mp on Tue, 15 Mar 2022 15:58:50 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> The American theory of hybrid war

On 15/03/2022 04:07, Brian Holmes wrote:

Benson's question, When did this war begin? is profound. And the question,
When's it going to end? will likely haunt us for a long time.
On another level, perhaps, the fiction is the war/peace dichotomy/binary.

Perhaps war is permanent and sometimes in some places low intensity and often geographically distant. Yet always present. On that view the fiction of "peace" perversely becomes the justification for "war", which (the latter) is when exertion of power reaches a threshold that can no longer be contained by narratives of this, that, and the other (freedom, democracy, human rights, whatever), because the practice of war is needed to sustain the illusion of peace.
In that sense Clauswitz had the cart before the horse and, rather, 
“Politics is the continuation of war by other means” - or even better 
“Shopping is the continuation of war by other means”
In any case, these kinds of speculations and learned discourse with fine 
concepts and complex analysis will keep the people busy variously 
fighting or impressing each other with intellectual posturing, while the 
old evil men play their chess game in which we are all pawns.

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