Patrice Riemens on Sat, 1 Jun 2019 08:31:23 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Ben Quinn: Julian Assange shows psychological torture symptoms, says UN expert (Guardian)

On 2019-06-01 00:30, Molly Hankwitz wrote:


I think Julian Assange should be given medical support and let go back
to Australia.


... and that he goes fishing or meditate or ... and that we never hear from him again. But as John Young pointed out ... 'fat chance'.
At the height of the squatting era in Amsterdam, and subsequent court 
cases (civil and penal) a favourite slogan in the movement was "your 
rule of law is not ours!" ('jullie rechtsorde is de onze niet!') This 
was seized upon by politicians - & not only right wing ones - to argue, 
basically, that violent squatters be shot without further ado since they 
took themselves out of the due process. But when a state prosecutor 
sortof took the same line the house fell down. Rightly so.
Julian Assange has been very succesfull in leading everybody astray on 
this count. And he will continue to do so, possibly till his martyrdom 
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