Felix Stalder via Nettime-tmp on Tue, 30 May 2023 15:02:22 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> process reporting?

On 29.05.23 18:07, Geoffrey Goodell via Nettime-tmp wrote:
I cannot speak for others, but I consider ultimatums and timelines to be rude.

There is legitimate reason to believe that someone is about to use the nuclear
option, to unilaterally shut down the list operations because, for whatever
reason, none of the proposals seemed satisfactory.  I believe that Felix said
'end of June'.  Do you suppose that if none of the proposals please him, that
he might decide to exercise force on the first of July?

Can you provide us with an assurance that this will not happen?
Hi Geoff,

my intention was not to be rude, or find a pretext to delete the list, but to focus the discussion. I really want to process to happen and in the past, we when we raised this issue, there was some commotion which eventually died down and nothing would change.
I chose "one month" as deadline thinking it was the sweet spot between 
"this is urgent" and "let's take some time to find a good new home/crew".
I don't think more time would make this easier, but the deadline is 
supposed to be helpful, not written in stone.

all the best. Felix

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