Invited speakers from Norway, Russia, Latvia, Finland and the
USA will give a variety of papers and presentations covering visual art,
architecture and new media.

The "expanded field" of art and architecture today encompasses a wide
variety of structures, institutions, strategies, ideologies, media and
resources. Whilst artist-run galleries, operating on shoestring budgets,
carry forward the tradition of risk-taking in the presentation of new,
radical or difficult forms of contemporary art, other groups of artists
operating outside of the mainstream have relocated their practice in
cyberspace, establishing net-servers that are run by and for artists,
whilst conducting a lively debate around critical and theoretical issues
relating to the net and what net-specific art might be. Within this new
digital arena we also meet a number of ground-breaking architects who are
concerned with how we visualize cyberspace, how we construct spaces within
it and how we connect the real to the virtual. The speakers at this seminar
represent a diverse range of practices and theoretical discourses and will
present diverging viewpoints which will allow for a provisional mapping of
this expanded - or expanding - field.

Speakers: Marcos Novak, Peter Anders, Olia Lialina, Erkki Huhtamo, Jaanis
Garancs, Geir Tore Holm, S¯ssa J¯rgensen. Seminar chairman: Jeremy Welsh

Professor Jeremy Welsh
Kunstakademiet i Trondheim
NTNU, N-7034 Trondheim
tel +47 73 59 79 00 / 73 59 79 05 (direkt) 73 59 79 10 (atelier)
fax +47 73 59 79 20
mobil +47 90 76 13 48

   ................................................................... 02

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:20:11 +0000
Subject: Swallow #11 Hits The Earth Early


Swallow #11 - losing what plot?
The Hexagon Series, by James McCabe, Speak in Fonts, by Howard Covert,
Honey and Vitriol, by mez, and a whole bunch of rubbish by the Bad
Editor, including an extremely unwise article about Justin Petersen.

¡plug!  <-- URL still same

   ................................................................... 03

Date:  Wed, 18 Nov 1998 16:01:33 +0000
From: CyberSalon Announce <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  CYBER.SALON 9 <25/11/98>



Steve Whaley - New Media Knowledge
Niko Waesche -

Armin Medosch - Telepolis

7pm to 11pm
Wednesday 25th November

(basement of Cyberia)
39 Whitfield St

entrance free

be there early!


Cyber.Salon 9: 'Net.Business'

Over the past few year, many commentators have seen the Net as both an
essential business tool and an emerging sector of the economy. The speakers
for Cyber.Salon 9 will examine how far such hype has been turned into
reality. Steve Whaley from New Media Knowledge will talk about the
importance of fostering practical and entrepreneurial skills within
hypermedia companies. Niko Waesche from will discuss the
impact of Net technologies on the non-corporate business sector. These
presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion where we hope that
you will contribute your own ideas and experiences.

New Media Knowledge:  <>        <>


If you know anyone who would like to receive announcements of forthcoming
Cyber.Salons, they can subscribe themselves to our listserver on either of
these webpages:


   ................................................................... 04

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:49:53 -0700
From: Cultural Terrorist Agency <>
Subject: Call for funding for Natural Reality Project.

Cultural Terrorist Agency (CTA)
Call for funding for Natural Reality Project.

Natural Reality are a propaganda group intent on the
destruction of all mediation and control of nature,
including commercial exploitation and reformist

Natural Reality have developed a strategy to pressurize
the UK government into implementation of a total ban of
genetically mutated crops and products.

The campaign, will be one of propaganda directed against
the propriortisation of naturally existing organisms by
international corporations and the disguising of these
actions as either environmentally friendly or as a form
of conservation.

We feel that this would be a good campaign to support
with financial aid, as it fits CTA's stated guidlines
very tightly.

Natural Reality requires a total sum of $500us to
facilitate this project.

We request that you send a minimum of $10us either
as cheque, draft or money-order to the following
bank account:

   J'Psyched Revolutions
   Account # 1033-056
   Bank of Montreal #2510

   Tel: 1 403 762 2275
   Fax: 1 403 762 5340

Let us know if you would like to be
involved in future projects.

For further information see:

Thank you for your attention.

Heath Bunting

   ................................................................... 05

Date:  Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:20:10 +0100
From: xleton <>
Subject:  Mazcecorp 5/6

Bxl, le 19/11/98


Voici la mise à jour du site Mazecorp…
Nouvelle adresse:

Si vous ne désirez plus recevoir de mises-à-jour, répondez à ce courrier

en inscrivant 'onion' en tant que sujet de votre courrier.

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>>vous trouverez ci-dessous la proposition de départ:
>>>Bonjour, ben voici,
>>>je vous propose de lire les textes présentés à ces add.:
>>>après lecture de ces textes, je vous propose de me renvoyer ceux,
>>>selon qui aurait retenu votre attention.
>>>Voilà l'objet principal de ce courrier.
>>>a voir avec Netscape4.0 ou IE4.0

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