Patrice Riemens on Sun, 3 Mar 2019 12:22:41 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Facebook’s “toxic” global lobbying

On 2019-03-03 12:10, Keith Hart wrote:
The corporations already are the lawmaker of the world.

With other words the cyberpunk writers of the late 80s/90s were right from the start. The not evenly distributed future has arrived for real, and maybe a little sooner than anticipated. So we can fear that its 'resolution', Keith's world war, will hit a town next to yours ahead of schedule also. I don't bet on a 'world' war, but I was looking at ...
... Michael Cohen's final declaration before Congress to the effect that 
civil war would be the likely outcome of the #realdonaldtrump loosing 
re-election in 2020. It made me wonder if that was such a bad thing 
(cynically speaking). After all, the USA had one civil war before, and 
it 'resolved' a rather big issue: slavery. (it did not solution racism, 
but that's another story). Probably a civil war would be the only way to 
address the _real_ problem of the 99%, especially the third that forms 
Trump's presently unshackable base, and which is to completely overhaul 
the economy  at a much lower level of production and consumption. Since 
thanks to the second amendment, a civil war in the US  will be fought 
with low intensity weapons, the material damage will be extensive, but 
the environmental damage limited - its impact even positive.
Sorry for being so cynical, but I believe this is the only realistic 
scenario to achieve a much sanner post-capitalist world, with the added 
bonus of getting rid of the American Empire, the biggest threat to the 
planet, but fortunately heading the Roman one way ...
Cheers to all, all the same,
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