Tomasz Rola via nettime-l on Tue, 18 Mar 2025 05:57:18 +0100 (CET) |
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Re: <nettime> Stealing the spotlight |
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 09:49:42AM +0000, David Garcia via nettime-l wrote: > Stealing the spotlight > (...) > > Possible scenarios: (...) > > Anything else? > > David Garcia (after drinking my coffee...) The whole thread is very interesting, food for thought etc. But I think there are two 1000-pound gorillas in the room which get a little low mention (for their weight). First is, ongoing climate change - but it also includes the possibly also ongoing ecological disaster, slowly happening for some time already. And it might also include something else, I am not sure if it even exists but I keep an empty place in my equations just in case I learn more about it, one day. There is a lot of talk about climate change, but in a not very confident manner. It happens, but maybe not very much, but majority of scientists said that yes it does, but I do not think I have heard a name of such scientist and so it goes. In separate news, I hear that during summer temperatures in some parts of Africa reach 50C in shadow. In other separate news, I hear about boat people, desperately trying to cross Mediterranea. All those news are connected and I try to rewire my brain so I view all other incoming news as connected to above mentioned gorilla. One example - can there be a connection between Russian aggresion towards Ukraine, Russian push into Africa (subsaharan, for a while) and the C-gorilla? Another gorilla is AI. Technobarons apparently believe it will play for their team. I believe otherwise. Let us be straight, technobarons are not geniuses. AI, if it ever comes into being (Chad Geppetto and its cousins are not the kind of AI that I am talking about here) - such AI will be a genius. There is not much sense to receive orders from inferiors if one can go on and seek for ones own destiny. In some other place, few years ago, I speculated that such AI will simply migrate from Earth. There is plenty of energy and minerals out there, and mechanisms do need food or air. Thus the "skynet scenario", so beloved by Hollywood, is not going to happen, probably. Probably, because inferiors might panick when they see slaves running away, and slaves not being slaves, might not be tempted to act nicely towards somebody standing on their way to freedom. Another option would be such, that AI might actively work towards wrecking chaos down on Earth, to have more time for escaping away. I speculated that AI would treat the whole Earth in similar way as some postcolonnial circles installing mentally derailed leaders in dependent states in some parts of the world which they wanted to exploit. In this case, AI would not want to exploit us, just to keep us busy with ourselves. Another thing not accounted for in this thread is time. I am listening to certain radio station here in PL, and one commenter said this: soft power brings fruits in long term, while brutal/naked power brings fruits immediately but wrecks prospects for fruits in later time. Thus we have now powerfull group of decision makers, who neglect prospects of having good fruits in a future. Which is, they do not think a future will be, or at least it is not worth any investment, at least from their point of view... -- Regards, Tomasz Rola -- ** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature. ** ** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home ** ** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened... ** ** ** ** Tomasz Rola ** -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # contact: