Pit Schultz on Wed, 5 Mar 97 14:20 MET |
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nettime: <!> Seafair 97, 6th Flusser Symposium, geekgirl#9 + Electronic Empires, SyndicateSchedule |
push it. (again) -- SeaFair 97 - call / Melentie Pandilosvki -- 6th International VilŽm Flusser Symposium / Adele Eisenstein -- geekgirl#9 *woof & doof* out now! / rosie x -- Elecronic empires : global media and local resistance / Peter Every -- abroeck's great conf schedule / Andreas Broeckmann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Felipe Rodriquez <felipe@xs4all.nl> Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 01:15:04 +0100 (MET) Contrast: praktiese regelzaken ----------------------------- PRESS RELEASE Amsterdam, March 1, 1997 SECRET IGC DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED ON THE INTERNET Nel van Dijk, MEP for GroenLinks (NL), as of today will publish on the Internet a selection of documents drafted by the Dutch EU presidency for the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC). The location (URL) is http://www.xs4all.nl/~nelvdijk. The IGC is preparing the revision of the Treaty on the European Union, to be concludes at the Amsterdam Euro Summit coming June. The utterly confidential documents are the so-called non-papers, containing the Dutch Presidency's proposals for the revision of the Maastricht treaty. Two documents are published to start with, one on flexibility in the European Union and another on the extension of qualified majority voting in the council of ministers. In the coming days other documents will appear on Nel van Dijk's Internet site. Nel van Dijk:" Some days ago the media reported that the Dutch presidency had been criticized by other governments for going beyond the limits of openness. On a Internet server of a European research and developments program, CORDIS,(http://www.cordis.lu/dutch.html) the Dutch presidency in a special corner had published the minutes of a European working party on R & D. Well even that was too much for some. I cannot trace anymore the document that caused the uproar. Furtively deleted ? The documents that I publish concern the future of Europe and should be public. Secrecy in Europe, namely on Council level is that strict that the documents even are not entitled to a name, so they call them non-papers. I think interested citizens are entitled to know where we are heading. And what I read in the documents, is not exactly predicting much for democracy, however if they are accessible anyone can get to know them unfiltered and make up his /her minds.?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEAFair '97 The Center for Computer Arts will premiere the Skopje Electronic Arts Fair '97 SEAFair is the first manifestation of this kind on the Balkans, bringing together International web artists, multimedia artists, media critics and theorists, as well as the interested audience. SEAFair is conceived to be a serial of international events, exhibitions/video conferences, which will explore the creation and existing of new media and electronic arts and venues. SEAFair will at the same time serve as an international and intercultural meeting point of arts and technologies. The CefCA [Center for Computer Arts] which acts within the frameworks of the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje web site http://www.soros.org.mk/scca/Welcome.html will be updated frequently and will contain full information on these events. Call for contributions First Event Theme: Altering Visions on the Net Exhibition Venue: Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art May 21 - 24, 1997 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia ______________________ An international call for web based art. The exhibition Altering Visions on the Net is based in the complexities, achievements and limits of the web art projects. The theme for the first four-day event will be the Altering Visions on the Net. The exhibition will concentrate on investigating the new ways of artistic working and featuring different artistic languages of expression on the net. The addressed issues will be the visions of the artists and technicians opposed to the limits dictated by technology or assisted by the merits of the same. Altering visions on the Net is especially interested in original innovative projects. The exhibition welcomes all projects using information technology and different multi-media applications, hypertext, vrml. The exhibition is conceived as an encounter of artists, technologies and visionaries. The selected international projects will be presented in the Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art, accompanied with a one day workshop directed at qualifying the local artists and audience for complex media projects. The submitted projects will pass through a juried election process. The authors of the projects retain all of the copyrights. Proposals should contain - abstract - title of project - URL addresses of projects (if already existing) - technical equipment requirements for the presentation - curriculum vitae The selected artists will be contacted and will be provided with the guidelines and an