Matthew Smith on Tue, 17 Jun 1997 19:46:38 +0200 (MET DST) |
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Re: <nettime> bossy cunts online |
Mr. Wark wrote: >If you get put in a small, cramped >box, an artist, woman, black or gay box -- you know >you're in a box, honey, and you find a way to escape. hmm. all of those boxes seem obvious, exept the "artist". please, somebody, elaborate... this whole discussion is a strange one. i kinda thought that is was common knowledge that we r all pink on the inside, atleast on this list. but anyhow, since everybody seems to be expressing their personal views, here is mine: why should women not have the right or desire 2 flock 2gether in a casual way, without men interfering - in a similiar fashion as men gather at gasstations on sunday afternoon showing off their chrome & wheels, e.g.? i think nobody (female/male) can really leave the society one lives in. so the different genders seem to have parts of their lives that they dont necessarily want 2 share with the opposite sex. this fact should be respected - it doesnt have anything 2do with world domination, its something "biological";) its all about everybody having a chance, and that chance definetly has something 2do with the box (see above) ur living in/come from. and 2 make things more fair, its very important 2 have some people around who are prepared 2 kick some serious ass on the issue, even if its not "politically correct" for e.g. VNS...special shoutout to them matt ««««««««««\ /«««/ «««I«««««\ \ ______ /« / I \ \ ______/ /« / ___I______/__\____________________/ / / -o \ / / I / ### \ ##### I \ ### I _________________ \ / ___/____/**** * ****\____________________\_/ **** **** ************* _____________*********________________________ --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime" in the msg body # URL: contact: