John Hopkins via nettime-l on Wed, 7 Aug 2024 22:47:12 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Hacking at Leaves documentary by Johannes

Thnx for that Jaromil, very interesting -- I'm living quite close to Four Corners and have spent quite a bit of time traveling that land. I didn't know about the maker-space activities in Durango, next time I'm down that way, I'll check to see if they are still happening. Durango is a wealthy touristic/resort enclave in the midst of a largely rural and poor region that was once the Ute People's homeland...

On 8/3/24 4:17 PM, Jaromil via nettime-l wrote:
mates, I'm not sure what's up with nettime these days because your list
is up and down and at the seems, but if you get this message in a bottle
  in time then watch Johannes docu film private view he made available
for 3 days before he tours the world. Because it is an awesome good

pass is: 26002600

link expires on 6th August

hope you are doing fine
Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
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