FTP address where the projects can be uploaded. When sending the projects please send description of any additional changes that have to be done locally. Dead line for submission: April 15, 1997 Notification of acceptance: April 25, 1997 Also announcing: Second event Theme: Troubled Interactivity CuSeeMe Conference Venue: Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art Date of exhibition: June 10, 1997. Proposals for the CuSeeMe conference should especially focus on the artistic, cultural and social implications arousing from the phenomenon of electronic arts and its practical applications in the area of the south-eastern Europe/Balkans. The Conference is by no means limited to this geographical area but is open to the entire art world. The proposals should contain: - abstract - list of names of interested participants and cities which they come from - curriculum vitae - e-mail addresses, - web address Dead line for proposals: May 1, 1997. The selected proposal for the CUSeeMe Conference will be announced on May 10, 1997. The Conference will be available internationally through the net as well as locally projected on large screens in the Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art. Third Event Selected Theme: Interactive Narration International CD ROM exhibition Venue: Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art Date of exhibition: 21 October 1997 The Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art will act as a central venue for the exhibition. The central theme for the exhibition will be the Interactive Narration. Besides the CD ROM presentations the cinema hall of the Museum will be used as a focal point for the discussions about the CD ROM projects. Projects will be carefully selected in order to cover a wide variety of used approaches in the achieving of the interactive narration. The exhibition should urge the creation of new CD ROMs in Macedonia and the territory of the Balkans. Send Video tapes of the CD ROMs (for viewing) and the actual CD ROMs (Pc/Mac) for the exhibition by July 1, 1997. Proposals should also contain: - Curriculum Vitae - e-mail addresses Announcement of the selected projects CD ROMs by September 10, 1997. ___________________ Submit proposals for the events to: Melentie Pandilovski, Curator of SEAFair '97 Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje, Macedonia Ruzveltova 34, 91000 Skopje mpandil@soros.org.mk scca@soros.org.mk http://www.soros.org.mk/scca/welcome.html tel/fax: 389. Melentie Pandilovski assistant director Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje Ruzveltova 34 91000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Tel/Fax: 389.91.361.855 e-mail: mpandil@soros.org.mk scca@soros.org.mk http://www.soros.org.mk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 21:45:17 +0100 From: Adele Eisenstein <adele@caesar.elte.hu> Subject: 6th International VilŽm Flusser Symposium Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation 6th international VilŽm Flusser symposium & event series march 15-19 1997 budapest hungary C3, in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Budapest, Mžcsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest) and the Intermedia Department of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, will present the 6th International VilŽm Flusser Symposium and series of related events, entitled "Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation," from March 15 - 19, 1997, in Budapest, Hungary. Our aim is to continue the discussion of the theoretical work of VilŽm Flusser and to demonstrate the importance of his writings regarding the European, in particular Hungarian, context. Invited international and Hungarian speakers will present lectures dealing with the elements of provocation and play, key concepts of Flusser's oeuvre, and on media metaphors and intersubjectivity, as well as drawing parallels to the recent theoretical media issues of our region. The two-day symposium held at the Mžcsarnok will be accompanied by an exhibition of works by Hungarian artists reflecting on Flusser, presented in the ExplorationLab, media gallery of C3. The official opening of the entire series of events will coincide with the opening of the exhibition "Reflections on Flusser" on March 15, 18:00, at C3. The symposium takes place March 16-17, 10:00-19:00, at the Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest), Torley Terem, at Hosok tere (Heroes Sq.). All lectures and discussions will be simultaneously translated in Hungarian, English and German. Over two evenings, public events at Goethe-Institut Budapest will also expand upon the works of Flusser. There will also be multimedia presentations by Hungarian artists and media experts, as well as the presentation of two Hungarian translations of Flusser's works. These events take place on March 18 at 18:00 and March 19 at 19:00. C o n f i r m e d S p e a k e r s Marie-Luise Angerer "The Body as Interface" L‡szl— Beke "Suprises - Flusser" Lubor Benda "Game: The Future of Work and Communicaton" Pierre Bongiovanni "CICV" G‡bor Bora "Interobjectivity: the link from communication to information and back again" Zolt‡n