Morlock Elloi on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 04:28:55 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Ideological Turks

'bot' appears to be colloquial name for NPCs paid to post comments along the party lines (live humans working for low wages, allegedly often remunerated in food - sandwiches etc.) "SNS" is the ruling party (right wingers converted to euroiberals.)
On 12/9/18, 19:01, Thomas Keenan wrote:
The original article is amusingly fuzzy about who or what is doing the

translation into googlish:

"From the report of a party official in charge of the Internet team
(read party bots), it could be heard that the SNS has 3,456 bots in
charge of lively comments on portals, websites, FB sites ... In a year,
bots have written about 10 million comments on 201,717 published news .
Only 24 hours ahead of the Executive Committee meeting through the SNS
system passed 1,147 news that the party bots made over 43,000 comments.
Vojvodina is the leader when the activities of the SNS Internet team,
The bots in question, and the best among the best are the bots from the
South Banat District."

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