Christian Fuchs via nettime-l on Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:52:14 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Textbook on media, economy, and society

This guide to the critical study of the media economy in society provides insights into how to critically analyse the political economy of communication and the media.
Christian Fuchs. 2024. Media, Economy and Society: A Critical 
Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge.
Christian Fuchs. 2023. Grundlagen der Medienökonomie: Medien, Wirtschaft 
und Gesellschaft. München: UVK/utb
More information (including possibility to order a review copy or a 
lecturer copy for use in the classroom):
English book version:
German book version:

The book introduces a variety of methods and topics, including the political economy of communication in capitalism, media concentration, advertising, global media and transnational media corporations, class relations and working conditions in the capitalist media and communication industry, the Internet and digital media, the information society and digital capitalism, the public sphere, Public Service Media, the Public Service Internet and the political economy of media management. Each chapter features a highly accessible introduction, recommended readings and lots of practical exercises where you will apply the Political Economy approach to concrete examples and cases.

1. Introduction

Part I: Foundations

2. What is Political Economy?
3. What is Media Economics?
4. The Political Economy of Communication and the Media
5. The Critical Tradition in the Analysis of Media, Communication, Economy & Society
Part II: Applications

6. The Political Economy of Media Concentration
7. The Political Economy of Advertising
8. The Political Economy of Global Media
9. Media Work: The Political Economy of Cultural Labour in the Media Industry
10. The Political Economy of the Internet and Digital Media
11. The Political Economy of the Information Society and Digital Capitalism
12. The Political Economy of the Public Sphere and the Digital Public Sphere
13. The Political Economy of Public Service Media and the Public Service Internet
14. The Political Economy of Media Management

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