Gal‡ntai "The New Hypermedia Metaphor: The Web" Ladislav Galeta "Between Light" video screening Marina Grzinic "The Net Called: 'Human Relations'" Erkki Huhtamo "Elephant in the Keyhole - Media archeological approaches to the history of the screen" Gottfried JŠger "Animato. The work of art in the era of its electronic manipulatability" Dietmar Kamper "Zerodimension images. VilŽm Flusser's re-interpretation of the power of images" Ryszard Kluszczynski "Irony and Metaphor: On Two Tendencies in Polish Media Art" Thomas Knšfel "We are such stuff as dreams are made on... - The term "virtuality" in the writings of Jean Baudrillard and VilŽm Flusser" Klaus Kreimeier "Flusser's Notion of Posthistory and the End of Communication" Hans Ulrick Reck "Immersive Environment: The Gesamkunstwerk of the 21st century?" Zolt‡n Seb™k "The Virus" J‡nos Sug‡r "The Limits of Efficiency - The Fate of the Secularised Decisions" çkos Szil‡gyi "The Raw and the Cooked: Russiaâs Mediatization" J—zsef A. Tillmann "The Capacity of Metaphor" Milos Vojtechovsky "Lair - Media - Tedium" Siegfried Zielinski "Art and Apparatus - Dramatizing the Interface" P r o g r a m M a r c h 1 5 - 1 9 1 9 9 7 Saturday 15 18:00 Reflections on Flusser Exhibition and Event Series Opening C3 Center for Culture & Communication (exhibition open until April 6) Sunday 16 - Monday 17 10:00-19:00 Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation 6th International Vilem Flusser Symposium Mucsarnok Tuesday 18 18:00 Book Presentation Die Schrift (Tartos Hullam - Balassi Publisher) Das Bett (Kijarat Publisher) by Vilem Flusser in Hungarian translation Goethe-Institut Budapest Wednesday 19 19:00 The Code Lecture and performance by Gusztav Hamos, Miklos Peternak and Zoltan Szegedy-Maszak Goethe-Institut Budapest (exhibition open until 25 March) Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation Advisory Committee: L‡szlo Beke, director, Mucsarnok Wolfgang Meissner, Goethe-Institut Budapest Matthias Mźller-Wieferig, Goethe-Institut Budapest Miklos Peternak, chair of the board, C3; Zoltan Sebok, theoretician; J.A.Tillmann, theoretician Organizers: Suzanne Meszoly, director C3 <smeszoly@c3.hu> Adele Eisenstein, coordinator C3 <aeisenstein@c3.hu> Agnes Veronika Kovacs, coordinator C3 <akovacs@c3.hu> C3 http://www.c3.hu/ CENTER FOR CULTURE & COMMUNICATION Orszaghaz utca 9, Budapest 1014 (PO Box 419, Budapest 1537, Hungary) Tel 36.1.214-6856 Fax 36.1.214-6872 6TH INTERNATIONAL VILM FLUSSER SYMPOSIUM & EVENT SERIES Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation 15-19 March 1997 Official opening of events: 15 March 1997, 6 pm Locations: C3: Center for Culture & Communication Goethe-Institut Budapest Mžcsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest), Tšrley terem Supported by GOETHE-INSTITUT, FRENCH INSTITUT, PRO HELVETIA, AUSTRIAN CULTURAL INSTITUT, EMBASSY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC, POLISH INSTITUTE, INTERMEDIA DEPARTMENT OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS We are pleased to invite you to attend a PRESS CONFERENCE at C3: Center for Culture & Communication (Budapest I., Orsz‡gh‡z u. 9) on Friday, 14 March 1997 at 11:00 am including a discussion with some of the symposium participants, and a preview of the exhibition Reflections on Flusser Please see the attached PRESS RELEASE for a brief overview of the 6TH INTERNATIONAL VILM FLUSSER SYMPOSIUM & EVENT SERIES, Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation For further information, please contact Adele Eisenstein, çgnes Veronika Kov‡cs or Suzanne MŽszšly at C3: Tel.: 214.6856 Fax: 214.6872 <info@c3.hu> <aeisenstein@c3.hu> http://www.c3.hu/c3/events/flusser/englishinfosheet.html ......................................... Adele Eisenstein <adele@caesar.elte.hu> check http://muu.lib.hel.fi/me Adele Eisenstein, Program Coordinator C3: Center for Culture & Communication Soros Foundation Hungary http://www.c3.hu <aeisenstein@c3.hu> Orszaghaz u. 9, Budapest 1014 Pf. 419, Budapest 1537 Hungary tel: 36.1/ 214.6856 fax: 36.1/ 214.6872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 14:16:37 +1100 (EDT) From: geekgirl <spyfood@drjones.next.com.au> Subject: geekgirl#9 *woof & doof* out now! A kennel of one's own. It's a well known fact a girl's best friend is her dog! The world's first and most popular cyberfeminist hyperzine presents *woof* & *doof*. Issue #9 is just itchin' to hit the road & goes online March 1, '97. Never work with dogs or artists? Well find out for yourself! Produced with the assistance of the Australia Council for the Arts *W&D* is a fun look at kids, kelpies, kreatures and kosmic beings. We hear news of the Australian spoken Word tour of Terence McKenna; meet Vali Myers Australian born artist at home in her wildlife oasis in Italy; lots of info about geekgirl's fave organisation "Guide Dogs for the Blind"; Critter from Bohemian Ink tackles some gnarly questions; Miriam from Wrong Kind of Stoneage pays homage to Gracie and sings a tune-or-two; plus some hot shockwave, animation (and upcoming doof) by - Laura Jordan, Sally Harbison, RobJ and Komninos. Monika Jansch gets let out and does Dip, Dunk, Dog and we have sniffed