Morlock Elloi on Sun, 11 Mar 2018 21:17:15 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Slide-Rule Studies Department (was Re: The System Development Corporation)

More history. The article below explores history of the successful propping up of a tool to level of science.
I think that this is a major 'elephant in the room' phenomenon that has 
permeated everything. Including nettime, of course - I'm referring to 
philosophical discourses on primitive and simpleton application of 
Merkle trees in Blockchain algorithm, assigning this f*cking idiocy 
magic powers to do evil, good, or a combination thereof.


Blame the Computer
The fake science that keeps threatening to kill us
Corey Pein

Evidence mounts that the forces of digital civilization have produced a technological dystopia run by artificially unintelligent algorithms designed in the interests of greed for maximum efficiency. And true to the tropes of many a dark sci-fi reverie, these impersonal arbiters of our collective fate evince neither pity nor mercy—which means, among other things, that one entirely foreseeable byproduct of their operation is to inflict maximum terror on the human population, whose participation in the system is ritualistic at best. Had there been any residual reason to doubt any part of this glum portrait of our remorselessly data-engineered vision of the human future, well, it was rudely laid to rest on Saturday, January 13, at 8:07 a.m. Hawaii local time.
The bad news arrived, as all news seemingly does now, as a smartphone 
push notification. But this notification looked and sounded different 
than most. It was, in fact, an emergency alert from the state 
government. The form of the alert was not a radio wave or an electronic 
signal, as in decades past, but computer code. Attached to the alert was 
an audio file with a recording of a synthesized male voice, for the 
vision-impaired. “The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat 
to Hawaii,” the voice said. “A missile may impact on land or sea within 
minutes. This is not a drill. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you 
are outdoors, seek immediate shelter.” The stilted tone of the robot 
voice was all the more eerie, tasked as it was with effectively 
announcing the impending death of whoever heard it. “We will announce 
when the threat has ended,” it said. “Take immediate action measures.”
Take what? And who was “we”? For many, “action measures” meant running 
around in panic. More level-headed folks tore through their pantries 
searching for bottled water and canned foods, then hid under a pile of 
mattresses, or squeezed into bathtubs with their bawling children. 
Thousands said tearful goodbyes to loved ones over the phone or, failing 
that, to strangers over social media. Some had their possible last words 
mangled by autocorrect: “Is a missile ducking coming. Holy shit.” 
Ducking hell.
Managers at Starbucks and McDonalds, in the style of British cavalry 
officers in Crimea, ordered workers to stay on duty, missiles be damned! 
One young woman responded with a definitive anti-endorsement of an Oahu 
confectionary chain, writing: “DON’T TELL ME THIS MISSILE THING IS REAL 
The Wrong Button

A few skeptics wondered why they didn’t hear sirens. Five minutes after sounding the alarm, and having received confirmation from the United States military that there was, in fact, no missile headed their way, Hawaiian civil defense officials attempted to “cancel” the mass alert. But it was too late. The freak-out signal had been received, and there was no taking it back. Finally, at 8:46 a.m., almost forty minutes after receiving the first urgent message, phones across the islands began to buzz with the morning’s second official announcement: “There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. Repeat. False Alarm.”
Dread gave way to bewilderment, relief, and various forms of catharsis. 
The website PornHub released statistics showing a 48 percent increase in 
web traffic from Hawaii once the emergency was rescinded (whereas the 
initial alert had prompted a 77 percent drop in porn-surfing on the 
site). Next came outrage. Heads must roll! But whose?
It took five more hours for Hawaii Governor David Ige to appear on 
television to take responsibility for the false alarm. (Later, Ige 
confessed he hadn’t known the password to his official Twitter account, 
which had further delayed the state’s effort to reverse its error and 
send an all-clear signal.) Apologies wouldn’t cut it, however. What the 
hell had happened? The public demanded an explanation.
Ige delivered one. It seemed too absurd to be real, but too embarrassing 
to be a lie, which gave it the ring of truth. Someone, the governor 
said, had “pressed the wrong button.”
“OOPS!” replied the front page of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, in a 
font size typically reserved for actual declarations of war. The news 
that no one would be fired for the mistake only aggravated public anger, 
and stoked more calls for swift managerial retribution. Was improper 
training to blame? Not likely, it seemed—the state said the unnamed, 
butterfingered state employee was a “veteran” on the job. (This 
characterization later changed dramatically; the newly problematic 
employee was duly thrown under the bus, and his boss resigned.)
The System Worked

The quest for scapegoats next turned toward the Trump administration. The president himself had (thankfully no doubt) been out of the loop, spending the morning of Hawaii’s false alarm on the links at his eponymously branded golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. Well, then, what about his Federal Emergency Management Agency chief, Brock Long, who had botched the post-hurricane response in Puerto Rico? In the great tradition of evasive bureaucratic action, FEMA shifted blame to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, whose administrator, Vern Miyagi, oversaw the alert system. What about him? Indeed, what about the state contracting officer who had hired the outfit that made the agency’s software—Alert Solutions, Inc., of California? What about its Israeli founder, Efraim Petel? What about BlackBerry, Ltd., the Canadian multinational that had acquired Petel’s company and inherited its annual maintenance contract with Hawaii? Did BlackBerry CEO John Chen have anything to answer for? No one asked.
Eventually, the source of the panic was uncovered—in the clunky, 
counterintuitive design of the software that the Hawaii Emergency 
Management Agency used. It turns out that, when users engage the missile 
alert prompt in the system, they’re greeted by a drop-down menu with 
only two choices: one to test the missile alarm, and another to sound 
it. A few software designers and “user experience” experts from the tech 
industry faulted this dangerously simplistic virtual construction—a task 
made no doubt easier by their perfect hindsight.
Managers at Starbucks and McDonalds, in the style of British cavalry 
officers in the Crimea, ordered workers to stay on duty, missiles be damned!
But here’s the thing: however much critics and alarmed Hawaiians might 
crave the cathartic release of blaming, and cashiering, a fellow human, 
there was no plausible scapegoat on offer. In other words, the system 
had, in fact, worked as designed—it was just obeying a cosmically 
disastrous user prompt.
Only one month prior to the January fiasco, Miyagi’s agency faced stern 
criticism from the press after emergency sirens failed to sound in a 
nuclear attack drill. Here was something of a photographic negative of 
the missile attack scare, in which the emergency alert system didn’t 
appear to be stoking enough hypothetical alarm. Miyagi reassured the 
Star-Advertiser that despite this testing glitch, his failsafe system 
had actually achieved one of its major goals—alarms could be sounded 
using “a single button in an emergency operations center in Honolulu.” 
Indeed, everyone conceivably responsible in the system’s test run had 
performed more or less to specification.
So the panic-stoking false alarm in January was a snafu of software 
engineering—and the implicit faith that every problem, even nuclear 
apocalypse, awaits a simple, convenient, digital solution. Put another 
way, it was a carefully designed byproduct of computer science.
As if to drive this point home for the world at large, a nearly 
identical false alarm went off three days later, sending out an 
electronic alert about an impending nuclear strike by North Korea. As 
before, there was no missile. This time, the purported target was Japan, 
where, as in Hawaii, millions felt the same terrifying surge of 
adrenaline and apocalyptic dread as they looked to the skies. The state 
broadcaster, NHK, blamed an unexplained “switching error” on an 
unspecified “device.” Translation: someone pressed the wrong button.
Too Brain-dead to Fail

It’s undeniably a good thing that so far these snafus happened with alarm systems rather than missile launchers. But it doesn’t take much imagination to foresee how easily a false alarm could prompt a globally catastrophic retaliatory strike—especially considering how often President Mr. Big Button lets it be known that he trusts Twitter and TV more than his own intelligence officers. In mulling over the multitude of nightmarish possibilities with a writer for The Atlantic, one arms control expert grimly concluded that “there is no fail safe against errors in judgment by human beings or the systems that provide early warning.”
Those systems are also made by human beings, of course. Many are tempted 
to think that the world would be safer if they weren’t—if only somehow 
the systems we depended upon could perfect their own design. Perhaps 
humans should not be trusted with something so important as crafting the 
warning system intended to safeguard the future of the species.
This reflexive distrust of the human mind is the conventional wisdom of 
our technological age. It’s most clearly evidenced in the present 
tech-industry infatuation with “artificial intelligence” startups. But 
almost all political decisions—from the construction of electoral 
districts to the drafting of political slogans to the deployment of 
military drones—now come before nominal human decision-makers only after 
they’ve been filtered through a computerized process. And despite the 
abundant evidence to the contrary, many will tell you this is a good 
thing. But after spending four years immersed in the madness of Silicon 
Valley for a book, I’ve come to a different conclusion. The great peril 
we face comes not from an over-reliance on human judgment, but from a 
distinct lack of it. Indeed, the most bone-jarring risks before us have 
less to do with human error than with engineering hubris—and that hubris 
has been synthesized into the uncritically celebrated discipline of 
computer science. Even more than “military intelligence,” computer 
science is an oxymoron.
The Call-Service Apocalypse

