Lucy Pummell via nettime-l on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:47:46 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Overcoming Architecture Hostile to the Most Marginalised

Dear all,

Please enjoy the Institute of Art and Ideas' latest article: *Overcoming hostile architecture* <>
Written by Karl Mendelson, an Akademie Schloss Solitude fellow, who 
specialises in the intersection of philosophy, architecture, and public 
/The way a building is designed is not a value-free choice. Architecture 
is not neutral. All buildings have a philosophy that underpins them. 
Most cities in the world today include 'hostile architecture' - 
buildings designed to exclude certain behaviours and marginalised 
people, such as spikes outside shops to prevent rough sleeping. Rather 
than fostering freedom and community, modern buildings prioritise 
control and surveillance. Karl Mendelson here argues urban design should 
be for all individuals and promote participation in society, not simply 
serve the interests of property owners or the powerful./
All the best,


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