David Garcia via nettime-l on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:23:44 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Transmedialle intel?

Does anyone on the list have any intel on what's happening with Transmediale? I had heard rumours that Nóra Ó Murchú had stepped down from the director role.. But I don't know if that is really the case... The on-line announcement for the 2025 looks pretty thin gruel. But given the state of German economy I imagine they have had some significant cuts. Then of course there was all the cultural politics boycotts etc around Israel's actions in Gaza- West Bank - Lebanon-and now Syria must still be impacting the future of the festival. I ask of because for many on the list it is a very important festival that has done great work in the past and I guess there must be nettime people who can throw some light on the current situation.
David Garcia
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