I’m not talking here of the “deep state” or the psyops confecting of a “fake news” campaign or “false flag” operation sprung on unwitting American netizens. The grinding rationalization of pre-existing power relations and bureaucratic prerogative at the heart of computer-science theorizing is nothing so dramatic. Nor is it secret.
No, the plodding, catechistic precepts of software design mainly serve 
to ratify the status quo drudgery of bureaucratic servitude—and indeed 
to elevate it into a theory of crudely incentivized mass deference. 
Strip away the nomenclature of cybernetic systems theory and software 
design, and you have something very close to the plot prospectus for a 
Philip K. Dick novel.
The basic setup is as follows: we’re victims of a terrible subroutine 
that’s been grinding away for more than seventy years within the larger 
program of capitalism. The imperative for economic efficiency has 
created irresistible incentives for the automation of thinking. Every 
decision that can be made in advance by managers, and reduced by 
engineers to a series of switches inside a computer program, has been 
dutifully ground down into a binary decision tree. All that’s left for 
humans is to make a selection from a drop-down menu.
Thus our day-to-day lives have come to resemble a call-center phone 
maze, defined by a wearying succession of false choices—all of them 
miserable—and eventually escalating toward a frustrating confrontation 
with a powerless authority figure. Inevitably, this person cannot help 
because “the computer won’t let me.” Their voice sounds human, but their 
words might as well belong to an AI program, smoothly reciting a 
self-preserving script amid the specter of apocalyptic ruin: I’m sorry, 
Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Biological evolution took sixty-five million years to produce the human 
brain. We outsourced that asset at the earliest opportunity. In a few 
short generations, we’ve reached such an atrophied mental state that 
nuclear geopolitics works exactly like the customer service department 
at Comcast or Wells Fargo.
Engineering Mindlessness

Do I exaggerate? Consider the bloodless, and clueless, way that the national security intelligentsia responded to the Hawaii fiasco. As islanders’ panic subsided, the retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, a CNN commentator, publicly chastised U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who broke protocol by notifying her constituents via Twitter that the missile alert was mistaken. “For the record, Congresswoman Gabbard inserting herself into the process . . . is NOT a good thing,” Hertling wrote. How could it be that the truth—that Hawaiians faced no danger—was too dangerous to speak?
Well, because such notifications fell well outside the boundaries of 
permissible official conduct, as modeled by the software. Hertling 
claimed that military simulations had shown that comparable political 
“interference” in such an emergency could result in tens of thousands of 
additional deaths. Significantly, the final authority in Hertling’s 
ideal scenario did not belong to elected officials who might “interfere” 
with “the process,” but to the process itself—a semi-automated, fully 
computerized system devised and controlled by the military-industrial elite.
How did we get to this seeming endpoint of utterly nonreflective 
computer agency? In the perfect world envisioned by Hertling and 
countless other natsec apparatchiks, the automation of judgment has 
become so thorough, and “the process” so holy, that those authorities 
will insist upon deference to instructions from a computer, even when 
they know the instructions were made in error. What sort of organization 
asks people to behave this way? No participatory government could 
withstand the sort of brainless obedience “the process” demands. 
However, it would certainly be expected inside any authoritarian cult.
The curious thing about the computer-science cult is that it was first 
consolidating in the face of a barrage of criticism warning against just 
this sort of outcome. In the middle of the last century, when cybernetic 
intelligence was still largely a drawing-board proposition, the inherent 
limitations of computers were better understood, even by members of the 
The late MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum, who taught in the computer 
science department, understood the mulish shortcomings of the standard 
computer program better than most of his contemporaries. As a result, he 
ended his career a heretic and an outcast from the field. His first 
heresy was to insist that scientists, who had fallen in love with 
computers, didn’t really need them to do their jobs. For example, he 
noted, the scientists recruited into the Manhattan Project managed to 
invent the atomic bomb without the help of computers. Weizenbaum was 
sure, however, that if those same scientists did have access to 
computers at the time, they would have sworn the job was impossible. In 
other words, he grasped just how seamlessly the power of automation 
worked to indulge our laziest tendencies as a species. Fortune Magazine, 
Up the Academy

