paul van der walt via Nettime-tmp on Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:48:44 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Pruning and gardening

Hey all,

I wanted to reassure folks - tl;dr: if you're receiving this email, you'll receive "new nettime" emails! :)
We (and please correct me if i'm misrepresenting things, other 
mods) have no intention of dropping folks off the list.  I'd like 
to clarify what the intended course of action is:
* add all current subscribers of nettime-tmp to nettime-l when 
 it's ready,
* send out an announcement with the new list details,

* try to find folks we might've missed, and subscribe them, too <-- this one deserves some explanation.
From what i understand Felix explained, the reason we don't have a
"canonical, full" list of nettime subscribers, is because due to spam and delivery issues over the course of time, Mailman will have auto-unsubscribed people in some circumstances. These recipients will necessarily have been missed when instantiating nettime-tmp, and we want to at least make an effort to try and figure out who might've been unsubscribed in this fashion. I'm hoping there might be logs, if not, i'm thinking that scouring the archives of the past year or two might be another source of email addresses. The risk there of course is that we might pick up addresses of folks who have purposely unsubscribed, and might perceive it as "spammy" if we resubscribed them. But such is life, and i guess it's the best we can do in the circumstances.
But rest assured, there are no plans to "prune" folks for 
inactivity.  Lurking is acceptable and welcome - i know i did it 
for a while! :)
And as an aside, i did want to say that it's heart-warming to see 
folks coming out of the woodwork expressing enthusiasm to continue 
receiving nettime-l, even if not everybody has time or inclination 
to contribute.  I also perceive a shift in that it seems lately 
we're allowing a lot of space for the "human" side of nettime -- 
expressing that we value it, that we value the connections made 
through it, etc.  I think that's great.  At one point someone (was 
it Felix or Menno?) said that nettime had a bit of a forbidding 
"academic" aura, which i can understand.  My personal feeling is 
that being more free in our "meta-conversation" for want of a 
better term, actually goes a fair way to reestablishing the 
humanity of this community's participants.
Thanks everyone, keep well,


PS: I'm based in Naarm Melbourne, Australia and am always happy for a coffee catchup!
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