Max Herman via nettime-l on Sat, 1 Jun 2024 14:49:28 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Parallel Lives: ten political instructions for artists and writers when democracy is in crisis

1. Talk about computers and AI/GPT
2. Talk about democracy in the USA, Europe, Russia, and China
3. Talk about hybrid economics
4. Talk about the missing element
5. Describe Black Swans on the Side of Good
6. Calvino: attempt the impossible and don't look at Medusa's face straight on
7. The Failure of Foucault
8. The Curse of Machiavelli
9. The Vision of Leonardo
10. We who see and speak today in words and in images

10. Reference: Amleth, right politics, and the sea-sky millstone of all being
8. Denmark (the play's the thing)
7. Hamlet is politics at the hard place where reality collides with imagination
6. mirror for princes
5. that is to say, game theory for those capable of agency (perhaps you are not one)
4. the works of Guobin Yang and the unknown sea of Chinese social media
3. the rise and fall of Mao Zedong Thought and their possible return
2. Mengying Li on Promoting Diligently and Censoring Politely (2021)
1. Aifeng Ma on China as a Double-Bind Regulatory State (2024)

The Federalist
Santillana, Giorgio de
Wiener, Norbert
Dante's Comedia
Bacon, F.
Bacon, R.
Nicolaus of Cusa
Pamela Smith's experience as alchymistry
Hu Shih's Chinese Renaissance
The ladder of the pyramid
Seth, A.
Kelliher, D. (1992)

(Possible add/replace links: Whitehead? Mengying Li and Aifeng Ma?  Post-critique conflict de-escalation and restorative justice?  Whitehead as Trojan horse for New Era Mao Zedong Thought Questions?  Whitehead and experience (Dewey, Pater), crisis of Whiteheadean CCP Study Centers in Chinese Elite Leadership Training, Crisis of Experience for the Paris Olympics 2024 with La Joconde as its Allegory, Whitehead as incorrect in re Leonardo's work on flow, process, experience, nature, the All, and so forth?  On purpose?  Crisis response, role of experience in democratic transitology, cell phones and daily experience in Wuhan per Guobin Yang.  Did Whitehead misread Leonardo and La Joconde as non-flux, non-experience, Bacon too.  Ken Burns' Leonardo film due out Nov. 2024.)

Max Herman
The Mindful Mona Lisa
Commedia Leonardi Vici MS available free in PDF form on request


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