In Weizenbaum’s view, many in his field were no more than “tinkerers with techniques”—charlatans who had managed to associate themselves with science in order to “siphon legitimacy from the reservoir it has accumulated.” This insight seems shocking now, at a moment when computer science has casually annexed much of our common world: just because most scientists used computers, didn’t make all computer users scientists.
The curious thing about the computer-science cult is that it was first 
consolidating in the face of a barrage of criticism warning against just 
this sort of outcome.
Weizenbaum blamed “accidents of history” for the christening of computer 
science departments within academia. “All work done in such departments 
is indiscriminately called ‘science,’ even if only part of it deserves 
that honorable appellation,” he lamented. “Not everyone who calls 
himself a singer has a voice.”
As it happened, Weizenbaum got one key point wrong: the elevation of 
computer science was not an accident, but a deliberate branding decision 
made by veterans of the postwar military-industrial complex. These 
grey-suited gadget peddlers banded together to misappropriate the name 
of science in the service of sales. They needed a civilian market for 
their products, and so naturally gravitated toward a sector with deep 
pockets and establishment cachet: the university system.
The first big fish to take the bait was Stanford University provost 
Frederick Terman, a radio engineer by training and an administrator by 
ambition. Although Terman’s role in the development of early Silicon 
Valley has been overshadowed by contemporaries such as William Shockley 
(the notoriously racist physicist and semiconductor-company executive), 
Terman was arguably more important, given his talent for finding 
money—especially grant opportunities from the Defense Department.
In the early 1950s, Terman, then dean of engineering, convinced his 
Stanford superiors to set aside a large parcel of land as an “industrial 
park,” where private tech companies could enjoy favorable leases and 
access to university resources. Hewlett-Packard, cofounded by two of 
Terman’s students, was among the first companies to set up shop at 
Terman’s park, soon to become renowned as the center of Silicon Valley. 
His vision was to position Stanford as an “entrepreneurial university,” 
more responsive to the fleeting imperatives of money and power than to 
pedagogical traditions. In that respect, he was decidedly ahead of his time.
In addition to cutting real-estate deals, Terman also wanted to raise 
the profile of computers on campus. He’d been introduced to the devices 
by his former MIT doctoral adviser, Vannevar Bush, who was the 
government’s chief administrator on the Manhattan Project (and no 
relation to the presidential dynasty). It’s hard to imagine now, with 
men such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos having attained the status of 
billionaire demigods, but in the early 1950s, computer nerds were pretty 
much social nonentities. The gadgeteers lacked the standing of their 
more prestigious contemporaries—mathematicians wrestling with unsolved 
theorems, physicists who tackled cosmic problems by questioning the 
basic assumptions of our perceived reality, and social scientists who 
delved into the ambiguities of human structures and relationships. In 
those departments, computers were seen as mere tools—novelties, even. A 
department dedicated to computers made as much sense as a Department of 
Slide-Rule Studies.
But Terman was undaunted by such narrow thinking. He saw the pecuniary 
gains to be won by catering to the needs of the growing, 
government-backed high-tech industry. He also grasped that the study of 
computers lacked a certain gravitas. And so he decided to conjure the 
field’s animating mission—and far from coincidentally, its fundraising 
appeal—out of thin air, with the assistance of another bureaucratic 
visionary. In 1958, Terman commissioned a computer salesman named Louis 
Fein to study and report on the feasibility of launching a new 
university department devoted to computers.
Synnoetics on the Make

In reaching out to Fein, Terman had selected an ideal emissary for the comp-sci cult’s fundraising gospel. Fein was a former Raytheon engineer who’d worked on missile guidance systems during the war (yes, the cursed missile-tracking platform that triggered mass panic in Hawaii more than half a century later was present at the very creation of computer science). He’d gone on to found his own business based on Raytheon’s technology, called the Computer Control Company. Fein also worked as a consultant for the Stanford Research Institute, another early beachhead in the military-industrial march on American academia. The institute essentially laundered publicly funded research through its nonprofit status, prior to the work’s eventual patenting, privatization, and profiteering at the hands of savvy middlemen like Fein. Such institutes created a system whereby the taxpayers would pick up the bill for research leading to such innovations as the computer mouse and the internet, but the profits from their commercialization would accrue to a few lucky insiders.
Fein approached his task by reading narrowly and schmoozing widely. In 
1961, he published a kind of manifesto in American Scientist magazine. 
Fein’s paper was framed as a fictional speech by a prestigious 
university president, set in the future year of 1975, and looking back 
upon the tremendous progress of “the computer-related sciences” in their 
long slog toward respectability. Fein’s narrator, a thinly veiled alter 
ego, proposed that the burgeoning field of “computer-related sciences” 
be further elevated with a new moniker, one scarcely heard since: 
This new field, Fein insisted, was about more than computers—although 
“we were acutely aware of the public relations value of this word.” 
Synnoetics would encompass not only computers—which were “but one 
species of automata,” he wrote—but cybernetics, “intellectronics,” and 
other buzzwords that might as well have come from a Bay Area TED Talk 
circa 2010.
Still, Fein’s central neologism hinted at grander ambitions. The word 
synnoetics, “derived from the Greek, means pooling together the 
resources of the mind,” Fein explained. Synnoetic technologies would 
enhance man’s ability to solve problems—“to lift himself by his own 
bootstraps.” As he saw it, synnoetics was “supradisciplinary”—its 
purported power to improve human mental abilities placed it above other 
fields. (Here, Fein echoes the allied academic cult of neoliberal 
economics, which has tirelessly sought to promote itself to the 
credulous world at large as “the imperial science”—i.e., the discipline 
that effectively explains, and rules over, all others.)
As he laid out his vision, it became clear that Fein had grand designs 
for the spread of computer-driven inquiry throughout the known 
intellectual world. He gushed over how the computers would elevate the 
practice of “engineering, law, music, chemistry, physics, medicine, 
psychology, and other disciplines”—but especially “management and 
control.” Tellingly, the first example he concocted to demonstrate the 
power of applied synnoetics involved the deployment of robot Pinkertons 
to break a strike. “I am sure you all recall how the famous strike of 
1970 was settled when one of our faculty mediators used an automaton to 
aid both parties in agreeing to what was at once an optimum settlement 
for both sides,” Fein wrote. There should be no mystery why Fein’s 
fantasies exerted instant and widespread appeal for administrators and 
The Boss’s Data

