David Garcia via nettime-l on Tue, 11 Mar 2025 15:50:51 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> From Blood-sport to Cringe-fest

>From Blood-sport to Cringe-fest
>From this side of the pond the US media landscape feels very different to our largely regulated regime. Particularly the outsized impact and power in the US of the extended freewheeling friendly podcast interviews.
It seems to mark an important departure from the confrontational blood-sport of the ‘debate’ as audiences increasingly hunker down into their preferred filter bubble.. Cue the recent humiliating cringefest in which California Governor and senior democratic hopeful, Gavin Newsom broke cover as podcaster hosting an extended and obsequious interview with right-wing tic-tocker and hate figure of the US left, Charlie Kirk.
It’s a tough watch but illuminating as it seems to represent an early tentative if flat-footed attempt of the Democrats to acclimatise to a new media landscape that they have so far failed to master. Trump and his acolytes have shaped, driven and mastered an accelerationist world of superciliously risky open formats (including the Oval Office ‘spay’) that to some degree depart from the tightly controlled messaging. It suits a regime that appears to relish a world without rules. Newsome’s drab performance compared to the smugly assured Kirk is awkward to say the least.


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