wessalow on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 13:40:02 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> learning with the virus

hi tacira and all of you,

transversal did a special issue "around the crown" that includes this text by paul preciado in spanish with an englisch and german translation upcoming. also texts by Angela Mitropoulos, Catherine Malabou, LucĂ­a Naser as well as the Bifo text and others with translations (mostly german, englisch, spanisch and italian).
check it out: https://www.transversal.at/tag/around-the-crown

greets, n

Am 09.04.2020 11:06 schrieb tacira@riseup.net:

this is the best text I have read so far "learning with the virus" by
paul preciado
(in spanish hope you find a good translator)


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