It’s important to recall, at this late date in the computerized enclosure of the American commons, that Fein was not proposing anything resembling the promiscuously mobile and networked computer scene of the twenty-first century. In the early postwar period, computers were rare, expensive, and so big they might take up entire rooms. But in his manifesto, Fein described an arrangement whereby these apparent disadvantages could be leveraged to the benefit of the computerized campus.
Universities could buy computers at a discount from the manufacturers, 
on the condition that they train a certain number of students, staff, 
and faculty in how to operate the devices—thus effectively covering the 
cost of workforce training for those companies. As an added sideline, 
universities could sell time on their fancy new machines to interested 
third parties, especially private companies. Adopting this model, the 
university computer lab immediately became a profit center, and faculty 
from other departments found themselves competing for resources with 
private companies that had become paying customers of the university.
Stanford established its division of computer science in 1963; it became 
a full-fledged department two years later. (Purdue’s computer science 
department came earlier, in 1962, also at Fein’s urging.) Fein took his 
show on the road and began pitching the lucrative new field to 
universities all over the United States and Europe. Other 
“entrepreneurial” institutions such as MIT hopped aboard the bandwagon, 
and as the Cold War escalated, computer science departments sprouted 
across the campuses of the land like poisonous mushrooms.
At least 295 U.S. colleges and universities offer degrees in computer 
science. Graduates number in the many tens of thousands each year, and 
their ranks swell with double-digit annual percentage growth rates as 
colleges embrace their new role as glorified job-training centers, and 
students flock to the promise of a secure career path. Politicians, too, 
have seized upon the purported value of computer mastery as the solution 
to all social and economic ills.
Coding with Impunity

The term synnoetics obviously never caught on. But Fein’s concept of computer science as a “supradiscipline” definitely did. Computer science is the most exalted field in the new academic paradigm of STEM supremacy. The profit- fueled fetish for “digital learning” has coincided with the chauvinist denigration of the humanities and social sciences. Computer skills have become synonymous with talent and ingenuity. And the occupation of programming, which in its earliest iteration carried the stigma of “women’s work,” has become a high-status, highly compensated, and highly male-dominated field. The tech bros are all ninjas and rock stars in their own minds and ours. The most powerful among them, like Google’s Sergey Brin, actually aspire to become immortal gods.
And yet the problems with computer science as any sort of credible 
stand-alone academic discipline are persistent and well known. A 2006 
study by Michael J. Quinn, a computer science professor at Oregon State 
University, polled a sample of fifty accredited computer science 
programs to determine how they taught students about ethical 
issues—presuming, that is, they even bothered to try. Most gave ethics 
minimal consideration—a single credit hour’s worth, taught either by a 
professor inside the computer science department (unversed in ethics) or 
an outsider from the philosophy departments (ignorant of computers). 
Despite two-plus decades of study by the National Science Foundation on 
the marked inadequacy of ethics instruction in the field, ethics and 
humanities education in computer science departments has scarcely 
improved, even as the tech industry has swallowed an ever-increasing 
share of the economy. Even the conservative Stanford Review, founded by 
the right-wing venture capitalist Peter Thiel when he was a student, 
last year complained that the university’s ethical instruction for 
computer science students was “insufficient.”
“Computer science” is something more pernicious than a non-science—it is 
an outright enemy of scientific reasoning.
While the plaint about missing ethics curricula may seem like so much 
humanist caviling, it actually highlights a deep and abiding flaw in the 
conception of computer science. In practical terms, the omission of such 
instruction, or any other form of reflexive self-criticism within the 
field, means that mercenary military contractors funded the creation of 
a pedagogy without ethics, which supplied the labor for a tech industry 
without ethics, which powered the rise of state-sanctioned monopoly tech 
corporations that exercise unprecedented control over global markets and 
have intrusive access to all the digitized data of our lives. In a 
nightmare fulfillment of Fein’s original vision, the dogmas of this 
industry, branded as computer science, infect everything—even the 
proposed solutions to problems created by the industry.
Garbage In

