Felix Stalder via nettime-l on Fri, 8 Nov 2024 23:33:14 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> the great re-alignment

Hi guys,

tone it down. All easy here. I didn't get offended by Christian's post, but also not entertained or informed. So nothing to get worked up about.
all the best. Felix

On 11/8/24 22:18, Menno Grootveld via nettime-l wrote:
Because Christian did not take anything that Felix wrote seriously and just decided to make fun of it ('irony'). I think that doing that is quite typical for people that are only out to ridiculize the opinions (or feelings) of others, and sadly that appears to be a favourite (and fairly succesful) tactic of the radical right.
Op 08-11-2024 om 22:03 schreef Joseph Rabie via nettime-l:
Menno, instead of pontificating about things that don’t really have anything to do with what you are replying to,
answer the question, why was what Christian wrote “utterly degrading (sorry, condescending) and abusive language” ?
Changing one word for another does not cancel the fact that you 
accused Christian of being a neo-Fascist and FPÖ-supporter, out of 
hand, and that you should apologize for that.

Sent from my lawn-mower

Le 8 nov. 2024 à 21:32, Menno Grootveld via nettime-l <nettime- l@lists.nettime.org> a écrit :
Well, as far as I am concerned, there are times that call for irony 
and there are times that don't. And these particular times that we 
are living in certainly DO NOT call for irony.
I've just been watching all the Dutch media reports about the events 
that took place yesterday night and the night before in Amsterdam. 
There is much talk about 'deporting' the assailants of the Maccabi 
Tel Aviv-supporters and about the need for harder repression and so 
on. I fail to see the irony in that, just as I fail to see the irony 
in the slaughtering of innocent civilians by the Israeli military 
(already for more than a year now!) or in the fact that most 
countries in the so-called 'free world' are now governed (or about to 
be) by the radical right or worse. Maybe there is some irony in the 
picture that was shared on social media after the Trump-victory of 
Trump with two guys sitting next to him in his campaign headquarters 
watching the electon results coming in: Elon Musk (of course) and a 
rather Vulcan-looking type who turned out to be Dana White, the 
president of a martial arts company. This second guy represents in my 
view what we are up against, and once more, I fail to see the irony 
in that.
But you're right, I should apologize. I should not have used the word 
'degrading.' I meant 'condescending' instead.

Op 08-11-2024 om 21:04 schreef Keith Sanborn via nettime-l:
Irony is dead! Long live irony! Maybe the post and the critique were both? Intentionally or not.
On Nov 8, 2024, at 2:58 PM, Joseph Rabie via nettime-l <nettime- l@lists.nettime.org> wrote:
Personally I found that what Christian wrote brings a welcome note of humour, given the morosity of the times. Christian’s sense of irony is always welcome.
Menno : you find this “utterly degrading and abusive language”, and 
accuse Christian of being a neo-Fascist, which is (mildly putting 
it) outrageous, and definitely calls for an apology on your part.
The LEAST that you can do is provide an argument laying out why you 
find it “utterly degrading and abusive language”. Then we can 
discuss it.
(Je suis Charlie)

Sent from my lawn-mower

Le 8 nov. 2024 à 20:42, Menno Grootveld via nettime-l <nettime- l@lists.nettime.org> a écrit : Sorry, but this is the kind of utterly degrading and abusive language that makes me a little suspicious: are you perhaps a FPÖ- supporter? A neo-fascist, in other words?
Op 08-11-2024 om 20:34 schreef Christian Swertz via nettime-l:
Hi Felix,

thanks for the precise overview. I also like apocalyptic perspectives. The apocalypse is - according to the Wikipedia - translated to revelation in Christianity. Apocalypse describes the revelation of divine knowledge. In other terms: Your description promises the approach of the final truth. Didn't we pray for this all the time? Redemption is near! And we will see it happen. That's great! We should storm parliament to get more momentum to the movement. See you Sunday after coffee at the Parliament?
On the other hand: Governments have been collapsing since I 
remember political events. That makes me a little suspicious. But 
maybe this time it will work. To be on the safe side, I will pray 
to god and ask for speedy salvation. I just have to choose the 
god to pray to. One moment please - I think I have to google that 
briefly ...
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