David Herzog via nettime-l on Thu, 4 Jul 2024 22:51:28 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Call to fill a gap: Duracell-Pop et cetera und Kunst: Michael Riedel on Deutschlandfunk (bootleg)

On Wed, 3 Jul 2024, Geert Lovink wrote:
  what is the exact request? can they contact you hereā€¦ David Herzog

Call to fill a gap.

It took just four days to assemble a bootleg from the 2021 broadcasted one-hour German radio programme "Klassik, Pop et cetera" on Deutschlandfunk.

A pile of music that has mostly never been visualised before:


The concept of the programme, which is popular among German musicians and artists, is that the guests themselves present the programme and provide the music, rather than a professional radio DJ. For some, this leads to this unguided, sometimes stiff moderation by the invited amateur radio presenters, which is what makes the programme so appealing.
Should you ever be invited, we'll tell you how to prepare: You will be kindly 
asked to put together nine to twelve music tracks. The titles should have 
played or still play a role in your own personal biography. The soundtrack to 
your life with your favourite music that would come with you to the famous 
desert island is in demand.
You should take the title of the programme 'Klassik, Pop, et cetera' literally. 
Your own pieces are welcome, but only a maximum of two, so as not to give the 
impression of a permanent advertising programme. In addition to the music, you 
should prepare twelve minutes of moderation. Ideally, you should tell personal 
stories that are connected to the music. You should also explain why you 
particularly like this music. So you lead through the programme, as I am doing 
right now, tell something about the pieces and present them.
A task that was so masterfully fulfilled by the Frankfurt artist Michael 
Riedel, who was previously unknown to me, that a whole new musical cosmos 
opened up for me during the days of the video montage.
Like every life story, Michael Riedel's also has a musical climax and perhaps 
one of the pieces most closely associated with his artistic work is a song by 
the English punk band Art Brut, for whose album 'Top of the Pops' Michael 
Riedel designed the cover. The German music magazine Spex, however, labelled 
this a fraud. Art rock, because it's not art rock. Long live the contradiction!
Art Brut, live in Berlin 2013 with the song: ' Modern Art'. Maybe it's the 
chorus: 'Modern art makes me want to freak out', maybe it's because I know the 
cities involved, Amsterdam and Berlin, not so much Paris, just too well. But no 
result, no decision.
Anyway, what remains is a gap starting at minute 28:12, which is initially 
filled by the endlessly repeating record covers, only to get lost at exactly 
minute 30:41 with the word 'Photo of the (Centre) Pompadou' in almost seven 
minutes of black screens (until minute 37:07).
Who would like to fill the gap that has been open for three years and has never 
been filled? A call not only to serve as a stopgap, but above all to 
collaborate. Who can say what can come from it? We are looking for new 
inspiration, a new perspective and any kind of loss of control.
There are also thousands of pictures and videos on the topics addressed in 
the song, such as sunflowers, the Van Gogh Museum and crazy light shows from 
Rotterdam, even recordings of the song in studio, which of course cannot be 
in sync with Riedel's live version. If you want to access it, please ask and 
the material will be made available, but www and the so-called social media 
are the actual source of all the moving footage used so far. So feel free to 
use this playground regardless of the brand rights that are so strictly 
observed in Germany.
video file (h.264, aac, mp4):

contact: david herzog | dah<AT>dah<DOT>uber<DOT>space | https://dah.uber.space
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