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Re: <nettime> A question in earnest

Le 05/10/2020 à 19:31, Brian Holmes a écrit :

Our election is teetering. Why isn’t Europe writing about it?
Europe is writing a lot on it.

I summarize : we are afraid for you.

4 years ago, when an uneducated clown, financial loser, and pathological liar, was elected with the support of Russia through social networks algorithms, (we remember also that H. Clinton had 3 million more votes than BT), we have seen a confirmation of the collapse of democracy in US.
This collapse started years ago with the possibility to use social 
networks to manipulate voters. Obama initiated the method in 2008, and 
all the planet is now practising the same way.
This collapse started long time ago in US with the huge amount of money 
gathered by each candidate during the campaigns, bigger and bigger each 
year, allowing many possibilities of manipulation of voters. Impossible 
to buy democracy.
But this collapse is not only the collapse of democracy, but also the 
collapse of US society. We are afraid of the growing ignorance, people 
don't inform themselves trough real journalism work, but trough social 
networks algorithms construction. US digital and mediatic system 
magnifies all the toxic components of this destructuration: bigotry, 
racism, armed violence, irrationality, ignorance. No cultural cement 
holds the building anymore.
Worst, social networks algorithms have chopped the people in hundred 
thousands gated communities, non communicating with each others. 
Artificial collective identities. Micro-nazisms. We are afraid of the 
divisions of your nation, and of course afraid of the amount of guns in 
your country. The amount of guns in US has reached a summit of stupidity 
and danger. Just compare:

The more people are divided and angry, the more they want to use their gun.

Civil war is possible. If DT refuses to leave the power during the election chaos in november, any spark can launch a long period of chaotic armed troubles. With Covid prowling around the house.

In the Left and Green parties, in Europe, we were very happy, in 2019, to see Sanders almost elected as Dem candidate. Sanders/AOC would have been a so good refreshing spring. Biden is physically and intellectualy too old. I was personnaly confident in Sanders vs Trump, despite many analysis describing the contrary. It's the shame that the US left can not "invent" a better candidate years before the election. I hope AOC will emerge as a natural leader in the future, if any.
If Biden is elected, we hope that Kamala Harris can take the power 
and/or provide a good support and advices to Biden.
But, for the results of this election, we think that Russia is the 
master of the game. For many reasons, Putin is very happy of the US 
collapse, that's why he supports Trump re-election. He perfectly knows 
that Trump is destroying the country. And Putin can also directely 
manipulate Trump. In french, we say, about Putin on Trump " il le tient 
par les couilles". Putin can release the golden showers tapes, or any 
other kompromat documents involving Trump, anytime.
One positive point in this dark landscape around election blocking, is 
the possibility of the biggest world financial collapse ever, following 
the election troubles, an essential cure for the planet's atmosphere.
We don't forget that the main topic is that the planet is on fire, and 
that all usual resources will be exhausted in this century (energy, 
metals, biodiversity-food, etc).
The collapse of US in this elections could sign the inevitable & 
ultimate global collapse of capitalism, and start a long period of 
troubles and recomposition. In my opinion, it's better to assist to this 
collapse now, rather than later, because of the lack of resources if we 
wait more and accelerate ever more in front of the wall.


I wonder...lay it on...right-wing groups in Europe are emboldened by DT
support for white nationalists?

Is Europe waiting to see him voted out? What does Europe think about our
violent protests? Trumps use of Antifa...how backward he is?

Surely you must all be as eager as I for social change? The good that has
arisen is all the young smart progressive politicians that have been voted
in, the flipping of the Senate, Sanders and Warren working on
committees...the life breathed into the Dem party, alongside
#BlackLivesMatter and huge support for that movement. The times have
changed in do many ways socially that the economy is going to have to
change. Macroeconomics. Money is going to have to be put into new budgets.
The whole place is a conversation that’s been trying to happen. What is the
conversation in other countries?


On Oct 4, 2020, at 5:26 PM, Vincent Gaulin <gvincentgaulinjr@gmail.com>

The election is a sorry excuse for politics, let alone democracy.

There is no Left candidate. Biden is a human placeholder for the washed up
hollow promises of neoliberal “normalcy”, and Trump is the cartoon version
of a rich person with equally cartoonish ideas around governance (which
isn’t to belittle the vast and very concrete destructiveness he has/is

There is very little room in “the election” and mainstream discourse to
attend to the pressing issues bearing down on everyday life.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 5:16 AM Max Herman <maxnmherman@hotmail.com> wrote:

Why is there nothing appearing here about the US election?

I sound like a jerk to myself typing this but the silence is unexpected.

Are we all too afraid to say anything, or all just busy with other

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