out some more Penapls as Therapy, and Hollywood Hound Dogs. Yelp-Yippee!.. Visit! you'll enjoy the RealAudio, Poodle Parlor and some kewl comps for kids and all kreatures. For the fussy types you'll nibble on the new merchandise and play with paper dogs. An extensive wired hair women's section is also included this issue to celebrate International Women's Week. Thanks for your support in ensuring geekgirl continues to lead the way.. rosie x / geekgirl http://www.geekgirl.com.au/ gg@geekgirl.com.au |o/ \o\ |o/ po box 759, newtown | \ / australia 2042 /> <\ /> phax +61 2 95506777 never loose site of # 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [via RRE] Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 10:44:54 +0000 From: Peter Every <arx042@coventry.ac.uk> [...] ELECTRONIC EMPIRES: GLOBAL MEDIA AND LOCAL RESISTANCE Hillman Theatre Coventry University 28-29 March 1997 Programme FRIDAY 28 MARCH 1997 9.30 Registration and coffee 10.45 Introduction Daya Thussu Coventry University 11.00 Session 1: Electronic Empires - Corporate Colonialism? Keynote address A Century of Expectations and Preparations for Global Electronic Mastery Herbert Schiller University of California An Islamic Perspective on the Globalisation of Electronic Empires Ali Mohammadi Nottingham Trent University 12.45 Lunch 2.00 Session 2: Globalisation and Media Convergence A Missing Dimension: Engendering Debate in International Communication Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester Murdoch and Other Satellite Empires: A UK Perspective on Media Convergence Granville Williams Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom 3.30 Tea 3.45 Session 3: Towards a Global Public Sphere? What Price the Public Sphere? Jim McGuigan Coventry University Global Media - Creating a Global Public Sphere? Colin Sparks University of Westminster Electronic Empires: Privatising Public Space Edward S. Herman University of Pennsylvania 6.30 Reception SATURDAY 29 MARCH 1997 9.30 Session 4: Technologies of Electronic Empires Virtually Ignored: Prospects for Cybercitizenship Peter Golding Loughborough University Digital Media as Paranoiac Environment Les Levidow Open University The Internet and the Global Public Sphere Anuradha Vittachi Editor and Co-Director, OneWorld Online 11.15 Coffee 11.30 Session 5: Electronic Empires - Global Culture, Global News? Consumption and Ambivalence: Autonomy and Submission in the Global Cultural Arena Marie Gillespie University of Wales (Swansea) Media Imperialism Revisited Oliver Boyd-Barrett Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester Global News - Infotainment and Corporate Propaganda Daya Thussu Coventry University 1.30 Lunch 2.30 Session 6: Alternatives to Electronic Empires? Global Audience - Local Consumption David Morley Goldsmiths College, University of London Global Media and Local Resistance: From Tactic to Strategy? Tony Dowmunt Series Editor 'Channels of Resistance,' Channel 4 TV 3.45 Discussion 4.30 Tea and depart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 21:52:20 +0100 From: abroeck@v2.nl (Andreas Broeckmann) Subject: Syndicate: V2_East/Syndicate Newsletter 97/02 Sender: owner-syndicate@AEC.at [...] * Dates of (some) upcoming events and exhibitions * (info below or in Newsletter 96/..) - 24 March - 27 April 1997: Lab (Media Art Exhibition), Warsaw/PL - 4/5/6 April 1997: Virtual World Orchestra, Glasgow/Scotland (96/12) - 11 April - 18 May 1997: Video Positive 97, Liverpool & Manchester/UK (96/12) - April 28-May 3, 1997 Mediawave festival in Gyor/HU - 30 April-4 May 1997: WRO 97, Wroclaw/PL (96/10b) - 7 - 11 May 1997: EMAF, the European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck/D (97/01) - 23 May - 1 June 1997: transmedia/10th Videofest, Berlin/D (97/01) - 3 June - (?) 1997: E-Mail Art 4, Bratislava/SK (97/01) - 6 June - 6 July, 1997: ARTEC'97, 5th Internal Biennale in Nagoya/JP (96/12) - 21 June - 29 September 1997: Documenta X, Kassel/D - 8 - 10 August 1997: Hacking In Progress, HIP97, Almere/NL (97/01) - 8 -13 September 1997: Ars Electronica Festival, Linz/A - 12 - 18 September 1997: World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam/NL - 22 - 27 September 1997: ISEA 97, Chicago/USA (96/12) - 4 - 11 October 1997: 3rd Festival of Computer Arts, Maribor/SI - 16 - 26 October 1997: VIPER 97, Lucerne/CH (97/01) - 18 October 1997: opening ZKM, Karlsruhe/D - 24 October 1997: opening Multimediale 5, Karlsruhe/D - 5 - 9 November 1997: OSTranenie, Dessau/D - 18 - 30 November 1997: DEAF 97, Rotterdam/NL - 5 - 7 December 1997: VideoMedeja, Novi Sad/YU - September 1998: Videonale 8 , Bonn/D - September 1998: ISEA98, Liverpool&Manchester/UK [...] *Please, send information that you feel should appear in the next edition of this newsletter (deadline: 30 March 97) to: abroeck@v2.nl. [apologies for doublepushing -p] -- * distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission * <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, * collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets * more info: majordomo@is.in-berlin.de and "info nettime" in the msg body * URL: http://www.desk.nl/~nettime/ contact: nettime-owner@is.in-berlin.de