Vesna Manojlovic via Nettime-tmp on Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:50:20 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Direction of Travel

Dear all,

everything is temporary.

On 13/06/2023 16:02, paul van der walt via Nettime-tmp wrote:
Vesna also made a great suggestion around timeframe - instead of unrealistic commitments, the suggestion was to sign up for moderation/janitorial tasks for a 1-year period, after which we would have a check-in to see how folks are feeling.  Motivated / burned out / etc. and to have a moment to reflect.
Another important thing around the "interim moderation" group is that 
we are soliciting "fresh blood" to join - the intention was not to 
decide then and there how to move forward, but rather to build 
momentum.  So, please chime in.
To combine these two points:

a "limited" time appointment (one year? two years?) serves _also_ to give a periodic opportunity to new people to step up & take more responsibility (as well as for the "incumbents" to step down and make space for others, for their own sake, and for the sake of equity & diversity).
There is a paradox here about power and inclusion:

- on one hand (one end of spectrum) there is (emotional) labor that moderation is
and i am glad that this is done, for a change, by male-white-old-cis people

- on the other hand, this is a position of power: to decide the tone, content, who-gets-to-speak, and culture
... and therefore, it would be aligned with (presumed) values of nettime 
to have more diversity in the mod-team.

This is one of the reasons why I am not volunteering up to join (right now), because I am part of the majority here (white-old-cis), and I am happy to make space for those who are able to contribute to newer nettime: please consider joining in any capacity, make your voice heard, or help us by inviting those who are even less represented.


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