Which opens, in turn, to an awkward question: What if the problems with “computer science” aren’t fixable? What if the real problem is that the field never deserved the respect it has obtained—or, more precisely, purchased? What if the early academic skeptics of “computer science,” who considered these devices to be mere tools—people like Weizenbaum, and his MIT colleague Norbert Wiener, a math professor who dismissed the computer obsessives as incurious “gadget worshippers”—were correct? In retrospect, it’s clear that their objections were never answered in any substantive fashion, but merely overruled by profit-minded administrators.
It’s now painfully clear that computer science is not actually a 
science, by the simplest definition of that word—a method of obtaining, 
organizing, and analyzing knowledge about the universe. Granted, 
computers may assist with the tasks of obtaining, organizing, and 
analyzing. But “computer science” as a specialized field of 
gadget-enabled inquiry is not concerned with the natural universe—it is, 
rather, engaged in exploring an entirely fabricated universe that exists 
inside the computer. By virtue of their influence in society as tycoons 
and technocrats, the computer scientists demand that we must adapt to 
fit their models.
Defenders of the field maintain that this myopic concentration of 
collective effort is a feature, not a bug—and, what’s more, that 
anything that exists outside the machine can be input and modeled inside 
it. In this respect, the gadget worshippers again invite comparison with 
their dismal cousins, the classical economists. Both disciplines draw 
conclusions from fabricated simulacra, models based on how they imagine 
things ought to work—rather than through patient, ongoing observation of 
how they actually do work. The universe is alive, but every computer 
algorithm is dead on arrival.
Strip away the nomenclature of cybernetic systems theory and software 
design, and you have something very close to the plot prospectus for a 
Philip K. Dick novel.
In sizing up the gross cognitive deficiencies of computer science, 
Weizenbaum went even further, noting that every computer system “permits 
the asking of only certain kinds of questions” and “accepts only certain 
kinds of ‘data.’” To create a computer program is not to enhance one’s 
mental abilities, as boosters like Fein claimed, but rather to restrict 
one’s options to a set of (always biased and often mistaken) 
assumptions. “A computing system has effectively closed many doors that 
were open before it was installed,” Weizenbaum wrote.
Because it is devoted to the creation of systems that limit choice, 
“computer science” is something more pernicious than a non-science—it is 
an outright enemy of scientific reasoning. As digitization has polluted 
our conception of reality by shifting our focus to inferior models, it 
has crippled our imaginations by restricting what we consider legitimate 
“input”: if it’s not online, it doesn’t exist.
Worse, as Weizenbaum noted, the sprawling complexity of any computer 
system meant that it “cannot even in principle be understood by those 
who rely on it.” How could true scientists put all their trust in tools 
they cannot explain?
Thinking Like a Data State

The uninterrogated premises of computer science have now worked, as critics like Weizenbaum foresaw, to concentrate lethal quantities of social and military power in the hands of dubiously accountable agents of the security state and the neoliberal political economy.
Now applied computer science concerns itself with the technological 
refinement of the police state, otherwise known as “cybersecurity.” In 
civilian commercial applications, the focus is much as Fein foresaw—with 
computer-powered startups concerned chiefly with the pillaging of labor. 
There’s little need for robot Pinkertons, because the bright minds of 
Silicon Valley have done their part to ensure that workers are so 
thoroughly atomized by the “gig economy” that organizing to make 
collective demands has become almost unimaginable.
And in a development that an arch-disruptor like Fein would have 
relished, the all-consuming supradiscipline of synnoetics has even begun 
to nibble at the belly of the universities that spawned it. Why bother 
funding traditional universities, with vestigial departments promoting 
obsolete subjects, when schools could be structured for the sole purpose 
of teaching people how to work computers? Hence the recent spread of 
for-profit, unaccredited, learn-to-code “boot camps,” where dislocated 
workers trade the skills of their former trades and crafts for a 
brighter future pushing buttons. There are at least ninety-five 
companies running such coding boot camps around the country, graduating 
nearly 23,000 students last year and charging an average of $11,400 in 
tuition fees for a typical fourteen-week course, according to Course 
Report, a startup that tracks and promotes the fast-growing industry. 
Many boot camps are pitched as socially beneficial worker-retraining 
programs. They’ve been so ineffective in that regard that at least one 
coding boot camp, targeting unemployed miners in Appalachia, has 
inspired a class-action lawsuit on the grounds that students were 
inadequately trained and didn’t receive their promised stipends. What’s 
more, the complaint reportedly alleges that not a single student found 
work in a tech job, although placement was “guaranteed.”
But even when such programs meet their promises, the enterprise remains 
a dubious one. Students pay tuition in order to learn how to write 
software that will one day take over their own jobs, without being 
taught to question why. Obedience is simply baked into the coders’ 
curriculum. Indeed, the very name of these courses—“boot camps”—recalls 
the martial origins of the industry.
The Great Dictators

