GM - tedbyfield via nettime-l on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:09:42 +0100 (CET) |
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Re: <nettime> Stealing the spotlight |
On 27 Feb 2025, at 8:46, paul van der walt wrote:
I do think (at the risk of pulling the camera, as it were, ever so slightly back to the angle we agreed is not worth discussing), however, that one other possibility is missing from David's list: that of leverage, whether through direct funding of the presidential campaign, or whatever other reason we may never know. And i humbly submit that in spite of everything it is worth considering that angle, because from the point of view of a potential resistance, it is quite pragmatic to consider your opponent's weak spot(s). It is also worth considering who pulls which strings, because that is quite obfuscated, i think. I think this question stands in isolation and regardless of the despot's inner state, which i agree is moot.I might be off base though.
Not at all, Paul — your question points toward empirical reality, not some imaginary phenomenological realm between a fascist’s ears. That’s why we say “follow the money” not “follow the greed,” or ask “cui bono,” *who benefits?*, rather than speculating about how or why they experience something as beneficial.
The impulse to psychologize everyone and everything is baked *really* deeply into the liberal imagination. It’s a key part of how we got to where we are, and making it go away will be a key to how we untangle this mess.
Cheers, Ted
On 27 Feb 2025, at 20:09, Ted Byfield via nettime-l <> wrote:My rule these days is simple: Don’t speculate about a fascist’s inner life. Don’t do it, don’t distract others with it, and ignore or challenge others when they do it. It’s a waste of time and, worse, it helps fascists by imposing their thoughts and feelings on the public sphere. And it’s also how authorities give them a pass: “he was just joking” or “she didn’t know” or any one of a long list of liberal-denialist negations — they’re UNcultured, INsane, UNeducated, DEprived, it’s “really” about this not that, they don’t “really” mean what they say, “if only they knew,” “those who forget history,” etc, etc. It’s all bullshit. Those things don’t matter. The ONLY things that matter are the concrete consequences of what fascists say and do.
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