Felix Stalder via nettime-l on Tue, 8 Aug 2023 09:50:14 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> RIP Bram Moolenaar

On 8/7/23 16:25, Ted Byfield via nettime-l wrote:

For many years, nettime ran on bespoke hacks of Mailman that allowed
mods to use the text editor vim to clean up messy formatting, hack
away at the endless quoted text that accumulated, compile digests
from threads, maintain procmail and spam filters, and more. In
different and non-obvious ways, all that tweaking was essential to
the list's...I dunno, style? aesthetic? vibe? It's interesting to
think about what word would express (not "capture," ugh) whatever all
that was. In any event, I think it's fair to say the list probably
wouldn't still exist if it weren't for vim.
Yes, indeed. And it's hard to think of vim without thinking of the late 
Sven Guckes, one of it's most skillful users and educators. He showed us 
how to use vim to actually create the digests for nettime. The pipeline 
was mailman, vim, mutt, mailman. I think I still have some muscle memory 
of the short-cut sequence. Command-line pleasures.

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