Computer science education inevitably promotes authoritarianism. In the best-case scenario, graduates of these programs will go on to toil as “code monkeys” in the most despotic corners of capitalism—weapons manufacturing, robotics and AI, and finance. On a deeper level, they will absorb the innately authoritarian assumptions of the field. The binary worldview, with no tolerance for ambiguity, has created some disturbing mental excretions. Last year a college instructor in Boston shared with me the following note, written by a student, and apparently lost or discarded. The context of its creation is a mystery, but nevertheless, it represents a grim snapshot of our intellectual moment.
• Authoritarian leaders would be more effective for technology, 
engineering, and more scientific related companies because those are the 
kinds of jobs you are either right or wrong and involve the most 
centered and determined employees.
• Democratic leaders would fit inn [sic] in a more political and social 
environment because in this industry decisions affect more people and 
are better made with the opinions of a group of people.
Of course, it’s not only students who’ve intuited the integral 
connection between technology and authoritarianism, while suggesting 
that the former justifies the latter. Sam Altman, the reliably pompous 
president of the tech venture capital fund Y Combinator, went so far as 
to praise the ancillary benefits to “innovation” of China’s notoriously 
restrictive, censorship-addicted one-party system in a December blog 
post. “I realized I felt more comfortable discussing controversial ideas 
in Beijing than in San Francisco,” Altman wrote. “That showed me just 
how bad things have become” back home. Bad for who, though? Altman 
lamented that “credible people” in his circles had left the Bay Area 
because “they found the reaction to their work to be so toxic.” Not so 
in China! Techies there, freed from American-style “political 
correctness,” may gleefully explore such “heresies” as “pharmaceuticals 
for intelligence augmentation, genetic engineering, and radical life 
extension,” Altman gushed. Funny, he never mentioned the Chinese 
government’s Great Firewall—the world’s most comprehensive and effective 
system of internet censorship—or the tens of thousands of 
dissent-crushing online speech monitors it employs, or the policy of 
re-education through labor, which once upon a time would’ve sent 
quasi-libertarian tycoons like Altman into spasms of indignation. But 
hey, the Chinese government lets scientists clone primates, so who cares 
about the political prisoners? How quickly the techies’ righteous esteem 
for freedom of thought vanishes when the powers that be promise them new 
toys to play with.
This political tendency is one that dates to the early days of the 
field. In his most important book, Computer Power and Human Reason, 
published in 1976, Weizenbaum depicts the computer as a reactionary 
device. Since its invention, he wrote, the computer “was used to 
conserve America’s social and political institutions. It buttressed them 
and immunized them, at least temporarily, against enormous pressures for 
The conventional wisdom in his field held that society relied upon 
computers to solve increasingly complex problems created by burgeoning 
populations and new technologies—especially nuclear weapons. It was said 
that computers had arrived “just in time” to help capitalist society 
cope with rapidly increasing complexity. “Yes, the computer did arrive 
‘just in time,’” Weizenbaum wrote. “But in time for what? In time to 
save—and save very nearly intact, indeed, to entrench and 
stabilize—social and political structures that otherwise might have been 
either radically renovated or allowed to totter under the demands that 
were sure to be made on them.”
Weizenbaum believed computers were standing in the way of necessary 
revolution. He grew disgusted by his colleagues’ amoral servility before 
power. And he was unwilling to let them off the hook for enabling 
monstrous abuses by the powers that be, especially warmongers like 
Robert McNamara, who carpet-bombed Southeast Asian peasants with 
statistical perfection. “The scientist and the technologist can no 
longer avoid the responsibility for what he does,” Weizenbaum wrote.
Weizenbaum was also among the first thinkers in the field to recognize 
that code was ideology. He saw computers as the natural product of an 
imperialistic process that had corrupted and “reduced reason itself to 
only its role in the domination of things, man, and, finally, nature.” 
In this flattened-out world of instrumental reason, every stroke of the 
keyboard is an offering to the war machine, and every swipe of the 
touchscreen is a little prayer of thanks to the Pentagon, which made it 
all possible.
Meanwhile, as Weizenbaum observed, computers served as dispensers of 
moral indulgences for powerful decision-makers. “The computer, as 
presently used by the technological elite, is not a cause of anything. 
It is rather an instrument pressed into the service of rationalizing, 
supporting, and sustaining the most conservative, indeed, reactionary, 
ideological components of the current Zeitgeist,” he wrote. 
Computerization meant that no one had any incentive to take 
responsibility for difficult decisions—and, by the same token, no one 
could be held accountable for bad ones. Sound familiar?
Toggling Toward Bethlehem

In the course of researching this story, I slogged through several hundred pages of federal technical manuals and how-to guides for states and localities interested in adopting the emergency management system created by President Bush’s executive order in 2006. As with any computer-driven process, the most important choices have already been made. The first order of business on one federal to-do list for local authorities is to go shopping—rather, to “select IPAWS compatible software.” As it happens, the feds publish a list of pre-approved vendors with off-the-shelf solutions, and the importance of “private sector partners” is frequently stressed in official materials. “It is clearly in the national interest to ensure private sector participation,” notes FEMA’s June 2010 Strategic Plan for the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Program. Incidentally, it turns out, FEMA will not provide technical support. Instead, local authorities are advised to “contact your vendor.”
The profit-fueled fetish for “digital learning” has coincided with the 
chauvinist denigration of the humanities and social sciences. Computer 
skills have become synonymous with talent and ingenuity.
Which is exactly what Hawaii state officials did after the false missile 
alarm of January 13. They were quick to publicize a short list of fast 
fixes, none of which were “ditch this stupid software and go back to 
using the telephone.” In the state’s final investigative report on the 
matter, conducted by a retired brigadier general in the Hawaii National 
Guard and released January 29, the employee who sent the alarm, 
initially described as an experienced veteran—who would not lose his or 
her job over the incident—was recast as a longstanding “source of 
concern” who had more than once seemed “confused” when it came to 
distinguishing drills and real emergencies. The employee was fired after 
all, and the agency administrator, Miyagi, also resigned. Heads rolled. 
Problem solved?
Until the next false alarm, we must reckon with the knowledge that the 
fragile, clumsy, harebrained system put in place to alert the public of 
impending nuclear disaster closely mirrors the antiquated, harebrained 
system that will be used to create a nuclear disaster. Thanks, computer 
science! The discipline has given us a system that can only ask, “Shall 
we launch the missiles now? Or shall we merely pretend to launch some 
missiles?” For all the trillions of dollars poured into military 
research and Silicon Valley solutions over the past seven decades, not a 
single member of that gadget-worshipping cabal has yet given the 
president a “peace” button to push.
That’s because peace, like every important problem we still face as a 
species, exceeds the conceptual scope of the servile tinkerers and their 
phony “science.” Louis Fein, the scapegoat of this story, disagreed, of 
course. In his defense, he seems to have meant well. “What the hell are 
we making these machines for, if not to free people?” he told a Time 
magazine reporter in 1965. The question came perhaps a little too late.
Programming for Peace

In 1963, a full year after the Cuban missile crisis, Fein published still another paper on what he saw as the boundless potential of computer science. In it, he proposed a six-phase program “on the prevention of nuclear war and the establishment of the basis for future peace on Earth.” True, war may have plagued every previous generation of humanity. But those people didn’t have computers—or the next best thing, computer consultants. “Imagine,” Fein began, “a management consulting and research type of organization called, say, the Universal Study Center for the Salvage and Reorganization of Institutions in Imminent Danger of Destruction Applying Computers Wherever Feasible (USCSRIIDDACWF).”
Perhaps humans should not be trusted with something so important as 
crafting the warning system intended to safeguard the future of the species.
Inputs might include Christian teachings about universal love, as well 
as (pre-USSR) Marxist doctrines. Upon crunching the relevant data, Fein 
wrote, USCSRIIDDACWF’s computers would prescribe “an optimum Earth 
reorganization”—revolution at the push of a button.
If only his computers were programmed correctly, and supplied with the 
right sort of information, Fein imagined that they would produce 
invaluable “strategies and tactics” for the shift to a “democratic 
socialist society where the Augustinian slogan ‘from each according to 
his ability and to each according to his need’ would be the guiding 
policy for the prevention of war and the establishment of peace and 
Fein understood that opposition to this program would be 
“all-pervasive.” He conceded that “obtaining moral and financial support 
. . . may be extremely difficult.” Maybe, he thought, the United Nations 
would help? Or perhaps the March of Dimes could be used as a fundraising 
At last the great intellectual forefather of computer science dared to 
venture beyond the binary scheme of cognitive deference to synnoetics 
and pre-filtered menu choices, into the world that humans actually 
inhabit. And tellingly, he could only imagine funding and defending the 
effort, not from the largesse of the Cold War national security state, 
but via a door-to-door philanthropic appeal. His goals may have been 
noble, but how impoverished his imagination had grown by overexposure to 
that computerized milieu.
Unwittingly, Fein furnished a sort of parable for the digital age: the 
regime of maximally programmed deference to authority can’t magically 
remedy, by user command, all the many social pathologies that it has 
conspired to create. The problem is, no one’s about to learn that in any 
computer-science class.

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